California statute requires that every teacher who provides instructional services to an English Learner be authorized to provide specialized instruction for those learners. This instruction would either 1) help the learners to understand instruction that is taught only in English, 2) help the learners develop their ability to listen, speak, read and write in English, 3) be provided in the learners' primary language as English is acquired, or 4) be taught in a language other than English for those learners in a dual immersion program. These are more commonly referred to as English Language Development (ELD), Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE), also referred to as ‘integrated’ language development, and bilingual instruction.
Different authorizations are available for distinct purposes and credential holders.
English Learner Authorization
CTEL Programs for the Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Authorization
This authorization is for teachers who are prepared out of state and do not have an approved English Learner authorization or for California prepared teachers who earned a Ryan or Standard teaching credentials prior to the inclusion of the ELA preparation and authorization within the preliminary teacher credential. The certificate authorizes holders to provide instruction in both English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). The Certificate may be earned by examination, an approved program of coursework, or a combination approved by a CTEL program sponsor.
- California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Program Handbook [MS Word]
- English Learner Authorization/ CLAD Certificate Leaflet [PDF]
- Matrix showing Standards and Essential Questions [MS Word]
- Program Sponsor Alert 16-11: English Learner Authorization for Holders of Preliminary Teaching Credentials [PDF]
- Program Sponsor Alert 09-06 (Updated 7-15-09) [PDF]: Options for English Learner Authorization
- CTEL examination information
Approved CTEL programs may elect to provide coursework that satisfies the requirement of the Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (SB 1292, 2006) for CTE teachers and those with Services Credentials with Special Class Authorization. If the program intends to work with CTE teachers, then the Guidelines Matrix must be completed and submitted to the Commission. There are no CTEL Programs offering this option.
- PSA 10-05 -- Guidance to CTEL Program Sponsors Regarding Coursework to meet requirements for CCSD [PDF]
- SB 1292-CTEL Guidelines Matrix [MS Word]
Program development information: contact
Application procedures and requirements: contact Information Services at
Bilingual Authorization
Teachers who hold a bilingual authorization may provide instruction in the authorized language, in English, in English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). This authorization is a supplement to a Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist teaching credential. It may be earned concurrently with the credential or after the initial credential has been earned. Candidates may earn the authorization through examination, approved programs, or approved programs aligned with examination subtests.
Technical AssistanceBilingual Authorization Transition Technical Assistance, November 15, 2022
Presentation Slides
Program Information
2021 Bilingual Authorization Educator Preparation Preconditions, Program Standards, and BTPEs
-Handbook for preconditions, program standards, and BTPEs
BTPE Course Matrix
-Candidate competencies for the Bilingual Authorization
Bilingual Authorization Standards and BTPE Crosswalk
-The crosswalk is available as a resource that identifies concepts in the 2021 bilingual authorization program standards and BTPEs that relate to topics from the bilingual authorization program standards 2008.
Program Planning Questions
-Resource guide for institutions as they design and implement
the updated standards and new BTPEs
Bilingual Authorization Transition Plan – Due February 21, 2023
-Transition Plans must be posted to your accreditation website and the URL submitted to by February 21, 2023
Submitting a Proposal for a New Educator Preparation Program
-Instructions for institutions wishing to add a new Bilingual Authorization program or other educator preparation program
Adding a Language to an Existing Bilingual Authorization Program
-Instructions for Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization programs wishing to add an additional language to their existing program.
Educator Supply – Bilingual Authorizations Issued
-Provides the number of Bilingual Authorizations issued in California by language and document in the last ten years.
Commission-approved Institutions and Programs
-Find a Commission-approved institution offering California educator preparation programs
Bilingual Authorization Leaflet (CL:628B)
-Provides credentialing requirements for the Bilingual Authorization
Policy Documents
Approval of Amendments to Title 5 of California Code of Regulations Pertaining to English Learner and Bilingual Authorizations (December 23, 2010)
Examination information
California Subject Examinations for Teachers: World Languages (CSET:WL) addresses the competence requirements for the Bilingual Authorization and can be found at The examination route for this authorization is the CSET: WL. Candidates take examinations on language, bilingual methodology and culture of emphasis. These are:
- CSET: WL II or III (depending upon the language) - Language Competence
- CSET: WL IV - Bilingual Education and Bilingualism; Intercultural Communication; and Instruction and Assessment
- CSET: WL V - Geographic and Historical Contexts; Sociopolitical and Sociocultural Contexts
For more information
Program development information: contact Application procedures and requirements: contact Information Services at
The Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) based on SB 1292 (2006) Guidelines
The Certificate of Completion of Staff Development program (CCSD) allows Career Technical Education Teachers and those with Services Credentials with Special Class Authorization to earn an authorization to provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) to English learners (EL) within the subject matter content and grade level of the holder’s prerequisite credential.
- CCSD - SB 1292 (2006) Handbook
The Handbook includes the guidelines and information on how to submit proposals for Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) programs for review.- MS Word Version
- PDF Version
- CCSD - SB 1292 (2006) Guidelines [MS Word]
- CCSD Leaflet (CL 824)
- Coded Correspondence 08-04 [PDF] -- Implementation of Senate Bill 1292 (Chap. 752, Stats. 2006) Guidelines-- English Learner Staff Development for Career Technical Education Teachers and Holders of Service Credentials with a Special Class Authorization.
For more information
Program information: contact
Application procedures and requirements: contact Information Services at