Educators can renew the following documents using CTC Online:
- Clear Credentials or Level II Credentials
- Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permits
- Child Development Permits at the Teacher Level and Above
For more information on renewal requirements and which documents can and cannot be renewed online, please refer to the Documents That Are Not Renewable Online section on this page, as well as the Renewal and Reissuance of Credentials Leaflet.
Note: Online renewals are typically processed within 10 business days (unless additional information is requested from our Division of Professional Practices).
How To Renew Your Document
- Login to your CTC Online Account
Continue to the Educator Documents page, which will display after the Legal Disclaimer and Personal Information pages.
Scroll to the bottom of the Educator Documents page, and click the Complete Application for Renewal button.

Find and select the document you want to renew.
For help finding a document, please refer to the How to View, Print, and Email Documents page.
If you do not see your document, please view the "My document is not displaying under the renewal section" item on the Common Application and Payment Issues page.

Under the Choose Yes to Renew column, click the drop-down arrow and change the selection from a "No" to a "Yes".
Note: If you can not find your document, please reach out using the Contact Credentialing web form for assistance.

If applicable, choose a Base Credential
This step only applies to Dependent Credentials. For more information, please refer to the Dependent Credentials section on this page.
For instructions on how to choose a Base Credential, please refer to the Choosing a Base Credential section on this page.

Repeat steps 2-5 for each eligible document you wish to renew.
Then click Complete to continue.

Finally, complete the Professional Fitness Questions (PFQs) and submit your payment to complete the online application.
If successful, the document will no longer display under the Renew Your Document section.
For information on how to check the status of your application, please refer to the Check Application Status page.
Documents That Are Not Renewable Online
The following types of documents cannot be renewed online:
Preliminary/Level I Credentials
Preliminary/Level I Credentials are valid for up to five years and are not renewable. These documents need to be cleared to be reissued. Information on clearing your preliminary document can be found on the Clear Your Credential page.
The Certificate of Clearance (COC) and Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC) are not renewable. If your COC or ASCC has expired and your employer or program sponsor requires you to hold a valid COC or ASCC you must re-apply for a new one online.
Assistant and Associate Teacher Child Development Permits:
The Assistant and Associate Teacher Permits must be renewed via paper application
Emergency Permits or Waivers
Emergency permits or Waivers may not be renewed. Please communicate with your employer if you hold an emergency document that is set to expire.
Limited Teaching or Services Permits
Limited teaching or services permits are only issued at the request of an employer and have specific renewal requirements that must be completed to renew. Contact your employer for assistance with such permit renewals.
Life Credentials
Life credentials are valid for the life of the holder and do not require renewal. Life credentials were issued until September 1, 1985, but are no longer initially issued. Previously issued life documents continue to be valid.
Renewal Responsibility/When Should I Renew My Credential?
A document may be renewed up to one year before its expiration date if all renewal requirements have been met.
Renewal Reminder
As a courtesy, the Commission will send an email reminder 90 days before the expiration of a document that is renewable online. Educators who do not have a current email address on file or whose renewal must be submitted by mail will not receive this reminder.
The document holder is solely responsible for completing requirements and renewing on time. Individuals who do not receive the reminder email are not exempt from the responsibility of renewing their documents on time.
Dependent Credentials
A Dependent Credential is a credential that can only be issued to individuals who already hold a Base (or Prerequisite) Credential.
- Examples of Base Credentials: Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Single Subject Teaching Credential, Education Specialist Instruction Credential
- Examples of Dependent Credentials: Administrative Services Credential, Reading Specialist Credential
When renewing your Dependent Credential, you will need to pair it with a Base Credential by following the instructions in the Picking a Base Credential section on this page.
You should renew both your basic teaching credential and your dependent credential in the same transaction. If you do not renew both documents at the same time, the system may not allow you to renew the dependent credential until the basic credential has been renewed. Likewise, if you renew the dependent credential without renewing your basic teaching credential, the dependent credential may not be issued for a full five years.
Applying for the Remainder of the Time
Dependent credentials are not valid past the expiration date of the basic teaching credential. They are often issued the same expiration date as the basic credential and therefore may not be issued for a full five years.
If your preliminary dependent credential was not issued for a full five years, you can apply for the remainder of the time. To apply, you will need to:
- Submit Form 41-4 to the Commission
- Select the appropriate credential type in Section 3
- Write "Remainder of Time" in the Comments box on page 5
Choosing a Base Credential
Choosing a Base Credential is only necessary when renewing a Dependent Credential. For more information, please refer to the Dependent Credentials section on this page.
Click the arrow on the right of the Pick Base Credential box. This will open a pop-up window that shows the documents that are eligible to serve as your Basic Credential.

Select the Base Credential with the latest expiration date by clicking on the small arrow at the left of the row. To sort the rows by expiration date, click on the up/down arrows under the Document Expiration Date heading.
Tip: If the Pick Base Credential box and arrow are not showing, click in the area below the "sort/lock" arrows. This should cause the box to change colors and the arrow to display.

- Select OK to populate the Pick Base Credential field.
If you are having trouble Choosing a Base Credential, please refer to the "I cannot enter a base credential in the Pick Base Credential field" section on the Common Application and Payment Issues page.
Expired Documents
A document does not need to be renewed unless the holder requires it for employment purposes.
There is no penalty for letting a document expire as long as it is not required for an assignment. Expired documents may be renewed at any time as long as the requirements are met.
Note: if your document has been expired for more than 18 months, you may be required to submit new fingerprint information.