The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) developed, implemented and improved the quality of surveys as part of the effort to streamline and strengthen the Commission’s accreditation system. There are seven credential program completer surveys, as well as, a survey of mentor teachers and of employers. Four program completer teaching surveys are organized under the six domains of the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and/or California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). Two of the Administrative Services program completer surveys are organized by the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs) and/or California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL). An “Other Educator” program completer survey includes all other services and selected specialist teaching preparation programs.

This page provides the links to a specific survey with survey questions and results for the last five years, and includes a Statewide Snapshots dashboard of the survey respondents’ perceptions on the overall effectiveness of the credential preparation program. Respondents to the program completer surveys are recommended for a credential and accessed the survey between academic year September 1 and August 31 annually. The Mentor Teacher survey is administered between September 1 and August 31 annually; and the Employer survey is administered between October 1 to December 31 annually. The data reported through the program completer survey process represent the self-reported individual perceptions of candidates who have completed the preliminary or clear preparation program or others with knowledge of the preparation program. Individual completers who elected to complete the survey voluntarily provided answers under conditions of anonymity.

To download data from the Statewide Snapshots dashboard, go to the Data and Resources section at the bottom of the page. Access the Glossary for more information about terms used on this page. Access the How to Use Dashboards page for tips on how to search and view data on the Statewide Snapshots.

Updated October 16, 2024