Title II is a federal mandate. Sections 205 through 208 of the Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) call for accountability for programs that prepare teachers. The Higher Education Act was signed in 1998, and legislation was reauthorized in 2008. California Commission-approved institutions that offer preliminary teaching programs report annually to the States in April. States report annually to the U.S. Department of Education in October.  Annual state reports including data files are available on the Title II Higher Education Act website.

What’s New?

2023-24 Data Collection Website is open now!
Title II Phase I: Program Data Collection website has been activated for the 2023-24 reporting period. Please log onto the Title II Data Collection and Reporting website and download your program's Data Collection Worksheet. You can also view the Title II Pass Rate Data Collection and Reporting Schedule web page.
-October 23, 2024

2020 Title II Webinars
Commission staff facilitated a one-hour Title II webinar on November 17th and 18th.  Over 70 individuals participated. Staff provided information on the 2019-20 Title II reporting requirements and where to access Title II data on the Commission’s website. 

Webinar recording from November 17, 2020
Webinar Questions and Answers
-December 16, 2020

Dashboards and Annual Report Cards

Background Information

As it pertains to the work of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission), AB 2086 adds to the provisions relating to the California Education Information System Legislative intent that, as the California Education Information System is implemented over time, access to public information already available on various measures of the quality of teacher preparation programs be available in electronic format and be accessible to the extent practicable through downloadable pages and reports accessible to the public in a consolidated manner. This bill also requires all teacher preparation programs to provide information, as specified, to prospective candidates regarding the license examination passage rates of completers for the most recent available year, if that data is available electronically through the Commission's Internet Web. Finally, the Commission is required to provide all teacher preparation programs with the appropriate electronic link to comply with the information mandate above. To the extent feasible, the link may also include access to additional data from the Commission and from the California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education system regarding the types of programs offered and data on program effectiveness. This bill took effect January 1, 2010.

Title II Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008 by the HEOA

Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act mandates that Department of Education collect data on state assessments, other requirements, and standards for teacher certification and licensure, as well as data on the performance of teacher preparation programs. The law requires the Secretary to use these data in submitting an annual report on the quality of teacher preparation to the Congress. Data from institutions with teacher preparation programs are due to states annually, beginning April 30, 2010, for use by states in preparing annual report cards to the Secretary.


Pearson is the Title II State Contractor and it manages the Title II Phase I: Pass Rate Data Collection website

Trewon Technologies is the Title II Federal Contractor and it manages the Title II Phase II: Institutional and Program Report Card (IPRC).
Title II Support Center:

Updated October 23, 2024