In order to offer an educator preparation (credential) program in California, institutions must
1) be a Commission-approved program sponsor* and
2) follow the Commission approval process for Initial Program Approval as noted below.
*Please note: If you are not a Commission-approved program sponsor, you must first complete the Initial Institutional Approval Process

Only Commission-approved program sponsors with programs that have been approved by the Committee on Accreditation, may recommend candidates for a credential or certificate in California.

How to Submit an IPR Proposal for a new Educator Preparation Program

For an educator preparation program to receive Initial Program Approval, institutions must follow the Initial Program Review (IPR) process. Questions related to a Commission-approved program sponsor proposing a new educator preparation program should be sent to

How to Submit a Proposal for a new Subject Matter Program

For a subject matter program to receive Commission approval, institutions must follow the subject matter preparation program approval process. Questions related to new programs for subject matter preparation should be sent to

Updated February 08, 2022