The Commission publishes a variety of data dashboards and reports to provide access, transparency, and accountability of data. This section is specifically targeted at individuals looking for Commission data relating to legislative reports (i.e., Accreditation, Teacher Supply, and Annual Report Cards on Teacher Preparation Programs (Title II), Commission-approved programs and institutions, Program Completion Surveys, and Educator supply and demand.
For information about how educators can apply, renew or request information about their credential, go to the Credential Information page.
See also: All Reports & Data
Dec 5 2024
This report provides an annual update, including background information and data, on the California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program as required by statute for transmittal to the Legislature by January 1st for each year of the grant program.
Dec 5 2024
This report provides an annual update, including background information and data, on the Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Grants Program as required by statute for transmittal to the Legislature each year of the grant program.
Dec 1 2023
This report provides information and data to the Department of Finance and the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the legislature on the effectiveness of the 2018 Teacher Residency Grant Program.
Dec 1 2023
This report provides information and data to the Department of Finance and the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the legislature on the effectiveness of the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers Grant Program.
Dec 13 2022
This report provides an annual update, including background information and data, on the California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program as required by statute for transmittal to the Legislature by January 1st for each year of the grant program.
Apr 30 2020
AB 471 requires that the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing report to the Governor and the Legislature each year on the number of teachers who received credentials, certificates, permits and waivers. This report provides data collected by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) and addresses several questions regarding the supply of teachers newly available to teach in California classrooms.
Apr 16 2019
AB 471 requires that the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing report to the Governor and the Legislature each year on the number of teachers who received credentials, certificates, permits and waivers. This report provides data collected by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) and addresses several questions regarding the supply of teachers newly available to teach in California classrooms.
Apr 17 2018
AB 471 requires that the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing report to the Governor and the Legislature each year on the number of teachers who received credentials, certificates, permits and waivers. This report provides data collected by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) and addresses several questions regarding the supply of teachers newly available to teach in California classrooms.
Dec 20 2017
Education Code (EC) §44258.9 requires that the Commission on Teacher Credentialing biennially report to the Governor and Legislature the result of assignment monitoring for certificated employees in California as submitted by the County Offices of Education. The 2016 Assignment Monitoring Report includes data for California's lowest performing schools ranked in Deciles 1, 2 and 3 of the 2009 Base Academic Performance Index (API) for the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years (excluding charter schools). In addition, this report includes assignment monitoring data for certificated staff in all California public schools (excluding charter schools). This data is collected on a four-year monitoring cycle and includes aggregate data from the 2011-2012 through 2014-2015 academic years.
Jun 17 2016
Pursuant to SB 173 (Chap. 545, Stats. 2014), this report provides an overview and comparison of the requirements for instructors of adult education at K-12 schools and at community colleges in California. The report was prepared jointly by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.
Dec 13 2016
Committee on Accreditation Annual Report
Required by Education Code §44373, the Committee on Accreditation annual report summarizes the accomplishments, activities and plans of the past year.