Annual Report Cards (Title II) | Information on initial teacher preparation programs by program route include: - Program admission requirements
- Candidate enrollment by gender identity and race/ethnicity
- Supervised clinical experience
- Program completers in the last three years
- Assurances and goals for teachers in Math, Science and Special Education
- Preparation of teachers by subject area and academic major
- Preparation of teacher training and use of technology
- Teacher certification exams:
- CBEST (California Basic Examination Skills Test)
- CSET (California Subject Examinations of Teachers)
- RICA (Reading Instruction Competency Assessment)
- TPA (Teaching Performance Assessment)
Approved Institutions and Programs | List of currently offered educator preparation programs List of currently offered subject matter preparation program Information on specific Commission-approved institution include: - Location and contact information
- Accreditation Status and next Commission Accreditation Site Visit
- List of approved programs
- Enrolled candidates by credential program, gender identity and race/ethnicity
- Program completers by credential program, including RICA (Reading Instruction Competency Assessment) and TPA (Teaching Performance Assessment) pass rates
- Credentials and authorizations Issued
Assignment Monitoring | Most recent assignment monitoring data on: - Misassignments
- Vacancies
- Corrected misassignments
- Local Assignment Options
Certificated educator assignments are monitored annually within the California Statewide Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS). Resulting data are provided at the state, county, district, and school levels. |
California Educator Supply | Most recent data on: - New teaching and services credentials issued
- New teaching intern credentials, permits and waivers issued
- Bilingual and English Learner Authorizations issued
Five years of new teaching credentials by preparation and segment Five years of new credentials, permits and waivers issued in: - Math
- Science
- Education Specialist
Commission at a Glance | Annual data reported for the most recent year: - Commission-approved institutions and programs
- Accreditation site visits and status
- Applications processed
- New credentials (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist, Designated Subjects, and Services) and Child Development Permits issued
- Educator discipline, specifically adverse actions taken
Other Educator Supply: Child Development Permits | Five years of new and renewed Child Development Permits issued. Data include issuances by School-Age Emphasis. |
Other Educator Supply: Services Credentials | Five years of Services intern, preliminary and clear credentials, including permits and waivers issued.
Services credentials include: - Administrative Services
- Clinical or Rehabilitative Services
- Audiology
- Orientation and Mobility
- Pupil Personnel Services
- School Child Welfare and Attendance
- School Counseling
- School Psychology
School Social Work
- School Nurse Services
Speech-Language Pathology Services - Teacher Librarian Services
Data include credentials issued by: - Specialty area
- Institution segment (CSU (California State University), UC (University of California), Private/Independent, LEA (Local Education Agency)
- Approved institution
Five years of data include Services permit and waivers issued by: - Specialty area
- County and school district
Other Educator Supply: Substitute Permits | Five years of new and renewed Substitute Permits issued. |
Other Teacher Supply: Bilingual Authorizations | Ten years of new Bilingual Authorizations issued on: - Bilingual Authorization or BCLAD (Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development) certificates
- Teaching credentials, including interns (university and district)
- Teaching permits (BCLAD (Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development), PIP (Provisional Internship Permit), STSP (Short-Term Staff Permit), Limited Assignment)
- Teaching waivers
Data include authorizations issued by: - Language
- County and school district
Other Teacher Supply: Designated Subjects Teaching Credentials | Five years of preliminary and clear credentials, including waivers, issued in: - Adult Education
- Career Technical Education
- Special Subjects
- Supervision and Coordination
Data include credentials issued by: - Subject area/industry sector
- Institution segment (CSU (California State University), UC (University of California), Private/Independent, LEA (Local Education Agency))
- Approved institution
Data include waivers issued by: - Subject area/industry sector
- County and school district
Other Teacher Supply: English Learner Authorizations | Five years of new English Learner Authorizations (ELAs) issued on: - Preliminary and clear teaching credentials
- Teaching intern credentials (university and district)
- Bilingual Authorization, BCLAD (Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development) or CLAD (Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development) certificate
- Teaching permits (BCLAD (Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development), CLAD (Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development), PIP (Provisional Internship Permit), STSP (Short-Term Staff Permit), Limited Assignment)
- Certificate of Completion of Staff Development and teaching waivers
Data include authorizations on interns, permits and waivers issued by: - County and school district
Program Completion Surveys | Credential Program Completer Survey results include: - Preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist
- Teacher Induction
- Preliminary and Clear Administrative Services
- Other Educator
- Adult Education
- Agriculture Specialist Instruction
- Career Technical Education
- Clinical or Rehabilitative Services
- Mathematics Instruction Leadership Specialist
- Pupil Personnel Services
- Reading and Literacy Specialist
- School Nurse
- Speech-Language Pathology Services
- Teacher Librarian
Other Survey results include: Results may include questions and responses in the following sections: - Overall effectiveness of the preparation program
- Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs)
- California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs)
- California Administrative Performance Expectations (CAPEs)
- California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs)
- Teaching content areas
- Field and program experience
- Teaching and Administrative performance assessments
- Candidate demographics (i.e., race, ethnicity, gender identity)
Teacher Supply: Credentials | Five years of teaching intern, preliminary and clear credentials issued. Teaching credentials include: - Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
- Single Subject Teaching Credential
- Education Specialist Instruction Credential
Data include credentials issued by: - Subject area
- Institution segment (CSU (California State University), UC (University of California), Private/Independent, LEA (Local Education Agency))
- Approved institution
Teacher Supply: Interns, Permits, and Waivers | Five years of teaching documents issued, specifically: - Intern credentials (university and district)
- Permits (PIP (Provisional Internship Permit), STSP (Short-Term Staff Permit), Limited Assignment, TPSL (Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave))
- Waivers
Data including issuances by: - Subject area
- Credential area (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist)
- County and school district