Literacy and Reading Instruction 

Senate Bill 488 (Chap. 678, Stats. 2021) required the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) to update its literacy and reading standards for the preparation of teaching candidates and their corresponding Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). Additionally, the bill required the Commission to review teacher preparation programs and certify that they are providing instruction in the updated standards and TPEs, as well as to develop a new literacy performance assessment to replace the current Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). 


Senate Bill (SB) 488 amended EC §44283 and §44283.2 and added EC §44259 (b)(4)(A) and (B) to require the Commission to complete a series of actions related to literacy instruction. These sections of statute specify that the study of effective means of teaching literacy and evidence-based means of teaching foundational reading skills are included as part of the minimum requirements for a Multiple Subject credential, Single Subject credential, and Education Specialist credentials and requires that the Commission’s standards and Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) align with the current State Board of Education adopted English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework and incorporate the California Dyslexia Guidelines. While SB 488 requires both full implementation of the new standards and TPEs, it also requires certification by the Commission that the content of EC §44259(b)(4)(A) and (B) is covered as part of the curriculum within the teacher preparation programs. Statute also requires the development of a literacy performance assessment in order to assess candidates for competence in literacy instruction. 

Although the PK-3 Early Childhood Education (PK-3 ECE) Specialist Instruction credential was not identified in SB 488, the Commission is applying all the same requirements to this credential and its preparation programs as are required for the Multiple Subject credential. 

Key Features of the New Standards TPEs

  • Responds to the provisions of Senate Bill 488 (Chap. 678, Stats. 2021)
  • Includes the specific content of EC §44259 (b)(4)(A) and (B) and requires that teacher preparation programs for Multiple Subject, Single Subject in English, and Education Specialist credentials include the study of effective means of teaching literacy, including “evidence-based means of teaching foundational reading skills in print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and fluency to all pupils, including tiered supports for pupils with reading difficulties, English learners, and pupils with exceptional needs.” 
  • Statute also requires that the study be aligned with the current English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework adopted by the State Board of Education and incorporate the California Dyslexia Guidelines.
  • Relevant Program Standards and Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) for preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist, and PK-3 Early Childhood Specialist credentials in literacy were created.
  • In alignment with the ELA/ELD Framework, the new Literacy Standards and TPEs include five crosscutting themes— Foundational Skills, Meaning Making, Language Development, Effective Expression, and Content Knowledge. 
  • Literacy Standards and TPEs also include the following components:
  1. Multi-Tiered System of Support and Best First Instruction
  2. Access and Equity (including the diversity of California’s students and students with disabilities)
  3. Instruction that Is Developmentally and Age Appropriate
  4. Instruction for Multilingual and English Learner Students
  5. Incorporation of the California Dyslexia Guidelines
  6. Assessment

New Literacy Standards and Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)

Preliminary Multiple Subject and Single Subject Literacy Standard and TPEs - adopted October 2022
(Effective immediately for all new proposed programs and July 1, 2024 for existing Commission approved preparation programs.)

Preliminary Education Specialist Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) and Extensive Support Needs (ESN) Literacy Standard and TPEs – adopted October 2022 
(Effective immediately for all new proposed programs and July 1, 2024 for existing Commission approved preparation programs.) 

Preliminary Education Specialist Credentials: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH), Visual Impairments (VI), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Literacy Standards and Teaching TPEs – adopted February 2023/Amended (DHH and VI) April 2023 
(Effective immediately for all new proposed programs and July 1, 2024 for existing Commission approved preparation programs.) 

Resource Guide on Preparing Teachers for Effective Literacy Instruction

This resource guide is intended to be used by teacher preparation programs as they are revising their programs to address the updated standards and teaching performance expectations (TPEs) required by Senate Bill 488 (Chap. 678, Stats. 2021).  The intent of SB 488 was to ensure that teachers prepared in California are able to implement effective literacy instruction for all California students, including multilingual and English learner students and students with disabilities, such as dyslexia. 

Literacy Instruction Certification


This PSA includes six appendices. The first two are: 

1) Appendix A, which provides general information on the SB 488 certification process for literacy instruction

2) Appendix B, which consists of the submission requirements/instructions for all teaching credential areas. Programs are required to submit Appendix B as part of the certification process.

The following four appendices include templates, by credential program type, of the TPE matrices programs are required to submit as part of the certification process. The appendices are available individually below. 

3) Appendix C: A separate appendix should be submitted for each credential type but not pathway. See Appendix A for more information on credential pathways.

Preliminary Multiple Subject 
Preliminary Education Specialist: Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)
Preliminary Education Specialist: Extensive Support Needs (ESN)

4) Appendix D:

Education Specialist: Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

5) Appendix E:

Education Specialist: Visual Impairments (VI)

6) Appendix F:

Education Specialist: Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)


PSA 24-08 - SB 488 Literacy Instruction Certification - Additional Information and Clarification

Literacy Instruction Certification Webinars

Examining the Literacy Standard & TPEs for SB 488 Certification – Part I

Examining the Literacy Standard & TPEs for SB 488 Certification – Part 2

Certification Process for Literacy Instruction in Teacher Preparation Programs

Certification of Teacher Preparation Programs in Literacy Instruction Webinars 

Three webinars addressing important aspects of the SB 488 Certification process have been recorded and are linked above. Nancy Brynelson, the Statewide Literacy Co-Director from the California Department of Education, recorded a two-part webinar examining the literacy standard and TPEs for Literacy Instruction Certification. The first webinar provides important information about the Foundational Skills for reading instruction. The second part of the webinar addresses the role of meaning making, language development, effective expression, assessment, and intervention.  The third webinar, recorded by California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Consultants, Roxann Purdue and Lynn Larsen, focuses on the certification process for literacy instruction in teacher preparation programs.

SB 488 Literacy Certification Office Hours

Pursuant to Senate Bill 488 (Chap. 678, Stats 2021) the Commission is required to certify that all Preliminary Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction credential programs are providing instruction aligned to the statutory requirements of Education Code Section 44259(b)(4)(A) and (B). Commission staff will be holding literacy certification technical assistance office hours at the days/times below.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 : 10:00-11:00am  Zoom Link 
Friday, September 27, 2024 : 10:00-11:00am Zoom Link

Questions and Answers from the SB 488 Literacy Certification Office Hours

New Standards and TPEs

Important Dates

Fall 2023 - Fall 2025Technical Assistance for programs 
Winter 2023Development of the Commission’s TPA model to incorporate Literacy Performance Assessment
2023-24Commission’s Literacy Performance Assessment Pilot Study of Literacy Performance Assessment
July 1, 2024All programs must be aligned to literacy program standards and TPEs.  These standards and TPEs will replace the current Literacy TPEs at that time
Fall 2024Commission begins certification process in accordance with SB 488 ensuring that all programs are aligned to the new literacy program standards and TPEs 
2024-25Commission’s Literacy Performance Assessment Field Test and Technical Assistance 
June 2025 Commission adopts Literacy Performance Assessments and sets initial passing standard 
July 1, 2025  Literacy Performance Assessment becomes operational 

Program Sponsor Alerts (PSAs)

PSA 24-08 - August 7, 2024
SB 488 Literacy Instruction Certification - Additional Information and Clarification

PSA 24-01 - February 2, 2024
Teacher Preparation Program Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 (Chapter 678, Statutes of 2021)

PSA 23-07 – September 15, 2023 
Implementation of Literacy Standards and TPEs 

PSA 23-03 – June 30, 2023 
Transition Plan for the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment 

PSA 23-02 – June 1, 2023 
Adoption of Revised Literacy Standards and TPEs for the Preliminary Education Specialist: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Visual Impairments, and Early Childhood Special Education Preparation Programs, Pursuant to Senate Bill 488 

PSA 22-15 – November 30, 2022 
Adoption of Revised Literacy Standards and TPEs for Preliminary MS, SS, Education Specialist (MMSN and ESN) and PK 3 Specialist Instruction Preparation Programs 

Examination Information

The Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) is being retired and will no longer be offered after June 30, 2025. The Commission has developed a transition plan for the RICA pursuant to SB 488. 

As part of the implementation of SB 488, the Commission is developing a new literacy performance assessment that will be implemented as of July 1, 2025. This webpage will be updated as more information about the performance assessment becomes available. 


California ELA/ELD Framework
California Dyslexia Guidelines
Senate Bill 488, Chapter 678
Resource Guide on Preparing Teachers for Effective Literacy Instruction

Free Virtual Professional Learning Opportunities in Literacy and Reading Instruction
Senate Bill 488 required that the new literacy standards and TPEs be aligned to the California ELA/ELD Framework and incorporate the California Dyslexia Guidelines. The free professional learning opportunities below may be attended by anyone but should prove especially helpful in preparing changes and revisions to curricular and clinical practice experiences for candidates in order to align with the new literacy standards and performance expectations. 

  • UC/CSU Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning offers a series of free e-learning modules that represent the collaborative work of UC, CSU general, special, and bilingual researchers and teacher educators. The module content supports the literacy development of a wide range of learners, including those with dyslexia. Modules continue to be added to this series. 

    NEW: - Literacy Certification Resource – 

    CA Dyslexia Guidelines Crosswalk on Intersection with Literacy TPEs

    The UC/CSU Collaborative on Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning has shared a crosswalk identifying where each of the chapters of the California Dyslexia Guidelines intersect with the Literacy TPEs. This tool will be valuable to institutions that must demonstrate where the Dyslexia Guidelines are being incorporated within their programs for certification, program review, or initial program review (IPR). 

    Note: The Collaborative also provides Resources for Literacy Development that allow an individual to select a topic of interest in literacy and then explore a variety of available resources.

  • UC/CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning’s Crosswalk Sample Appendix C
    The UC/CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning have provided a Sample Appendix C for Literacy Certification that indicates where various lessons from their e-learning Modules could be used as resources for the “Introduce” column for  Appendix C for Multiple Subject, Education Specialist Mild to Moderate, and Education Specialist Moderate and Extensive Support Needs.

  • UC/CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning’s SB488 Online WorkshopOn August 16, 2024, the UC/CSU Collaborative for Neuroscience, Diversity, and Learning held an online workshop providing an overview of five of their e-learning modules in addition to information about how they align with the requirements of SB488 certification and the California Dyslexia Guidelines. In addition, the presentation discussed the work of CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing (CAR/W). The recording of the workshop is available for everyone.
  • Recentering California’s ELA/ELD Framework Webinar Series
    CDE is offering a free virtual webinar series in the 2023-2024 academic year designed to recenter the ELA/ELD Framework, the blueprint for the implementation of the California State Standards for ELA and Literacy and the California ELD Standards. The ELA/ELD Framework advocates for a comprehensive and integrated model of literacy that offers evidence-based literacy instruction, including explicit instruction in phonics, phonemic awareness, and other decoding skills, as well as the development of vocabulary, comprehension, writing, speaking, and listening skills. This series is designed for all school, district, county, state, and higher education educators who want to learn more about California’s recommended literacy policies and practices, as well as why the ELA/ELD Framework is as relevant today as it was in 2014, how it is organized what it offers, how it can be used, and how it supports Superintendent Thurmond's Literacy Campaign of "Reading by Third Grade and Beyond". 

    All webinars will be streamed live through the CDE’s Facebook page and on Zoom. To participate in the discussions and breakouts in each webinar offered throughout 2023-2024, please register via Zoom here. Please contact Dr. Bonnie Garcia, Statewide Literacy Co-Director, Statewide Literacy Office, at with any questions.
  • California Dyslexia Initiative 
    The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) was selected as the project lead on the California Dyslexia Initiative (CDI) and is working in partnership with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Dyslexia Center to build capacity and resources across California’s educational systems to address the needs of struggling readers and students with dyslexia. Educator resources are being developed, including videos, articles, webinars, and professional development modules to foster a deeper understanding of dyslexia and support students with learning difficulties. Materials will be published on the CDI website as they become available.

Contact Information

Updated September 06, 2024