The Common Standards address issues of institutional infrastructure, stability, and processes that are designed to ensure that the implementation of all approved programs is successful and meets all standards.

Common Standards reflect aspects of program quality that are the same for all credential programs, regardless of type of program. The institution/program sponsor must respond to each Common Standard by providing information and/or supporting documentation about the individual programs to be offered by the institution/program sponsor. 

Common Standards are due on February 28th of each year based on the color cohort the institution is assigned.  An evidence guide is provided below.   

Common Standards submissions must be posted to a website and the URL submitted to

Note for institutions seeking joint accreditation form the Commission and CAEP: While there is some overlap between the Commission’s Common Standards and those adopted by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), institutions must still submit all evidence required for Common Standards Review as detailed in the Common Standards Submission Requirements guide below.

Common Standards Submission Requirements

Common Standards Webinar (video recording)

Common Standards Presentation (2019)






• View Prior Common Standards.

• Questions may be directed to

Updated June 04, 2024