The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) is an independent agency of state government responsible for:
- Developing program standards and accrediting educator credential preparation programs
- Issuing credentials and permits for service in California's public schools
- Educator discipline actions
The data below provide information on the number of Commission-approved institutions, preparation programs, accreditation site visits, applications processed, new credentials issued, and educator discipline actions taken in the 2022-23 fiscal year.
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Commission-Approved Institutions and Programs
The Commission has the authority to accredit institutions and approve all programs that lead to a credential to serve as an educator in California's public schools. In Figure 1, the data show the five types of institutional segments (California State University, University of California, Private/Independent Institution, Local Education Agency and Other) that offer Commission-approved educator preparation programs. Figure 2 displays the percent of active programs offered by segment in the fiscal year. The accreditation site visits conducted during the sixth year of the seven-year accreditation cycle provide information on the quality of preparation offered by institutions. Site visits are also conducted for institutions new to providing educator preparation programs (provisional site visits) and programs that were determined to need a revisit one year after their original site visit in order to determine whether concerns raised had been appropriately addressed. In the 2022-23 academic year, there were 36 site visits completed by accreditation teams. Figure 3 displays the number of site visits completed by segment in the 2022-23 year, and Figure 4 displays the distribution of site visit institutions across the state. Figure 5 displays the institution accreditation status resulting from the site visits completed in the 2022-23 year.
Applications Processed and New Credentials Issued
The Commission processes applications submitted by Commission-approved institutions, current educators and individuals interested in serving in California's schools. New applications are submitted by educators obtaining a first-time or a new type of document. Renewal applications are submitted by educators who are renewing or adding additional authorizations to an existing granted document. Figure 6 displays the number of new and renewal applications processed.
Most new credentials are issued to candidates who completed a California preparation program. These candidates are recommended for their credential by their preparation program. Figure 7 displays the percent of new credentials recommended by the various institutional segments.Figure 8 provides information on the distribution of new teaching credentials (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist, and Designated Subjects) and service credentials (Administrative Services, Clinical or Rehabilitative Services, Pupil Personnel Services, School Nurse, Speech-Language Pathology Services and Teacher Librarian), and Child Development Permits issued. New credentials do not include certificates, substitute permits and other emergency documents.
Educator Discipline
The Commission investigates allegations of misconduct by credential holders and applicants. Mandatory actions require the automatic revoking or denial of a credential or document due to a serious criminal offense. Discretionary actions are reviewed by the Committee of Credentials and recommendations regarding potential Commission-actions are made to the Commission. The Commission will vote to adopt or not adopt the recommendations. Figure 9 displays the number of total adverse actions taken in the fiscal year.