Accreditation Site Visit Reports

Accreditation Reports summarize the Site Visits to institutions/program sponsors offering educator preparation programs. These visits are completed by teams of trained reviewers. Visits take place from Sunday through Wednesday of a week. Team members review documentation and interview candidates, program completers, employers, faculty, administrators and other stakeholders. The review team makes a determination as to whether or not each Common Standard and each Program Standard is met. They also make an accreditation recommendation. The recommendation is made to the Committee on Accreditation (COA) which meets 60-90 days after the site visit and determines the accreditation decision.

The Site Visits Reports and Accreditation Letters are available at


Accreditation and Cohort Information

The Commission is currently in the process of strengthening and streamlining the accreditation system. As a result of this effort, cohort maps are being revised. If you have questions regarding accreditation activities for your institution, please contact and your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate consultant to assist you.  

Accreditation Email Account
There are specialized email accounts for institutions to submit documentation and questions related to the Commission's accreditation system.  

Please note:

Accreditation Data Dashboards

The Commission’s set of Accreditation Data Dashboards (ADD) provide data visualizations of credential, Title II, annual data reported in the Accreditation Data System (ADS), survey, and assessment data.  The ADD is intended to support institutional analysis of data for improvement purposes.  In addition,  members of review teams will have access to the visualizations during Common Standards and Program Review and to support the development of interview questions during the site visit.   

The types of data and information available in the ADD include:

• Accreditation status, location, and contact information
• Educator preparation programs and/or subject matter preparation programs offered
• Annual data submitted by the institution through the Accreditation Data System (ADS)
• Annual Report Card (Title II) data
• Pass rates for assessments (i.e., RICA, TPA)
• Program completer, master teacher and employer survey results
• Five-year trend of credential data

The ADD is accessible via the Accreditation Data System (ADS). For more information, review the Overview of the Accreditation Data Dashboard.

National Accreditation Information

For information on alignment between the California Accreditation system and national professional organizations please review the information on the National Professional Organization Accreditation web page.

Guidance for Program Sponsors on Granting Equivalencies for Educator Preparation

The following document provides guidance for Commission approved educator preparation programs in considering whether to grant equivalencies to candidates toward completion of program requirements.  

Guidance Document on Granting Equivalency

Updated February 11, 2025