Pursuant to the Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Commission-approved institutions are mandated to report specific information about their teaching programs. Teaching programs include the preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Single Subject Teaching Credential, and the Education Specialist Instruction Credential. 

This page provides Title II data for an individual Commission-approved institution.  Data are grouped into four sections: Program, Admission and Context; Candidate Information; Goals, Assurances, Tech and Training; and Teacher Certification Examination.  Title II data are available starting from Academic Year 2014-15.  To download Title II data, go to the Title II Higher Education Act website. Go to the Data Terms Glossary for more information about terms used on this page.

Title II Home - Includes reports and additional information.

To view data for a Commission-approved institution, select an institution name and click the green arrow below. The data will default to the most recent Title II report year. Select an academic year to view data from prior years.


Email: titleii@ctc.ca.gov

Updated October 27, 2023