General Information

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  • The California state budget signed by the Governor in July 2021 includes $15 million in funding for the Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant Program. One time grant awards of up to $2,500 per participating teacher are available to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to support credentialed teachers to obtain a supplementary authorization in computer science and provide instruction in computer science coursework in settings authorized by the underlying credential. There is a 100 percent match requirement for each grant dollar received. Matching funds may be actual funds and/or in-kind as outlined in the authorizing legislation.

Note: Single subject teachers whose existing credential already allows them to teach computer science courses ARE eligible for an added Computer Science Supplementary Authorization.

Authorizing Legislation 

Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant Program 

Resources for Funded Computer Science Grant
Program Grantees

Commission Agenda Items

Updates on the Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant Program.
The following agenda items provide an update on the Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant Program and present the Annual Report to the Legislature on the Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Incentive Grant Program.

Updated December 06, 2024