General Information

  • Email:
  • About the Grant
  • Authorizing Legislation
  • Announcement of Grant Awards
    The Commission is pleased to announce its intent to fund 41 LEAS for the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers Grant. This funding will support LEAs to implement local solutions to recruit, prepare, develop support systems for, and retain special education teachers. Funding letters will be sent to grant recipients by early January 2019.

Commission Agenda Items

Update on the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers Grant Programs

Agenda Item 2G — December 2023
This agenda item provides an update on the fourth year of the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers (Local Solutions) Grant Program and presents the final report that was submitted to the State Legislature on December 1, 2023, as required by statute. The report to the Legislature includes summary information for all four years of the Local Solutions grant project period.

Agenda Item 3D – October 2022
This agenda item is the October 2022 consent calendar.  Included, is an update on the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers grant program administered by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission) and provides the data collected for Year Three (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) of the Local Solutions grant program.

Agenda Item 2D - September 2021
The Educator Preparation Committee presented item 2D at the September 30, 2021 Commission meeting.  This agenda item presents an update on the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers grant program, one of four grant programs administered by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, and provides the data collected for Year Two (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021) of the Local Solutions grant program.  

Agenda Item 2D – October 2020

The Educator Preparation Committee presented item 2D at the October 8, 2020 Commission meeting.  This agenda item presents an update on the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers grant program, one of five grant programs administered by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and provides the first round of data collected for Year One of the Local Solutions grant program.

Update on State-Funded Grant Programs

Agenda 4E – April 2019
The Educator Preparation Committee presented item 4E at the April 2019 Commission meeting.  This agenda item presents an update on two state-funded grants administered by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing: The Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers Grant Program and the Teacher Residency Grant Programs – Capacity, Expansion, and Residency.

Update on State-Funded Grant Programs

Agenda Item 3B – November 2018
The Educator Preparation Committee presented item 3B at the November 2018 Commission meeting.  This agenda item presents an update on five state-funded grant programs: The California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program; The Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program; The California Center on Teaching Careers; The Teacher Residency Grant Programs (Capacity, Expansion, and Residency); and the Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers Grant Program

Updated February 14, 2024