This document has been created to provide additional clarification from questions during office hours sessions. Additional information may be found in the originally posted questions and answers. For any questions regarding data spreadsheet, budget adjustment, and updating IHE partner, email

Note: Beginning the 2024-25 fiscal year, the Commission will no longer adjust disbursement amounts to account for unspent grant funds from the previous year. Alongside the updated answers, there is crossed-out text to provide context for recent changes in the Commission’s disbursement procedures.

The questions and answers are divided into the following categories:
Eligible Participants
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Partnerships
Data Reporting
Request for Application
Additional Questions

Eligible Participants

  1. Q: Are substitute teachers eligible?
    A: No.
  2. Q: Why are substitute teachers not eligible?
    A: “Classified school employee” means a noncertificated school employee currently working in a public school. Substitute teachers are certificated.
  3. Q: If we are recruiting a potential classified employee, are they considered an enrolled participant? 
    A: No. They are not active participants. Do not enter them into them into the data sheet.
  4. Q. What if a participant was hired as a classified employee, then became a temporary substitute for a teacher on leave of absence? Are they still eligible?
    A: Yes. The intent of legislation is to recruit and support classified school employees to earn a preliminary credential and provide instructional service as teachers in public schools. 
  5. Q: Many of our current classified staff have also been processed as substitute teachers in order to help with coverage when a credentialed teacher is out. For these employees, their primary role and the majority of their work is as a classified employee. Are they eligible?
    A: Yes. See question 4.
  6. Q: We have a classified sub position that is classified and fills in for classified staff, and they do not have a sub permit. Are they eligible?
    A: Yes.
  7. Q: What if a participant was a classified employee and is now in a certificated position? Can the participant still be in the Classified program?
    A: Participants who were in a classified position and are now working in a certificated position, are eligible to participate in the Classified Grant program, as long as the participant has not yet earned a preliminary credential. The intent of legislation is to recruit and support classified school employees to earn a preliminary credential and provide instructional service as teachers in California public schools.
  8. Q: What if a participant is hired in a certificated position, can they be hired as a classified employee to be eligible for the Classified program? If so, how long do they need to be in the Classified position?
    A: When an individual has secured contracted employment as a classified staff member and is employed by the grantee LEA, that classified employee is eligible to participate in grant activities for that fiscal year and years following. The intent of the legislation is for LEA grantees to grow their own Classified employees.
    Please note the definition in Authorizing Legislation "e) “Classified school employee” means a noncertificated school employee currently working in a public school." PIP, STSP, and Intern credential holders are teachers of record and are not Classified employees. However, if in the course of their career in the grantee LEA an individual with less than a preliminary credential becomes a contracted classified employee, then those individuals may be supported by Classified Employee Grant Program funds.
  9. Q: Can Classified Grant be utilized for people who have a CTE credential, but want to earn their teaching credential? The participant does not have a Preliminary credential, but a CTE credential, and they have served as a Classified employee in the past. I know it’s useful for "first" credential, but I am not sure if a CTE credential qualifies as a credential as its pretty limited in scope.
    A: A CTE credential is not a preliminary multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist teaching credential. The employee may participate in the Classified Grant Program if they were previously a Classified employee. See question 7.
  10. Q: Can a participant’s title change from classified employee to another title, including intern teacher, are they still eligible?
    A: Yes. The intent of legislation is to recruit and support classified school employees to earn a preliminary credential and provide instructional service as teachers in public schools.
  11. Q: Do participants need to be in a classified position the entire time?
    A: No. Classified participants titles may change. For example, a former classified employee can be supported through an intern program. The intent of legislation is to recruit and support classified school employees to earn a preliminary credential and provide instructional service as teachers in public schools.
  12. Q: What if a participant resigns to start student teaching? Do we still fund them if they are no longer an employee?
    A: Participants may be supported if they are still employed in the grantee LEA. Grantee LEA may support and accommodate participants through student teaching. See questions 13 and 14.
  13. Q: Can participants on a leave of absence still be eligible?
    A: Yes. Continue to support participants in the program through leave from their classified position to complete student teaching requirements.
  14. Q: What if our LEA does not allow part-time classified employees so they cannot student teach and have a job?
    A: Classified Grant Program requires the LEA grantee to support and accommodate participants through academic and employment change of status until they earn a preliminary credential.
  15. Q: What if a district will not allow the participant to take leave for student teaching?
    A: See question 14.
  16. Q. Can a COE accept a participant from a partner district knowing that once they begin student teaching, they will need to be dropped since they won't be on a leave of absence and will no longer be considered a classified employee?
    A: See question 14.
  17. Q: Do classified participants have to be a full-time classified employee?
    A: This is a local decision.
  18. Q. How many hours does an employee needs to work in the LEA to be eligible for the grant?
    A: Per the authorizing legislation, eligible participants must be employed by the district in a classified staff position. The minimum number of daily or weekly hours that an interested individual needs to be employed as a classified employee is a local decision.
  19. Q: Can a classified employee be on a short-term or temporary contract and still be eligible? For example, a sports coach that is only hired for a season.
    A: This is a local decision. Please also see questions 18 and 19.
  20. Q: We were wondering if athletic coaches are considered classified or if it just depends on how their position is assigned within the district?
    A: Yes. It depends on how the position is assigned within the district.
  21. Q: Can a classified employee have a break in employment and then return to the LEA and still be eligible?
    A: This is a local decision.
  22. Q: Can a classified employee who was previously employed by the LEA and is no longer an employee of the LEA, still eligible?
    A: No.
  23. Q: Our LEA contracts with an external agency to hire paraprofessionals and tutors. Are those employees eligible?
    A: No. Classified employees must be directly employed by the LEA to be eligible for the Classified Grant.
  24. Q: Are classified managers eligible? They do not have a credential.
    A: Yes.
  25. Q: Can participants be in an integrated program?
    A: Yes. Participants may enroll in any Commission-approved teacher credential program.
  26. Q: What counts as an “AA” for participants to be eligible?
    A: Classified Grant participants must either have an Associate of Arts (AA) degree or have successfully completed two years of postsecondary education at the time of enrollment in a funded Classified grant program.
  27. Q: For a participant without their BA/BS to be eligible, is the 2 years minimum/60 units a “hard” minimum?
    A: Yes.
  28. Q: How do we get participants starting with an AA to complete the program in time if funding ends in June 2026? Can participants still be a part of the grant program even if they won’t finish by June 2026?
    A: It is a local decision on how to prioritize participants with or without a BA/BS to earn their preliminary credential before grant project period ends. Participants may still participate in the grant program if they won’t finish by June 2026. Please inform participants that grant funding ends June 2026.
  29. Q: Can the Classified Employee Grant be available to classified employees who work in colleges in our county?
    A: No. Eligible participants are classified school employees within awarded LEAs (not college): a school district, charter school, or county office of education.
  30. Q: If we are awarded Round 3 funds, can we support Round 2 participants with both Rounds 2 and 3 funds? Participants would receive $9,600 ($4,800 from each round).
    A: No. Currently enrolled Round 2 participants will not be eligible for Round 3 funds. All participants are only eligible for up to $4,800 per year. Round 3 funds may support new participants.
  31. Q: We have several of our candidates who moved into our Residency Program this year. I know they need to stay classified, however as a part of our Residency Program the participants sub as certificated subs for their mentor teachers and sometimes on Fridays to earn additional funding. Because this is a part of the program, is this allowable for our candidates to remain in Classified grant and Residency?
    A: Participants do not need to stay in a classified position. If they are classified staff in the LEA, they are eligible to participate in the program and receive support until they earn a preliminary credential. Please ensure all IHE partners, including the Residency Program sponsor, are all approved for the LEA’s Classified Grant Program.
  32. Q: As a COE, are we able to recruit participants from other counties as well?
    A: Participants within the counties served by the COE and/or the approved consortium may be recruited. If new COEs would like to participate, they may apply separately for the Classified Grant.
  33. Q: Can a COE recruit participants from an independent charter that has a CDS code within the county?
    A: Yes.
  34. Q: Do participants need to reapply every year?
    A: No. Once a participant is accepted into the grant program and they meet the program’s progress goals, as defined by the grant application, they remain in the grant program until they earn their preliminary credential.
  35. Q: With recent PK-3 ECE credential program updates, we took in participants who would like to earn a PK-3 ECE credential. However, there are no Commission-approved PK-3 ECE programs, and we have no approved program for them to attend. How should we support them?
    A: At this time there isn’t a Commission-approved PK-ECE program. If the participants are interested in earning a different teaching credential (Multiple Subjects, Multiple Subjects for a TK/K setting, Single Subject, Education Specialist), support them using grant funds.
  36. Q: Are employees with an Early Childhood Permit eligible, even if they get compensated as a teacher?
    A: Yes. Early Childhood Permits are not a preliminary credential.
  37. Q: What if a current classified staff member already has their Multiple Subjects credential, but they want to add a second credential or authorization, are the eligible?
    A: No.
  38. Q: Can participants earn a non-teaching preliminary credential?
    A: No.
  39. Q: Are Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credentials supported by this grant or is this primarily for multiple and single credentials?
    A: No. This grant only supports preliminary California Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist teaching credentials.
  40. Q: A current grant participant resigned from a partnering district and got hired with another partnering district within the COE. Can the participant still get the grant?
    A: Yes. As long as they are still employed by a district that the COE supports, the participant may continue to receive grant funds.
  41. Q: What if a participant doesn’t respond to our emails, can they be dropped?
    A: Participants may be dropped if they are not meeting the expectations outlined in the LEA’s participation agreement/commitment form.
  42. Q: An applicant seems to be earning a master's for a Speech Language Pathologist program. Would this credential type be allowed under the Classified Grant? 
    A: No. This grant only supports preliminary California Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist teaching credentials.
  43. Q: As a county office of education, do participants also need to complete a criminal background check with the COE, or is the local district’s criminal background check sufficient? What if a district does not want to tell us whether a participant has cleared a criminal background check?
    A: The local district’s criminal background check is sufficient. In the event a district does not want to confirm that a participant has cleared a background check, the COE may request that a participant completes a criminal background check with the COE.

Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Partnerships

  1. Q: Why do we need to submit an articulation agreement per IHE partner to reimburse participant’s tuition?
    A: Per the authorizing legislation, the plan for recruitment and implementation involves the active participation of one or more local campuses of the participating institutions of higher education in the development of coursework and teaching programs for participating classified school employees. Articulation agreements ensure: (1) a multi-year plan for moving participants through a program of study leading to a credential; (2) specific with respect to the linkages between each component of the program; and (3) designed to prevent participants from having to repeat coursework in the program.
    Furthermore, approved applications submitted signed Partnership Agreements between the LEA and IHE(s) that confirm, “By signing below, I affirm that articulation agreements are in effect and will be provided as outlined in #4 in Section II of this application.”
  2. Q: It is hard to contact our IHE partner. Can the Commission share an approved list of IHE contacts for current or potential partners?
    A: No. The goal of the grant is to develop a local partnership and program that addresses the LEA’s local context. If the LEA is struggling to get a hold of the IHE contact that signed the partnership agreement, reach out to additional staff at the IHE. LEAs may also find additional new local partners.
  3. Q: Please explain more about the kind of active participation we need to secure from institution of higher education?
    A: This is a local decision.
  4. Q: Can the Commission provide an Articulation Agreement template?
    A: No. Articulation Agreements should be locally generated to address local needs.
  5. Q: What if we already gave funds to participants in IHEs that were not approved?
    A:  LEAs will not be reimbursed for those participants if there is not a signed Partnership Agreement and signed Articulation Agreement by the annual data due date.
  6. Q: What if we do not turn in an Articulation Agreement by the annual data due date?
    A: 10% of grant funds will be withheld, and the following grant year may not be funded.
  7. Q: Can we add IHEs next academic/fiscal year?
    A: Yes. Please keep in mind a participant cannot be reimbursed without IHE approval. Additionally, participants may not be reimbursed retroactively.
  8. Q: Can we partner with out-of-state BA/BS programs?
    A: No. Per the authorizing legislation, only California-based IHEs that are regionally accredited may be used.
  9. Q: Can we update the IHE partner list, as our staff, supported on this grant, apply to new programs for BA/BS degrees/credentials programs not on the original list?
    A: Yes. Email and an updating IHE partner form will be shared with you. A signed partnership agreement and articulation agreement are still required.
  10. Q: Can an LEA that operates its own credentialing program that is Commission-approved be used?
    A: Yes.
  11. Q: If we offer a Commission-approved program, can we partner with ourselves?
    A: Yes. To add an LEA’s Commission-approved program, contact
  12. Q: Does the articulation agree need to be in a contract form or can it be a letter on letterhead that outlines how we will collaborate to ensure candidates get the support they need as outlined in the grant language?
    A: This is a local decision.
  13. Q: When are new articulation agreements due with newly added IHE partner(s)?
    A: They must be turned in by the annual data submission to ensure the LEA is reimbursed for any participants enrolled in any new IHE.
  14. Q: Which LEAs can a county office of education support?
    A: Any LEAs, districts, or district consortiums that are within the lead county office of education.
  15. Q: Can we form new partnerships and create new articulation agreements next academic year?
    A: Yes. Please keep in mind a participant cannot be reimbursed without an approved IHE partnership. Additionally, participants may not be reimbursed retroactively to account
  16. Q: Are the articulation agreements a document from the Commission, IHE, or LEA?
    A: Articulation agreements should be locally generated to address local needs.
  17. Q: Do articulation agreements need to go through our legal team?
    A:  This is a local decision.
  18. Q: Are for-profit institutions of higher education allowed?
    A: No. Per legislation, “Institutions of higher education means the California Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, and private not-for-profit institutions of higher education that offer a commission-approved teacher preparation program.”
  19. Q: Is there a list of eligible IHEs on the Commission website?
    A: No.
  20. Q: Is there a list of Commission-approved programs?
    A: The Commission website has a list of Commission-approved programs that is searchable by credential area.
  21. Q: Can COE partner with another COE for a credential program?
    A: Yes. An LEA may partner with any Commission-approved program. Email and an IHE Partner Form will be shared with you. A signed partnership agreement and articulation agreement are still required.
  22. Q: Can we partner with a program that is provisionally approved by the Commission?
    A: Yes. Note that the specific credential area the IHE offers must be provisionally approved.
  23. Q: Is there a process for a consortium member pulling out of the partnership or is that a local process and decision?
    A: It is a local process and decision. Please notify the Commission which partner(s) will no longer be a part of the consortium.
  24. Q: For exam preparation reimbursement, do we still need a partnership agreement?
    A: No.


  1. Q. Can we make individual budget changes to meet the needs of participants?
    A: Yes. Only if it is across approved grant budget categories and if the total of individual changes across all participants is under 10% under the total grant budget. If changes are above 10%, please contact the Classified Grants team at
  2. Q: What if we want to add a new budget category?
    A: Grantees may not add a new grant category, as that changes the scope of the Commission-approved grant program.
  3. Q: If a budget change form is submitted to remove a category, can that category be added back later?
    A: No. The intent of a budget change form is to address an unforeseen issue from the time the grant application was approved. The budget change form is not intended to provide unlimited changes.
  4. Q: What is the annual year of grant funds, calendar or fiscal year?
    A: The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
  5. Q: What if a participant takes summer classes, what fiscal year does it go into?
    A: Expenditures occur during the grant period July 1-June 30 of each program year, and within program requirements. Grantees may reimburse the participant (with appropriate receipts) or the loan company/entity if summer school tuition is paid for before June 30th. Otherwise, participants may be supported with the next academic/fiscal year’s funding after July 1st (assuming all grant data is submitted, and the grantee LEA’s Grant Award Agreement is approved for the following year).
  6. Q: What if the student’s financial aid grant is paying for tuition, can we still reimburse the student?
    A: Participants who are receiving other funding that pay for tuition should only be reimbursed for receipted expenditures in addition to what the other grant funds have paid for. Grant funds may be shifted to another approved grant budget category to meet each participant’s need. Note that grant funds may not be taken from a participant who receives financial aid, and then pool or transfer these funds to then award it to a different participant. Each participant receives a maximum of $4,800 of grant funds per academic year.
  7. Q: Can participants be funded by multiple grants?
    A: Yes. A participant may be funded by multiple grants as long as the grant funds supplement and do not supplant other grant or financial support opportunities.
  8. Q: Can a participant get the Classified Grant and Golden State Award?
    A: See question 72.
  9. Q: How many times will funds roll over?
    A: Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, unexpended funds may be used to support participants.
  10. Q: What if we do not use our allocated full slots? Do we lose them?
    A: No. Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, unfilled slots will carry through the end of the project period.
  11. Q: If a participant from Year 1 does not enroll in Year 2, does that slot open up, or is that slot only available to a replacement participant?
    A: If a slot does not get used in the subsequent fiscal year, another participant may be enrolled in that slot.
  12. Q: If a participant does not use all of their funding in one fiscal year, can we carry that over to the next year’s allocation for that participant?
    A: No. Each participant is eligible to receive a total of $4,800 in state funding per program year, minus the amount the grantee may have been approved to withhold for Classified program administration purposes.  
  13. Q: Can we claim recruitment funds from year 1 again for year 2 for the same participants?
    A: No.
  14. Q: We have several folks who were accepted into the grant with the understanding that the PK-3 programs would have completed the approval process. It is now looking like that may not happen in time for candidates to begin courses in 23/24. We have already been providing advisement for these individuals as written into our grant but some won't have transcripts to provide in order to qualify for funding. Is there a way for us to still count the amount we have spent on advisement in this circumstance?
    A: Unless participants are actively enrolled and taking steps to earn a preliminary credential, advising costs may not be claimed. To receive grant funds while waiting for an approved PK-3 ECE program to begin, a participant may work on meeting subject matter competency and/or exam requirements for the PK-3 ECE credential. Additionally, if the participants are interested in earning a different teaching credential (Multiple Subjects, Multiple Subjects for a TK/K setting, Single Subject, Education Specialist), support them using grant funds.
  15. Q: What if a participant leaves mid-year to another LEA grantee, do they get fully funded at the new LEA at $4,800 if they already spent grant funds this fiscal year with the previous LEA?
    A: No.
  16. Q: Is an annual budget proposal required like in the 2016 Classified Grant?
    A: No. Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, all grantees will receive one Grant Award Agreement that reflects the annual award across the entire project period.
  17. Q: How we help participants avoid paying taxes on a living stipend?
    A: This is a local decision. Contact the LEA’s fiscal, HR team, and/or legal counsel.
  18. Q: Does each round of grant funding get the same amount of time?
    A: Per the 2021 authorizing legislation, grants awarded from the $125 million that was appropriated for the Classified grant program must be expended by June 30, 2026, regardless of which round the grantee was initially awarded.
  19. Q: Do Classified Grant participants need to sign an agreement or a commitment form with the LEA?
    A: Per legislation, an applicant shall certify that it has received a commitment from each participant that he or she will accomplish all of the following:

    (A) Graduate from an institution of higher education under the program with a bachelor's' degree.

    (B) Complete all of the requirements for, and obtain, a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist teaching credential.

    (C) Complete one school year of classroom instruction in the school district, charter school, or county office of education for each year that he or she receives assistance for books, fees, and tuition while attending an institution of higher education under the program.

  20. Q: Is there a sample agreement or commitment form?
    A: No. Participant agreements should be locally created to address local needs and legislative requirements.
  21. Q. Based on the LEA’s participant agreement or commitment form how does a participant that exited early pay back the LEA?
    A: Current legislation does not require payback for participants that do not complete the program. However, if a preliminary credential is earned, a participant must complete years of service equivalent to the total number of the years they received grant funding.
  22. Q: How does the money get to the LEA from the Commission and how long does it take?
    A: The Commission will mail a check to the name and address on form STD-204 that is signed by the person authorized to sign the Grant Award Agreement. It takes an estimated 6-8 weeks after the Grant Award Agreement is fully signed via DocuSign.
  23. Q: Are there any PCA codes or resource number for this grant?
     A: No. LEAs may determine their own fiscal coding system or use the LEA’s grant award   number.
  24. Q: What if we do not have any (or much fewer) participants to report because we were planning?
    A: Grant applications were accepted based upon having a program ready to be implemented with interested participants. There are no planning funds associated with the Classified Grant Program. 
  25. Q: If we have admin costs as a budget category, we spent time planning the program, and do not have any participants, can we still use the administrative funds?
    A: No. There are no planning funds associated with the Classified Grant Program and LEA grantees may not use grant funds for administrative purposes if there are no participants in the Classified program. 
  26. Q: How should we calculate “Program Administration” costs based on our LEA’s indirect rate?
    A: That is a local decision.
  27. Q: Can the 10% cap on “Program Administration” costs be claimed even if we don’t have all our slots enrolled?
    A: An exception was provided for Year One grantees with an approved “Program Administration” budget category that also had enrolled participants to claim costs for all awarded slots. Year 2, 2023-24, grantees will be able to claim the $480 “Program Administration” maximum per active participant slot. If grantees recruit significantly fewer participants than projected in their proposal, “Program Administration” costs in future years may be prorated based on the actual number of active participants.
  28. Q: Can we claim potential or interested classified employees towards “Recruitment” and/or “Program Administration” costs?
    A: No. They are not active participants. Do not enter them into them into the data sheet.
  29. Q: What if a participant goes to another IHE that is not approved, can grant funds still go to the participant, and just not reimburse tuition?
    A: No. The intent of the grant program is to establish a partnership with an IHE to support the participant to earn a preliminary credential.
  30. Q: Can grant funds retroactively reimburse a participant within the same fiscal and academic year, but prior to the grant approval date?
    A: No. Grant funds may only reimburse participants after the day the grant award was approved. Moving forward, reimbursements may only occur within the same fiscal year.
  31. Q: Can grant funds reimburse an out-of-state BA program?
    A: No.
  32. Q: Can tuition funds be given directly to participants, or does it have to go to the IHE directly?
    A: This is a local decision.
  33. Q: Can we reimburse grant recipients for LiveScan costs, as "fees"?  The university required the fingerprints for the credential program (student teaching).
    A: Yes. Please note that participants may only be reimbursed if it is an approved budget category.
  34. Q: Could there potentially be participants who participate in the program for all 4 years and receive $4,800 all 4 years?
    A: Yes. The intent of the grant is to support participants until they earn a preliminary credential.
  35. Q: How does the grant impact the participants’ taxes?
    A: Each participant is in a different situation, and they may contact their tax advisors.
  36. Q: Does it matter if we reimburse or disburse a stipend to participants?
    A: This is a local decision. 
  37. Q: If someone enrolls mid-year do they have access to the full $4,800?
    A: Yes.
  38. Q: If someone doesn’t get enrolled until the following semester, do we lose the money for that slot?
    A: Only record active participants receiving grant funds in a given fiscal year on the required data sheet. There is a maximum of $4,800 per participant, per fiscal year. Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, unexpended funds may be used to support participants.
  39. Q: Does a participant that only needs to pass an exam still use an enrolled slot, even if they will not use grant funds?
    A: No. Participants that completed their credential program and only need to pass an exam do not need to take one of the annual grant slots if they are not receiving grant funds for support. Once the participant passes the exam and is recommended for their preliminary credential, update the “Program Completion” tab.
  40. Q: We have a participant who is taking a class to meet subject matter competency instead of taking the CBEST. Can they be reimbursed for those classes?
    A: Yes. Note that the courses must still be with an approved IHE partner.
  41. Q: I have an aide who has to take two prerequisite classes before being admitted to the credential program. Can she be reimbursed for those classes?
    A: Yes. Note that the prerequisite courses must still be with an approved IHE partner.
  42. Q: Can unused funds from a participant be used the following year?
    A: Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, unexpended funds may be used to support participants.
  43. Q: Can participants’ loans be repaid?
    A: Yes. Please note that loans may only be repaid for items in approved budget  categories. 
  44. Q: What can be reimbursed under a living stipend?
    A: This is a local decision.
  45. Q: If we only have living stipend approved as a budget category, can we still reimburse the living stipend (and not tuition) for someone with an IHE partner that is not approved?
    A: No. All participants receiving any grant funds must be with an approved IHE partner.
  46. Q: What type of data/documentation are you looking for to support “living stipend”? The same question goes for "Release Time." What documentation do our participants need to provide? In terms of "specific expenses/activities used for stipend," could that include things like rent payment?
    A: Grantees are expected to complete and submit to the Commission both an expenditure and program report at the end of each fiscal year. It is a local decision to determine support for participants, how to disseminate those grant funds to participants, and how to track grant fund expenses.
  47. Q: Has anyone run into a rent reimbursement where the applicant lives with their parents? Is a handwritten note from mom or dad listing the amount of rent they collect (cash) sufficient for reimbursement in the living expenses category?
    A: Collect the appropriate receipts that are locally deemed acceptable. Per the Grant Award Agreement, grantees may be audited by the state and will need to verify that the project’s expenditures were properly documented.
  48. Q: What if we spend more money per participant on the spreadsheet?
    A: An LEA will not be reimbursed for anything over $4,800 per participant, per year. If the LEA chooses to use local funds to provide participants additional funds beyond the $4,800, do not include that on the data sheet.
  49. Q: If a participant is not actively enrolled in an IHE, and they attended the workshops to keep them in the program that was part of our program and budget, do they still get listed on the data sheet because they still attended the workshop?
    A: Yes. If the participant met the LEA’s minimum requirements for annual progress as stated in the approved grant application, the participant may still receive funding for the workshop.
  50. Q: Are receipts needed for all budget categories?
    A: Documentation is needed for all grant items. Per the Grant Award Agreement, grantees may be audited by the state and will need to verify that the project’s expenditures were properly documented.
  51. Q: What documentation is needed to collect the correct information for permissible spending?
    A: Collect the appropriate receipts that are locally deemed acceptable. Per the Grant Award Agreement, grantees may be audited by the state and will need to verify that the project’s expenditures were properly documented.
  52. Q: Are participants required to submit a receipt before receiving a disbursement?
    A: It is a local decision as to whether or not participants are required to submit receipts prior to receiving a disbursement.  Note: as part of the grant award agreement, grantees agreed to maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents, and records for the Classified Grant Program and to make them available to the State for auditing at reasonable times.
  53. Q: If stipends are permissible, how often does it get disbursed to participants (by semester, annually)?
    A: This is a local decision.
  54. Q: Can the Classified Grant be used to reimburse applicants for emergency permit fees if they are enrolled in a program and not yet credentialed?
    A: No.
  55. Q: Can a computer be purchased to support online courses?
    A:  No. Grants funds may not be used to purchase technology (e.g., cell phones, laptops, cameras, etc.).
  56. Q: Can e-books be purchased?
    A:  Yes. Please note that participants may only be reimbursed for e-books if the “IHE Tuition, fees, and books” budget category was approved.
  57. Q: Can parking fees at an IHE campus count as part of the $4,800 for Tuition, Fees, and books?
    A: Yes.
  58. Q: Does money have to be given to participants by June 30th? Or is there a grace period into July, after the fiscal year?
    A:  Participants may be reimbursed for expenditures through June 30th. Account for all expenditures in the annual reporting through June 30th.
  59. Q: Legislation states, “A grant to a local educational agency shall not exceed twenty-four thousand dollars ($24,000) over five years per participant teacher candidate.” The project period ends June 30, 2026. Since it says five years of funding, will we get an extra year of funding?
    A: No.

Data Reporting

  1. Q: Are there any significant changes to the reporting requirement spreadsheets from last year? Any new, additional required data?
    A. Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, unexpended funds may be used to support participants. There are no changes. Please fill out the columns for the current fiscal year.
  2. Q: When should we enter (“enroll”) a participant on the annual data sheet?
    A: LEAs should only enter participants on the data sheet once it is confirmed that they have met the minimum qualifications (AA degree or 60 college units) and are actively working towards their BA and/or credential and receiving grant funds. Do not enter participants that have expressed interest or have not enrolled with an institution of higher education (IHE).
  3. Q: When can we start entering data? How soon can we enter data after the annual data is submitted?
    A: You may start entering data as soon as your LEA is ready. Please note that LEAs should only enter participants that have met the minimum qualifications and are actively working towards their BA and/or credential and receiving grant funds. Do not enter participants that have expressed interested or have not enrolled with an institution of higher education (IHE).
    After the annual data submission, LEAs may start entering data for the next fiscal year as soon as the LEA receives confirmation that the data for the previous fiscal year was satisfactorily submitted.
  4. Q: What if I don’t have access to the annual data reporting sheet, even though I manage the grant?
    A: Annual data reporting sheet was shared with each grant lead. If the grant lead has changed, contact If an LEA contact needs access, have the grant lead email to confirm approval to access the data reporting sheet.
  5. Q: What data sheet version do we submit?
    A: Only the Commission-approved data sheet that was shared with each grant lead will be reviewed. Grantees may make an internal copy; however, those versions will not be reviewed by the Commission..
  6. Q: What if we do not turn in the data by the due date?
    A: 10% of grant funds will be withheld, and the following grant year may not be funded.
  7. Q: What if I don’t know the participants information?
    A: Funding for the Classified grant program is contingent on satisfactory annual progress in implementing the Classified Grant program detailed in the initial application, annual certification of participants, updated annual budget plan expenditures, and to provide annual data as specified in the RFA.
  8. Q: How do we include participants that didn’t start the program?
    A: Only include participants that are funded.
  9. Q: We have people enrolled in the grant, but they haven’t started. How do we report them?
    A: Participants are only considered enrolled in the grant program if they are actively receiving grant funds. Do not include future or potential participants if they are not active.
  10. Q: If we have left over spots, do we leave those rows blank?
    A: Yes.
  11. Q: What if a participant drops out, do we still track them?
    A: Yes. All participants receiving grant funds should be included data on the sheet. Please review the shared data instructions and video for further information.
  12. Q: What if we have a replacement participant mid-year?
    A: Beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, unexpended funds may be used to support participants, therefore there is no longer a need to track replacement participants.
  13. Q: What if we don’t have any participants in a round? What data needs to be turned in?
    A: Submit a reflection under the “Summary Narrative” tab.
  14. Q: How extensive or detailed should the summary narrative be?
    A: Succinctly provide details that answer the summary narrative questions.
  15. Q: If a new IHE partner is added, will it be updated on the Annual Data Spreadsheet’s drop-down menu?
    A: Yes.
  16. Q: What if I don’t see an IHE listed on the reporting data sheet?
    A: Only IHEs approved in the application will be listed on the reporting sheet. New IHEs will be added after they are approved. To add new IHEs, contact to receive the form to add a new IHE. Please note that articulation agreements and partnership agreements are still required.
  17. Q: Is there a consequence for not filling all the allocated participant slots?
    A: It may affect the LEA’s grant stewardship status for future grant opportunities from the Commission. LEAs will be required to return unused funds. LEAs are still required to report factors hindering implementation in the Annual Data Report.
  18. Q: What is the participant enrollment date on the data sheet- when they told us they were interested or when they enrolled?
    A: Enter the date the participant actually started the program. Enter this in the numbered month-date-year format with leading zeros (E.g., 01/02/2023).
  19. Q: Is there a requirement for teachers to report years of service once they earn their degree and begin teaching? If so, do we have a form for them to complete?
    A: Per the authorizing legislation, participants must commit to, “Complete one school year of classroom instruction in the school district, charter school, or county office of education for each year that individuals receive assistance for books, fees, and tuition while attending an institution of higher education under the Classified Grant.”
    For years of service data collection, LEA may decide locally how to track and collect that data (e.g., form, survey, exit interview, post-exit survey, etc.) in order to complete the ‘Program Completion’ tab on the Annual Data Spreadsheet.
  20. Q: Does teaching with an intern credential "count" as a school year of classroom instruction towards the required years of service?
    A: No. The year(s) of classroom instruction is completed once a participant has earned a preliminary credential. A participant must complete years of service equivalent to the total number of year(s) they received grant funding.
  21. Q: How can I get access to the data sheet?
    A: Have the grant lead or data lead contact and share the name(s) and email(s) of additional staff member(s) to add to the data sheet.
  22. Q: Is there a way to not have to re-sign every time for the data sheet?
    A:  After entering the code, check the box that says, “Keep me signed in.”
  23. Q: I didn’t get the code for the spreadsheet. How can I get access?
    A: First, check your junk folder and try again. This step can take a few minutes. Next, contact your IT team in case there are additional web filters. Please note that the Commission does not send out these codes directly, they are sent from Microsoft.
  24. Q: What if the participant changes their credential area or IHE? How do we report that?
    A: Update the appropriate column(s) on the data sheet.
  25. Q: Can we alphabetize or re-sort the data?
    A: No. If the data is resorted, the data will not follow the participant in the other tabs.
  26. Q: What happens if there are issues with our report?
    A: The Classified Grants team will contact the grant lead. Please note the disbursement/release of the remaining 10% of grant funds and next fiscal year’s funds are contingent on submitting and meeting all data requirements as required by statute. Failure to comply with funding terms or reporting requirements could put future funding opportunities at risk.
  27. Q: If a participant is in an integrated credentialing program, how does that get reported on the “Program Enrollment” tab?
    A: Fill out columns J and K to indicate the same IHE for the “IHE Partner- BA” and “Credentialing Program Partner” columns.

Request for Application

  1. Q: Can an LEA re-apply for the next round?
    A. Yes. If an LEA has a local need to support more Classified Program participants, then the LEA may submit a grant application in future rounds. Please note that priority is given to LEAs not previously funded. For those seeking additional participant slots, applicants must show a need for the additional slots in the grant application.
  2. Q: Can an application be rewritten to add additional budget categories?
    A: Yes. Please note that the application must still show a need for additional participant slots, and not just rewriting the initially approved grant application with new budget categories.
  3. Q: How can I be notified about upcoming Commission grant rounds?
    A: Sign up for the PSD e-News listserv. 

Additional Questions

  1. Q: How can we make recommendations for future grant funding authorizing legislation?
    A: Contact your local representative on the state legislature. 
Updated August 30, 2024