October 7, 2022
Clarifying the Classified Grant Program RFA
- Q: Page 4 of the RFA reads, “Complete one school year of classroom instruction in the school district, charter school, or county office of education…” What happens if a position is unavailable within the district,
or the LEA cannot guarantee a position to the participant? What happens if the participant cannot fulfil the classroom instruction service?
A: The intent of the authorizing legislation is to support current classified employees to earn a preliminary teaching credential and then provide instructional services as teachers in public schools. Criteria 2 of the RFA asks potential eligible applicants to describe and provide data related to the local need for credentialed teachers. Per the authorizing legislation 44393(d)(2), participants should commit to completing one school year of classroom instruction. Unlike other state-funded grant programs, such as Teacher Residency, the authorizing legislation for the Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program is silent on outcomes relating to noncommitment to classroom instructional service. - Q: Is a template or an outline available for the proposal or if not does the budget narrative go into the proposal?
A: No, there is no template. Budget narrative is a component of Criteria 7- Budget and Budget Narrative. The suggested maximum length of a proposal is not more than 30 double spaced or 15 single spaced pages (excluding appendices).
Local Education Agency and Institutions of Higher Education Partnership
- Q: Can you clarify if our LEA needs to send in Appendix G LEA/IHE Partnership Agreements, if we are applying as only a LEA, with participants entering in credential and BA programs where we have district university MOU's already if needed.
A: Yes. - Q: Page 4 of the RFA indicates a written articulation agreement between the LEA and IHE partners. How can the LEA guarantee the options listed since the IHE partner is responsible for making it happen? Is there a sample agreement?
A: This is a local decision. Explain in your narrative how eligible LEA applicant and IHE will partner to provide support to program participants through completion of a bachelor’s degree and teacher preparation program, and to provide instructional service as fully credentialed teachers. - Q: Can we update the IHE partner list, as our staff, supported on this grant, apply to new programs for BA/BS degrees/credentials programs not on the original list?
A: Yes. - Q: One of our university partners (WGU) only offers preliminary credentials programs combined with a master's degree. Can we still support participants with tuition assistance in this program?
A: Yes. Program funding per year is held to the amount of $4,800 per allocated participant slot.
Consortium Application
- Q: Are COEs allowed to 1) apply for this grant to enable their own classified employees to participate, as well as 2) act as the lead for a consortium of districts under their purview interested in participating? Both scenarios would be of interest
to us, so feel free to let me know how we might ensure eligibility among our COE partners.
A: Yes. County Offices of Education are allowed to submit one application to support both its own classified employees and to support classified employees within their consortium. - Q: Are LEAs able to apply as part of a consortium, for example a county consortium, or is each LEA required to apply separately?
A: This is a local decision. LEAs may apply as a single applicant or as part of a consortium. Eligible applicants for Classified Grant are Local Education Agencies—school districts, county offices of education, or charter schools. - Q: Does an applicant need to each LEA partner sign an individual Appendix G form? Our county office would like to make services available across our county, which includes 42 school districts and over 125 charter schools. Would the online system allow
for 160+ attachments?
A: Yes. It is expected that if the application represents a consortium, ALL LEA partners will sign these agreements, including partner LEAs within a county office of education. One reason for this requirement is to ensure that the LEA partners identified in the application from the consortium are not also applying as single applicants. Another reason is that the agreements provide assurance to the Commission that the potential partners are interested in partnering with the lead applicant and that the partner LEA will support classified employees as outlined in the application.
Classified Grant Program Funding
- Q: Do you have a list of allowable for the "participant recruitment activities"? For instance, we will be hosting in-person events, are drinks/snacks allowable? What about signs and marketing items to recruit candidates? Payment of ads, etc.?
A: It is a local decision and use of best judgement regarding the degree to which grant funds are used for recruitment activities. Though the authorizing language does not note specific allowable or non-allowable uses for grant funds, it is important to note that the participating classified employee generates the grant funding, and that the grant funding should be used in support of that individual to pursue a teaching credential. - Q: What type of data/documentation are you looking for to support
“living stipend”? The same question goes for "Release Time." What documentation do
our participants need to provide? In terms of "specific expenses/activities used for
stipend," could that include things like rent payment?
A: Grantees are expected to complete and submit to the Commission both an expenditure and program report at the end of each fiscal year. It is a local decision to determine support for participants, how to disseminate those grant funds to participants, and how to track grant fund expenses. - Q: What is allowable/can be paid for the 10% program administration amount? Can this
go toward a salary?
A: Personnel salaries can be part of program administration. - Q: Are indirect costs considered part of program administration costs? If so, should LEAs
adhere to the CDE-approved rate?
A: Indirect cost can be part of program administration costs and those costs relating to management and administration of the grant. Note: An LEA receiving a grant shall not use more than ten percent (10%) of a grant award for program administration costs. - Q: Can we use this grant in conjunction with the Teacher Residency Expansion grant? Or
must it be for a different set of people?
A: Yes. A best practice is to use Teacher Residency grant funds once a participant in the Classified grant is ready for teacher credential program. - Q: Our LEA received funding during Round 1 but are interested in adding additional
participants slots through Round Two. Are we eligible to apply for Round Two?
A: Yes.
Classified Grant Program Participants
- Q: Would a current classified employee need to resign from their current classified position in order to be eligible to receive this grant? Or are they able to maintain their current classified position whilst being enrolled in a teacher credentialing
program to be eligible?
A: There is no expectation that a classified employee resigns from their position to be eligible for the grant-funded support. - Q: We have three school districts who all are asking for a certain number of slots for the
classified grant. For example, 12 + 12+ 5 =29. If one district does not use all their slots,
will there be an ability to reassign these slots without going over the 29?
A: This is a local decision. - Q: If we don’t fill all our slots the first year but can recruit candidates for the second
year, can we maintain the 29 slots? I know that you would subtract for the money that
was not spent. For example, we ask for 29 slots and receive $139, 200. We fill 24 slots in
the first year and we recruit 5 more. For year 2, do we get $139, 200 minus the $24,000
that was not spent?
A: Yes. - Q: I am assuming that participants must be enrolled in 6 units each semester or it per
A: This is a local decision. - Q: Can part-time employees be supported with the grant funds?
A: This is a local decision. - Q: The SJSU team is working with several districts to pursue the classified employee
grants. We are hoping to build a pipeline of prospective candidates for residency
programs in TK, education specialist, multiple subjects, with bilingual education. Are
there any restrictions on grant dollars going to individuals who use funds for degree
completion and then residency program grants once admitted to credential programs?
A: No. Funding is intended to supplement and not supplant existing LEA and IHE grant programs and efforts. See question 14. - Q: Would Classified participants who were supported through the grant be required to
pay the district back the funds they received as part of the grant should they not
complete their teaching credential program?
A: There is no payback requirement within this grant program. - Q: Should the Classified employee seek employment in another LEA, would we need to
keep track of them? How would we know if we hired another Classified employee who
was supported through this grant in another LEA, and will there be a database for this?
A: There is no expectation that LEA grantees keep track of participants are not hired within the grantee LEA. - Q: Can funding be used to support candidates in completing both a credential and their
A: Yes. Grant funds can be used to support individuals in teacher credential programs to also earn their BCLAD concurrently. - Q: Can this grant be used to support classified employees who already possess a BA, but
need their preliminary teaching credential? Or is it only for those classified employees
who have yet to complete their BA who will then get their preliminary teaching
A: Yes. The grant funds can be used to support classified employees who have earned an Associate of Arts degree or a higher-level degree to now earn a teaching credential. - Q: We have an applicant who was a classified employee but is now an intern in our
district. Would that person qualify for the classified grant?
A: Yes. - Q: Are individuals who are classified management eligible for this grant?
A: Yes. - Q: Are applicants who are currently on a STSP or PIP eligible?
A: Participants who were in a classified position and are now working on a PIP or STSP are eligible to participate in the Classified program. Teachers who were hired on PIP or STSP are not eligible for this grant. - Q: Are DACA recipients eligible to receive the grant?
A: This is a local decision. - Q: Can we continue to support participants in the program if they have to go on leave
from their classified position to complete student teaching requirements?
A: Yes.
May 9, 2022
Who Can Apply for a Classified Grant Program?
- Q: Do Non-Public Schools (NPS) Qualify?
A: No. Classified Grant Program is open only to local education agencies (LEAs). See the definition of LEA applicant in the Authorizing Legislation Section 44392 (a). - Q: Our LEA already receives the grant. Will we need to submit another application to continue in the program?
A: The 2022 Classified Grant Program RFA is a new competition. All interested LEAs (former grantee LEAs and new LEAs) must apply to be considered. - Q: I work for a charter school, which is a large Charter Management Organization with schools across CA. We are wondering if we would be required to apply at the school level, rather than the organization wide level for this grant?
A: Classified Grant application must be submitted by a charter school with a CDS Code. The applicant charter school may apply as a single school or as the lead applicant for a consortium of charter schools, and the named charter school must be the manager of the Classified Grant program. The fiscal agent must be from the charter school that is submitting the proposal. Classified Grant funds are Prop 98 funds and can only be distributed to an entity with a CDS code. If the CMO is listed as the fiscal agent on the cover page, the application will be deemed ineligible. It is a local decision whether each school applies independently or as a consortium with a charter school as the lead applicant.
Clarifying the Classified Grant Program RFA
- Q: The introduction statement refers to LEAs providing access for employees to participate in designated programs that support the completion of a bachelor’s degree and teacher preparation program, and to provide instructional services as fully
credentialed teachers. Does this include paying for Teacher Induction?
A: No. LEAs will support candidates’ completion of a bachelor’s degree and a preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist teaching credential. - Q: During the last round of the classified grant, we collaborated with LEAs. I noticed in the grant language item nine mentions grant stewardship and accreditation status. Is there a way to know an LEA submitted data and all required documentation
in a timely manner?
A: You may inquire for that information from the LEA partner. Commission staff will also have this information and will consider the information during the grant application scoring. - Q: While we meet two of the criteria on the priority consideration items listed on the bottom of page 4 of the RFA, we are not sure if we meet the third – i.e., “expand an existing program that recruits and supports expanding learning
and preschool program staff and addresses kinder and early childhood education.” We are a high school district, 9-12, so our classified staff who earn their degree lean towards high school teaching.
A: LEAs that do not have need for kindergarten and early childhood education program will still be considered. - Q: On page 7, number 2 of the RFA: "Applicants should include...and how it recruits and supports expanding learning and preschool program staff to address kindergarten and early childhood education teacher shortages." Does the section mean to say
that applicants are expected to recruit potential classified employee credential candidates from expanding learning and preschool staff as a means of addressing kinder and ECE teacher shortages?
A: That is a local decision. - Q: On page 8(d), is it correct that districts with teacher residency programs do not need to provide Participant Support related to "providing flexibility to maintain one's classified position while pursuing the credential" if the classified employee
becomes a resident?
A: “Providing flexibility to maintain one’s classified position while pursuing the credential…” is an example of how LEAs might provide participants support. Grant applicants are asked in question 5d on page 8 to explain what supports for participants will be provided. - Q: The RFA “Who is Eligible to Apply” section states that grant funds are to be used to “recruit and support expanding learning and preschool program staff and addresses kindergarten and early childhood education teacher shortages.”
I just want to be clear that expanding learning in the above statement is referring to after-school, extended-day-week programs, structured learning programs outside of the regular school day. Correct?
A: The purpose of the Classified Grant is to support classified employees to earn a preliminary California Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist teaching credential. The statement “recruit and support expanding learning and preschool program staff” is related to recruiting said individuals to earn a preliminary teaching credential. - Q: “Grades 1 to 12 inclusive” is referenced a few times in the RFA. Is there an expanded definition available to share?
A: All grade levels beginning at grade 1-12 for which a teaching credential is required. - Q: Are PPS credentials supported by this grant or is this primarily for multiple and single credentials?
A: No. This grant only supports preliminary California Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist teaching credentials.
Local Education Agency and Institutions of Higher Education Partnership
- Q: Can we partner with a private university (as well as a public one)?
A: Yes. Applicants should identify any regionally accredited IHE partner(s): California Community College and/or California four-year public or not-for-profit institution of higher education (IHE), and a Commission-approved preparation program. - Q: Please explain more about the kind of active participation we need to secure from
institutions of higher education?
A: This is a local decision. Provide a response in your application. Per the authorizing legislation, when responding to the application components, applicants should note the extent of how its plan for recruitment and implementation involves the active participation of one or more local campuses of the participating institutions of higher education in the development of coursework and teaching programs for participating classified school employees. - Q: What do you mean by development of coursework and teaching programs? (We
assume that the universities we partner with have already developed liberal arts
program for the BA and teacher credentialing courses for the credential…what
additional development is needed?)
A: Explain in your narrative how LEA applicant and IHE will partner to provide support to program participants till completion of a bachelor’s degree and teacher preparation program, and to provide instructional service as fully credentialed teachers.. - Q: If our district is selected for the new funding of the Classified Grant Program, will our
current program participants be required to attend the IHE the LEA is partnering with?
A: Yes. Applicant LEAs may partner with more than on IHE. - Q: More specifically, will our district need to have signed articulation agreements with 8
different IHEs to allow the current participants to complete their coursework where
they are already enrolled?
A: Yes. - Q: How many IHEs may an LEA partner with?
A: That is a local decision. All IHE partners must sign the partner agreements. - Q: Can you confirm that an LEA can work with more than one IHE in partnership?
A: Yes. - Q: Is having the LEA partner with an IHE a new requirement from the last round of
A: No. All current requirements are per statute. Please see Appendix A- Authorizing Legislation Section 44393. - Q: If an LEA has a partnership with an IHE for the bachelor's degree program, and the
LEA operates its own credentialing program - is that sufficient in meeting the
partnership terms required by the grant? For example, is a county office of education
that operates an intern program eligible so long as it has a partnership with an IHE who
grants bachelor's degrees?
A: Yes. - Q: Section 4, Classified Grant Collaboration with Public and Private Institutions of Higher
Education, states “Applicants should identify…. a Commission-approved preparation
program offered by a regionally accredited IHE partners…”. If the grant applicant LEA
has a partnership with a California Community College(s), IHE(s) and LEA(s) which
has/have their own commission approved credential program does this mean the grant
funds cannot be used for tuition toward the commission approved LEA credential
A: Grant funds MAY be used in combination with IHEs that confer the bachelor’s degree and with an LEA Commission-approved teacher education program. - Q: Brandman University has been a partner of ours in the past and continues to be a
strong partner through the transition to UMass global. They are still accredited with
CCTC for their credential programs. Does this transition not allow us to partner with this
IHE for the degree portion of this grant as well since Criteria #4 on Page 7 specifies
“California four-year public or not-for-profit IHE”.
A: No. You may continue to partner with UMASS Global. From the Committee on Accreditation agenda item regarding this change: “… while the control of Brandman University is being transferred from Chapman University to the University of Massachusetts, Brandman is and will continue to operate administratively and academically as an independent non-profit university with its own operating policies, academic faculty, and staff. In other words, Brandman is not transferring its authority, or its educator licensure programs, to the University of Massachusetts. The entity of Brandman University will continue to sponsor the educator licensure programs both before and after the transaction, though we do anticipate that Brandman University changing its name to UMass Global. However, UMass Global will not be part of the University of Massachusetts system nor a campus of the University of Massachusetts. - Q: Do the participants need to attend the IHE we partner with, or can they continue
with an online university they may have begun?
A: Participants may continue with their current university provided the IHE is identified as an IHE partner.
Consortium Application
- Q: Can we edit/revise our LOI to include additional Consortium members after the 4/29 submission?
A: Yes. As a reminder, the notice of intent to apply is optional. The purpose of the notice is to inform the Commission of interested applicants so that any additional information about the RFA may be provided, including responses to written questions. Submission of a Notice of Intent to Apply is not a promise or obligation to submit a proposal, and a lack of submitting a Notice of Intent to Apply does not disqualify or preclude an applicant from submitting a proposal in response to the RFA. - Q: If we submit a LOI as a consortium, does our application in June have to include all those LEAs listed on the LOI?
A: Yes. It is expected that if the application represents a consortium, all LEA partners will sign the partnership agreements at the time of submitting your application, including partner LEAs within a county office of education. If an LEA partner listed on the notice of intent to apply is no longer a partner at the time of the submission of the application, then no signature is needed.
Classified Grant Program Funding
- Q: Since the Grant won't be awarded until June 27, 2022, will participants be allowed access the $4800 for reimbursement for receipts between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022?
A: No. - Q: The grant period reads 2021-22 through June 30, 2026. Are
we able to retroactively reimburse a participant from 2021-22 school year?
A: No. - Q: On page 5 of the RFA "stipends" are listed as allowable expenses and the budget sheet on page 20 says "Living stipends for participants." Can you elaborate
on what is allowable for these stipends and what sort of documentation you will be looking?
A: A stipend is a fixed amount of money to help defray costs associated with earning one’s teaching credential. The amount of the stipend is a local decision. The Commission will collect data annually which indicates the amount of stipend expended. - Q: Can a County Office of Education use funds in this grant to support charter schools outside of its own county?
A: This is a local decision. - Q: Can we use the Classified Grant funds to support the same classified school employees who are participating in our Teacher Residency Grant Program, which focuses on credentialing teachers in special education? In other words, can we augment
our financial support for our residents with classified grant funds?
A: Yes. - Q: Year 1 is identified as 21-22. Announcements of grant awards are expected for June 27, 2022. When will funds be available to grantees? This timeline might not
allow for expending funding within 21-22. Does that change what should be provided in the “Year One Total Grant Funds Requested” column in Appendix E? Should that column reflect requested funds for 22-23 instead?
A: Grant funds can only be used after the awarding of the grant. Applicant LEAs should plan their program to begin July 1, 2022. - Q: Please clarify where personnel salaries could be added to the budget. There is no line item specifically for personnel salaries.
A: Personnel salaries can be part of “Program administration.” Note: An LEA receiving a grant shall not use more than ten percent (10%) of a grant award for program administration costs. - Q: Can we put almost ALL $4,800 into tuition,
fees, and books as $4,800 per participant does not even cover both semesters of tuition?
A: This is a local decision.
Classified Grant Program Participants
- Q: In terms of TK teachers, many employees do not hold a credential and yet their district considers them certificated. Would those individuals qualify for the grant since they don't hold a credential and are working in a school setting?
A: Yes. Participants are individuals interested in earning a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or and Education Specialist credential. - Q: Can classified staff interested in becoming a teacher participate if they have already
completed their BA?
A: Yes. - Q: We would like to work with applicants who already have a 4-year degree have who
are pursuing a teaching credential. Is this allowable within this grant?
A: Per the authorizing legislation, Classified Grant is open to potential classified employees who meet the minimum requirements of an Associate in Arts (AA) degree or successful completion of two year of college, or higher. - Q: Does this grant only support undergraduates in the process of completing a 4-year
degree and teaching credential program?
A: The grant supports any participant who meets the minimum requirements. - Q: Are classified employees who only need to pursue a credential program eligible to
receive these funds or are the funds only eligible to those who need both the bachelor’s
degree and a credential?
A: Yes. The grant supports any participant who meets the minimum requirements. - Q: Can employees in this program also be eligible to eventually participate in a Teacher
Residency Program and receive funding from Residency Grant awards?
A: Yes. - Q: Can a previous Classified Grant participant receive funding from this grant, if they
have received funding from the 2016-21 Classified grant.
A: Yes. - Q: Can a participant access other state funding if receiving the Classified grant, or can
they only qualify for one of these funding sources? (Golden State Teacher, Early
Educator Teacher Development, Local Solutions)
A: Yes. - Q: Does this apply to teachers who have a degree but not a credential?
A: This applies to Classified employees who have an Associate in Arts (AA) degree or successful completion of two years of college (minimum 60 units), or higher, but not a credential.
November 17, 2023
Clarifying the Classified Grant Program Budget
- Q: We want to offer the grant as a scholarship program, and we want to allow the candidate to have the flexibility of using the funds within the allowable purpose. How do we fill out the budget form?
A: Please note the scholarship under “other.” In the budget narrative, explain the scholarship program and how the funds will be used.
Updated February 06, 2024