Once an institution has received program approval at the conclusion of Stage IV, that institution is eligible to offer the approved educator preparation program(s) as part of Stage V. Approved programs must operate in a manner aligned with Commission standards at all times. Furthermore, the institution must respond to all data requests and adhere to all accreditation requirements and timelines.

Provisional Approval Time Period

The Provisional Approval Period will be determined by the Commission at the end of Stage III. This time period typically spans 2 to 4 years.

Required Submissions

The provisionally approved institution must provide:

  • Annual data in the Accreditation Data System (ADS)
  • Title II information (preliminary teaching programs only)
  • Annual Accreditation Fees, as applicable
  • Updated Institution Contacts Information
Provisional Site Visit

At the end of the provisional approval period, the institution will host a Provisional Site Visit where gathered data and documentation will be examined and stakeholders interviewed by BIR reviewers. Based on the findings of the visit, this Site Visit Team will make an accreditation recommendation for the institution and its program(s). The accreditation recommendation made by the site visit team will first go before the COA, who will then give their final recommendation to the Commission.

In preparation for the Provisional Site Visit, institutions will be required to submit the following:

  • Preconditions
  • Program Review (Initial and Preliminary Programs)
  • Program Review (Induction Programs)
  • Common Standards
Final Approval

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing will grant or deny Full Institutional Approval. 

Institutions will be provided with support throughout Stage V, including an Accreditation 201 session, bi-annual check-ins, and an assigned CTC consultant to provide guidance in preparing for the Provisional Site Visit. Institutions will also have access to the Accreditation Handbook.  For further information about Stage V, contact the IIA Team at IIA@ctc.ca.gov

At the conclusion of Stage V, if the Commission grants Full Institutional Approval, the Administrator of Accreditation will assign an institution to a specific cohort within the 7-year accreditation cycle. The institution will then participate in accreditation activities as defined by the 7-year accreditation cycle. 

Updated April 26, 2023