At the 2019 June Commission Meeting, the CTC approved edits to the Assessment Design Standards (ADS) that govern the design of all approved Teaching Performance Assessments. Directions are provided in this notice to support programs and candidates as they engage with the CalTPA, the Commission’s model teaching performance assessment.
All Multiple Subject (MS), Single Subject (SS), and Education Specialist (EdSp) candidates who are concurrently earning a Bilingual Authorization may complete components of the CalTPA in the language of instruction. A calibrated assessor fluent in the language of instruction will score the submission. If a calibrated bilingual assessor is not available, two assessors will work together to score the submission (a speaker fluent in the language of instruction and a calibrated MS, SS, or EdSp assessor.) The candidate is not required to provide any translations or transcriptions. Written narratives, which include analysis of work and reflections must be submitted primarily in English* by MS, SS, and EdSp candidates.
For Focus Student 1 (FS1) Each candidate needs to identify FS1 and demonstrate how FS1 will be supported in his or her English development. This is required even if the entire lesson is taught in a language other than English. Each candidate must interact with the identified English learner in English for the purpose of increasing the student’s development of English. Requirements for Focus Student 1, in Cycle 1, applies to all MS, SS, and EdSp candidates no matter what delivery model. The only exception is SS World Language candidates. The program is responsible for assisting candidates with this ADS requirement.
Multiple Subject and EdSp Candidates: General Directions
Cycle 1
Literacy: California adopted English-Language Arts (ELA) content standard(s) as well as California English Language Development (ELD) standard(s) must be identified for all submissions no matter the language of instruction.
Math: California adopted Mathematics content standard(s) as well as California English Language Development (ELD) standard(s) must be identified for all submissions no matter the language of instruction.
Cycle 2
Literacy: California adopted English-Language Arts (ELA) content standard(s) must be identified for all submissions no matter the language of instruction. The candidate needs to indicate how he or she will address California adopted ELA standards, ELD standards and academic language development (ALD) in the learning segment.
Math: California adopted Mathematics content standard(s) must be identified for all submissions no matter the language of instruction. Math pedagogy is the focus of this cycle submission and one or more mathematics content standards must be identified for the instructional cycle. The candidate needs to indicate how he or she will address math, California adopted ELD standards and ALD in the learning segment.
MS and EdSp Evidence to be Submitted - Cycle Submission Specifics
Cycle 1
- MS and EdSp candidates may submit the following in the language of instruction: Getting to Know Your Students, Lesson Plan, related instructional resources and materials, video clips with audio (3) and written annotations.
- MS and EdSp candidates must submit their written analysis and reflection narratives and/or Step 4 video recording (if this option is chosen) primarily in English*: Lesson Plan Rationale, Reflection on What You Learned, and Application of What You Learned.
Cycle 2
- MS and EdSp candidates may submit the following in the language of instruction: Contextual Information, Assessment Descriptions, Learning Segment Template, blank copies of assessments and rubrics, video clips with audio and written annotations, 3 scored student work samples (written or video), Reteaching or Extension Activity video clip with audio and annotations, and Re-teaching or Extension Activity Description.
- MS and EdSp candidates must submit their written analysis and reflection narratives primarily in English*: Analysis of Informal and Student Self-Assessment, Analysis of Assessment Results, and Reflection for the Whole Class and Individuals
Single Subject Candidates: General Directions
Cycle 1
California adopted SS content standards as well as California adopted English Language Development (ELD) standards must be identified for all submissions no matter the language of instruction.
Cycle 2
California adopted SS content standards must be identified for all submissions no matter the language of instruction. SS pedagogy is the focus of this cycle submission and one or more SS content standards must be identified for the instructional cycle. The candidate needs to indicate how he or she will address California adopted ELD and academic language development (ALD) in the learning segment.
SS Evidence to be Submitted - Cycle Submission Specifics
Cycle 1
- SS candidates may submit the following in the language of instruction: Getting to Know Your Students, Lesson Plan, related instructional resources and materials, video clips with audio (3) and written annotations.
- SS candidates must submit their written analysis and reflection narratives and/or final Step 4 video recording (if this option is chosen) primarily in English*: Lesson Plan Rationale, Reflection on What You Learned, and Application of What You Learned.
Cycle 2
- SS candidates may submit the following in the language of instruction: Contextual Information, Assessment Descriptions, Learning Segment Template, blank copies of assessments and rubrics, video clips with audio and written annotations, 3 scored student work samples (written or video), Reteaching or Extension Activity video clip audio and annotations, and Re-teaching or Extension Activity Description.
- SS candidates must submit their written analysis and reflection narratives primarily in English*: Analysis of Informal and Student Self-Assessment, Analysis of Assessment Results, and Reflection for the Whole Class and Individuals.
*Primarily in English–means that the response is written in English, except when the language of instruction is needed for clarity in the response (e.g., the teacher candidate quotes a student in the language of instruction, refers to the lesson and uses a word from the language of instruction to illustrate the point, refers to evidence that is in the language of instruction).