CSET: Agriculture
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Plant and Soil Science
 I Ornamental Horticulture
 II Animal Science
 II Environmental Science and Natural Resource Management
 III Agricultural Business and Economics
 III Agricultural Systems Technology
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Creating
 I Presenting
 II Responding
 II Connecting
CSET: Business
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Business Management
 I Marketing
 II Accounting and Finance
 II Economics
 III Information Technology
 III Business Environment and Communication
CSET: Dance
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I and II Creating
 I and II Performing
 I and II Responding
 I and II Connecting
CSET: English
Subtest Number Domains Measured
 I Reading Literature and Informational Texts
 I Composition and Rhetoric
 II Language, Linguistics, and Literacy
 III Composition and Rhetoric
 III Reading Literature and Informational Texts
 IV Communications: Speech, Media, and Creative Performance
CSET: English Language Development
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Knowledge of English Learners in California and the United States
 I Applied Linguistics
 II Cultural Foundations
 II Foundations of English Learner Education in California and the United States
 III Principles of ELD Instruction and Assessment to Promote Receptive and Productive Language Proficiency
CSET: Health Science
Subtest Number Domains Measured
 I Foundations of Health Education
 I Human Growth and Development
 I Chronic and Communicable Diseases
 II Nutrition and Fitness
 II Mental and Emotional Health
 II Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
 III Family Life and Interpersonal Relationships
 III Consumer and Community Health
 III Environmental Health
CSET: Home Economics
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Personal, Family, and Child Development
 II Nutrition, Foods, and Hospitality
 III Fashion and Textiles
 III Housing and Interior Design
 III Consumer Education
CSET: Industrial and Technology Education
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Nature of Technology
 II Power and Energy
 II Information and Communication
 II Project and Product Development
CSET: Mathematics*
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Number and Quantity
 I Algebra
 II Geometry
 II Probability and Statistics
 III Calculus

*Subtests I and II satisfy the subject matter requirement for the Foundational-level Mathematics credential

CSET: Multiple Subjects
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Reading, Language, and Literature
 I History and Social Science
 II Science
 II Mathematics
 III Physical Education
 III Human Development
 III Visual and Performing Arts
CSET: Music
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Creating
 I Performing
 II Responding
 II Connecting
CSET: Physical Education
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Growth, Motor Development, and Motor Learning
 I The Science of Human Movement
 II The Sociology and Psychology of Human Movement
 II Movement Concepts and Forms
 II Assessment and Evaluation Principles
 III Professional Foundations
 III Integration of Concepts
CSET: Science*
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Scientific Practices, Engineering Design and Applications, and Crosscutting Concepts
 I Physical Sciences
 I Life Sciences
 I I Earth and Space Sciences
 II Concentration: Life Science
 II Concentration: Chemistry
 II Concentration: Earth and Space Sciences
 II Concentration: Physics

*Subtest I covers the general science content while Subtest II covers the candidate’s area of concentration. Subtest 1 alone satisfies the subject matter requirement for the Foundationallevel General Science credentials while the full Science credential in any one of the concentration areas requires Subtest 1 and the appropriate Subtest II.

CSET: Social Science
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I World History
 I World Geography
 II U.S. History
 II U.S. Geography
 III Principles of American Democracy
 III Economics
 III California History
CSET: Theatre
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I and II Creating
 I and II Performing
 I and II Responding
 I and II Connecting
CSET WL: American Sign Language
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions
 I Cultural Analysis and Comparisons
 II General Linguistics
 II Linguistics of the Target Language –American;Sign Language (Language Structures; Contrastive Analysis; Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics)
 III Linguistics of the Target Language –American Sign Language (Error Analysis)
 III Language and Communication: Receptive Comprehension
 III Language and Communication: Expressive Production
CSET WL: Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, Filipino, Hmong, Khmer
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I General Linguistics
 I Linguistics of the Target Language
 I Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions
 I Cultural Analysis and Comparisons
 II Language and Communication: Oral Expression
 II Language and Communication: Listening Comprehension
 II Language and Communication: Reading Comprehension
 II Language and Communication: Written Expression
CSET WL: Cantonese
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I General Linguistics
 I Linguistics of the Target Language
 II Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions
 II Cultural Analysis and Comparisons
 III Language and Communication: Listening Comprehension
 III Language and Communication: Reading Comprehension
 III Language and Communication: Written Expression
 III Language and Communication: Oral Expression
CSET WL: French, German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I General Linguistics
 I Linguistics of the Target Language
 II Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions
 II Cultural Analysis and Comparisons
 III Language and Communication: Oral Expression
 III Language and Communication: Listening Comprehension
 III Language and Communication: Reading Comprehension
 III Language and Communication: Written Expression
CSET WL: Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish*
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I General Linguistics
 I Linguistics of the Target Language
 II Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions
 II Cultural Analysis and Comparisons

*To use the CSET examinations in Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, and Portuguese toward certification, the individual must also pass the language and communication skills examinations offered by other entities approved by the Commission.

CSET WL: Writing Skills*
Subtest NumberDomains Measured
 I Expository Writing
 I Expository Writing
 II Literary and Cultural Texts and Traditions
 II Cultural Analysis and Comparisons

*CSET Writing Skills is used to satisfy the basic skills requirement for those who want to take it with all three sections of CSET Multiple Subject exam as an option for meeting the basic skills requirement

Updated March 07, 2024