The Annual Accreditation Fee is composed of two parts: 1) an institution fee based on the average number of recommendations over the past 3 years, and 2) a program fee based on the number and type of Commission-approved educator preparation programs offered by the institution.

Part One – Institution Fee

On July 1 of each year Commission staff will calculate the total number of recommendations submitted by each Commission-approved institution (institution of higher education, local education agency, or other entity). The Institution Fee is based on the average number of program completers recommended for the prior 3 years and adjusted annually based on the Implicit Price Deflator for State and Local Government, rounded to the nearest ten dollars ( pursuant to Title 5 CCR Title 5 CCR §80694).


Table 1: Institution Fee Tiers

TierNumber of Recommendations Prior Year Fee per Institution (2023-24)2023-24 Fee per Institution*
5over 600$2,500$2,540

* Implicit Price Deflator for 2023-24 = 1.8%.


Part Two – Program Fee

The Program Fee is based upon the number of Commission Approved Programs offered by the institution as of July 1 each year. All Commission-approved programs have been organized into one of three categories: Initial Preparation programs, Second Tier/Specialist programs, and Added Authorization programs. Table 2a identifies the three types of programs and the associated fees. Table 2b identifies the fee category for each educator preparation program. Each institution should check the Approved Programs page in the Credential Information Guide (CIG) to ensure that all its programs are appropriately identified. Programs must be formally withdrawn or made inactive at a regularly scheduled Committee on Accreditation (COA) meeting prior to July 1 in order for the changes to reflect on that year’s invoice.

Intern Programs

If a Preliminary Preparation program (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist, or Administrative Services) is offered in both a traditional student teaching model and an intern model the institution will not be charged for two separate Preliminary Preparation programs. Instead, a Preliminary Preparation program that is offered in both a traditional and intern delivery model will pay an additional $150 for the work that will need to be completed to review of the program for both the intern and traditional delivery models. Programs that operate only the intern model will still be charged the full fee for a Preliminary Preparation program with the additional $150 intern fee.

If a program is inactive because the standards have been revised and the program is teaching out its candidates, there is no annual program fee. These programs will be designated as “transition inactive” in the CIG.

Inactive programs

An institution may elect to declare a Commission-approved educator preparation program Inactive. An inactive program may not admit new candidates, must teach out the current candidates, and may only be inactive for up to five years. Institutions that have inactive programs will be assessed $50 annually for each inactive program to cover the cost of monitoring and record keeping.

If a program is inactive because the standards have been revised and the program is teaching out its candidates, there is no annual program fee. These programs will be designated as “transition inactive” in the CIG.

Total Annual Fee

Annually, on or before August 1, the Commission will post the total accreditation fee for each Commission-approved institution for the upcoming fiscal year on the Commission website. Each institution will receive an invoice by August 15. Payment is due September 1 and will be considered late on November 1.

If the Accreditation Fee is not paid before November 1 in any year, the institution’s ability to recommend for credentials will be suspended until the fee plus a $500 extraordinary activity fee has been received by the Commission.


Table 2a: Program Fees

Type of Educator Preparation Program Program Fee
Initial Preparation programs$400
Intern Programs—If an institution offers educator preparation program (preliminary teaching or administrative services programs) in an intern delivery model, there is an additional $150 annual fee.$150
Second Tier/Specialist programs$300
Added Authorization or Special Class/Teaching Authorization programs$200



Table 2b: Educator Preparation Programs and Accreditation Fee

Teacher Preparation ProgramsType of Preparation
Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching CredentialInitial Preparation
Preliminary Single Subject Teaching CredentialInitial Preparation
Teacher InductionSecond Tier/Specialist
General Education ClearSecond Tier/Specialist
Preliminary Education Specialist: Mild to Moderate Support NeedsInitial Preparation
Preliminary Education Specialist: Extensive Support NeedsInitial Preparation
Preliminary Education Specialist: Early Childhood Special EducationInitial Preparation
Preliminary Education Specialist: Deaf and Hard of HearingInitial Preparation
Preliminary Education Specialist: Physical and Health ImpairmentsInitial Preparation
Preliminary Education Specialist: Visual ImpairmentsInitial Preparation
Preliminary Education Specialist: Language and Academic Development Initial Preparation
Added Authorization in Special Education: Autism Spectrum DisorderAdded Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Deaf-BlindAdded Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Emotional DisturbanceAdded Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Orthopedic ImpairmentsAdded Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Other Health ImpairmentsAdded Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Resource SpecialistAdded Authorization
Added Authorization in Special Education: Traumatic Brain InjuryAdded Authorization
California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL)Second Tier/Specialist
Bilingual AuthorizationSecond Tier/Specialist
Agriculture SpecialistSecond Tier/Specialist
Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (Certificate)Added Authorization
Reading and Literacy Leadership SpecialistAdded Authorization
Mathematics Instructional Added AuthorizationSecond Tier/Specialist
Mathematics Instructional Leadership SpecialistSecond Tier/Specialist
Adapted Physical EducationSecond Tier/Specialist
Early Childhood SpecialistSecond Tier/Specialist
Designated Subjects: Career Technical EducationInitial Preparation
Designated Subjects: Adult EducationInitial Preparation
Designated Subjects: Supervision and CoordinationSecond Tier/Specialist
Services Preparation ProgramsType of Preparation
Preliminary Administrative ServicesInitial Preparation
Administrative Services InductionSecond Tier/Specialist
Pupil Personnel Services: School PsychologyInitial Preparation
Pupil Personnel Services: School CounselingInitial Preparation
Pupil Personnel Services: School Social WorkInitial Preparation
Pupil Personnel Services: Child Welfare and AttendanceSecond Tier/Specialist
Teacher LibrarianSecond Tier/Specialist
Teacher Librarian Special Teaching AuthorizationAdded Authorization
School NurseSecond Tier/Specialist
School Nurse-Special Teaching Authorization in HealthAdded Authorization
Teacher Preparation ProgramsType of Preparation
Speech-Language PathologyInitial Preparation
Speech-Language Pathology Special Class AuthorizationAdded Authorization
Clinical or Other Rehabilitative: Orientation and MobilityInitial Preparation
Clinical or Other Rehabilitative: AudiologySecond Tier/Specialist
Updated June 27, 2024