Committee on Accreditation Agenda
Teleconference Meeting  

May Lee State Office Complex
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
Multipurpose Center, Room 245


Meeting Participation via Zoom Webcast
The Committee on Accreditation meeting will be accessible for public participation either in person at the Commission offices, at each of the locations listed on the agenda, through a Zoom webcast, and telephone. The following link is provided to access the webcast on September 26, 2024:

Select Link to Join Meeting

September 26, 2024 2:00 p.m.  Meeting ID: 862 5686 1835

Meeting Participation via Teleconference
If you do not have access to a computer, the public may listen to the COA meeting by dialing US Toll-Free: 888-475-4499 or  877-853-5257.

Note: Individuals calling from a blocked telephone number who plan to make public comment (see below) on an agenda item must unblock their telephone number by dialing *82 prior to entering the toll-free number listed above.

Public Comment Guidelines
Members of the public wishing to provide public comment during the discussion of an agenda item will be given the opportunity to speak during the public comment period. The Co-Chair will announce when the public comment period is open during the presentation of the agenda item and ask for anyone who wishes to comment to notify the meeting moderator as explained below.

Participants attending in person: Individuals who would like to make comments during the meeting who are attending in person will need to complete a public comment card indicating what item they would like to speak on and provide it to the meeting moderator at the location. The Co-Chair will then call on the public member at the appropriate time during the meeting. 

Participants attending via Zoom webcast: Individuals who join the meeting via the Zoom webcast will need to click on the “raise hand” icon to inform the meeting moderator that they would like to speak on the item being presented. The meeting moderator will notify the individual when it is their turn to speak by calling their Zoom ID (name used by the member of the public when logging into the meeting). At that time, the individual will be prompted to unmute their microphone and will be able to share their comment.

Note: The Zoom ID name used by the member of the public to join the Zoom meeting will be displayed to the public when the individual provides public comment. 

Participants attending via teleconference: Individuals who join the meeting using the US Toll-Free number will need to press *9 on their phone to inform the meeting moderator that they would like to speak on the item being presented. The meeting moderator will notify the individual when it is their turn to speak by calling the last four digits of their phone number and will allow them to unmute their telephone. At that time, the individual will be prompted to press *6 and will be able to share their comment.

Note: Only the last four digits of the caller’s phone number will be displayed to the public when the individual provides public comment.

Public comment time may be limited depending on the volume of speakers wishing to speak to a particular agenda item. The Co-Chair will notify the public during the item, if this is the case.


Written Comments Guidelines
The public is encouraged, but not required, to submit written comments to the COA in advance for their prior consideration. In order to ensure committee members have sufficient time to review all written comments, members of the public are asked, but not mandated, to submit written comments no later than 12pm on Monday, September 23, 2024 either online or by sending written comments by mail to Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Attn: Profession Services Division, May Lee State Office Complex, Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 651 Bannon Street, Suite 600, Sacramento, CA 95811. If you have difficulties hand-mailing or submitting your comments online, please email the Commission at or call 1-866-866-8609. Individuals who are not able to submit written comments are welcome to make verbal public comment during the meeting (see above).




A request for reasonable accommodation may be made as follows:

  1. Make the request for accommodation as soon as practicable, preferably before the meeting you wish to attend. The sooner the request is made, the more likely it is that the Commission can provide the requested accommodation or an alternative.
  2. The request may be made orally or in writing. To avoid delay in the review and processing of your request, please direct your request to the attention of the appropriate staff member below, at the U.S. Toll-Free telephone number, email address, or mailing address as follows:

For Committee on Accreditation Meetings:
Staff Member: Michelle Bernardo
U.S. Toll-Free Telephone Number: 1-866-866-8609
Email Address:
Mailing Address: 651 Bannon Street, Suite 600, Sacramento, CA 95811

3. The request for accommodation must provide the following information:

a. Identify the proposed accommodation. Tell us the type of accommodation you are seeking, and how the accommodation will allow you to access and participate in the meeting.

b. Provide your contact information so we can respond in a timely manner. This can be a mailing address, an email address, or telephone number. Please note that if only a mailing address is provided, you need to make the request early enough that a mailed response can be timely provided.

c. Identify or specify the specific meeting(s), including the meeting date(s), for which you are requesting that accommodation be provided.

d. All materials submitted in support of a request for accommodation will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party unless required by law or with the requestor’s express written permission.


The Commission’s response to a request for reasonable accommodation:

1. A Commission staff member who receives a request for reasonable accommodation will respond to the request promptly and as soon as practicable. All responses to written requests will be provided in writing, if the request was made sufficiently in advance such that a written response can be transmitted in a timely manner prior to the start of the specific meeting. Responses will identify whether the accommodation is granted or whether an equally effective alternative has been granted and will provide any instructions necessary for the accommodation to be accessed. If a request is denied, the response will identify the grounds for denial.

2. The Commission shall give preference to the requested accommodation. Any doubt regarding whether a request is reasonable should be resolved in favor of accessibility. Commission staff will make reasonable efforts to communicate with requestors to obtain clarification or to discuss whether alternative accommodations are viable.

3. The Commission shall deny the accommodation only if it fundamentally alters the nature of the Commission’s services, programs, activities, or results in undue financial and administrative burdens, or otherwise creates an undue hardship.

Committee on Accreditation Agenda

September, 2024
2:00 p.m.

Teleconference Meeting  

All of the Following Locations Are Open to the Public
Members of the Public May Attend and Comment at Any Location

May Lee State Office Complex
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
Multipurpose Center, Room 245

Watch Recording Day 1

US Toll-Free: 888-475-4499 or  877-853-5257

Meeting ID:  862 5686 1835

Kern County Superintendent of Schools
Educator Development-Bank of America Building
1430 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 130
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Williams Educational Center
301 S Loraine Avenue Room 7
Glendora, CA 91741
WISH Charter Academy High School - Library
7400 W. Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Spies-Bornemann Education and Technology Building
SBET 104
60 West Olsen Rd. 
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
California Polytechnic State University 
1 Grand Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
School of Education, Building 2 Rm124
Chabot-Las Positas Community College District
Economic Development and Contract Education
5860 Owens Drive-3rd Floor
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Roseland University Prep
1931 Biwana Dr #1
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Chapman University
Conservatory of Music, Room OH110
One University Drive
Orange, CA  92866
Mar Vista High School
505 Elm Avenue
Imperial Beach,  CA 91932


PLEASE NOTE: All linked agenda items are in PDF Format.


Thursday, September 26, 2024


TimeItem #

Item Status
Action or Information

Item Topic
2:00p.m.1 Call to Order and Roll Call
 2ActionApproval of the Agenda
 3ActionApproval of the Minutes of the Prior Meeting

Program Approval Recommendations

Insert - Sacramento COE added


Program Status Changes

Insert - Vanguard University added

Public Comment

This agenda and material are available at

For further information on this agenda, please contact Michelle Bernardo at


All times are approximate and are provided for convenience only.  The order of business within each day may be changed without notice.  All items may be re-ordered to be heard on any day of the noticed meeting. 

Reasonable Accommodation: Any person with a disability requiring disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in the meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may make a request by contacting Michelle Bernardo at or (916) 324-5949 or sending a written request to that person at Attn: Profession Services Division, May Lee State Office Complex, Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 651 Bannon Street, Suite 600, Sacramento, CA 95811. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least five working days in advance of the meeting.


Updated September 27, 2024