The DOP are organized around the CPSEL and comprise19 continuums, one for each element. Each continuum describes four levels of practice:
- Practice that is directed toward the standard
- Practice that approaches the standard
- Practice that meets the standard
- Practice that exemplifies the standard.
When reading a DOP continuum from left to right, the progression is evident, with the descriptions indicating deepening knowledge, increasing task complexity, and greater collaboration with and capacity building of others. The progression of practices
in the DOP reveals the following developmental intentions, with the leader and his or her work reflecting a shift from
Awareness | to | Implementation |
Reactive | to | Proactive |
Basic | to | Complex |
Individual | to | Shared |
Incidental | to | Systemic |
Compliant | to | Innovative |
The DOP embed references to the CPSEL's Example Indicators, however, the DOP have been carefully worded to leave room to accommodate the necessary variation in leadership practice dictated by the different challenges and opportunities that exist
at one site as compared to another.