Program Perspective to Support a Rural Principal
In this scenario, a new principal works with her district and program to balance professional learning offerings from each while completing all required program components.
- How the district and program interact to develop the candidate's learning expectations
- What types of support this candidate may need in her new school's context
The induction program is supporting Janet Thompson, who is the principal of a 500 student rural elementary school. Janet's school is affected by many issues associated with poverty, access to resources, English learners, and transiency, in addition to
the regular instructional issues surrounding learning. The District would like Janet to participate in its own professional learning sessions that align with the district mission and goals, but as a brand new principal there are many areas where Janet
needs additional support. To provide the support Janet needs, address the requirements of the program, and include the demands of the district, the coach and program advisor must integrate multiple areas of program design and communication.
Janet enrolls in the program and is provided an initial assessment. The information from this assessment, combined with a review of her professional experiences and current situation, provides a basis for a plan of professional learning. A coach
is assigned to Janet based on shared experiences and assignment in her district. In order to better meet Janet's needs, the program advisor and coach schedule a meeting with the district. The district lead shares the district's desire that Janet participate
in all of the PD offered to all district principals over the course of the year. The district is concerned that by adding additional requirements of the program's professional learning, Janet will be off campus too frequently. The program advisor
is able to provide insight based on the results of the initial assessment, review of professional experiences and current situation. An IIP is developed for Janet where some of the district's required professional development would be provided through
offerings from the program to all program participants. Janet would be able to satisfy the remaining professional learning requirement by participating in professional learning provided through the district. Which professional learning she attends
would be based on Janet's identified needs from the initial assessment and ongoing data.
In addition to the professional development, Janet will meet in coaching sessions with her assigned coach for a minimum of 40 hours per year. These
coaching experiences will allow her to develop and revise her IIP and address any concerns of needs. The program advisor will periodically check on the progress of through document reviews of IIP and coaching logs as well as through check-in surveys
and conversations at coach and candidate meetings. During annual meetings, the district the program advisor will review the progress of each candidate and any concerns for Janet will be addressed.
Reflection Questions:
- How is the induction program designed to meet the needs of the candidate, district, and program?
- What variables will inform Janet's IIP?
- How is this example similar to or different from your experience with induction program design?
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