Professional learning is the key purpose of induction as described in the CASC Program Standards. Professional Learning for beginning administrator induction includes four interrelated components: the Individual Induction Plan (IIP), Coaching, Professional Development, and Assessment. The IIP serves as a blueprint that organizes other components of the full induction program. It documents the candidate's goals and plan for learning, detailing the professional development that will be included in the program and the assessments that determine progress. The candidate's formative and summative assessments, self-reflections and feedback point to areas of strength and growth and inform professional development and coaching plans and activities. Working together in an IIP, professional development, coaching and assessment result in professional learning that enables the candidate meet CASC requirements and be recommended for the CASC.
The other induction program components are detailed in the following modules:
Professional Learning - Program Standard 4
Individual Induction Plan - Program Standard 4A
Coaching - Program Standard 4B
Assessment - Program Standard 4D