The original CPSEL were developed through a collaboration of California education leaders and have been a part of the California's education administrator preparation continuum since 2001. While widely used since their inception, changes in the California education context led to the call by the education community to revise the standards to reflect updated perspectives on teaching and learning. In October 2013, the Commission of Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and the California Department of Education (CDE) jointly convened a panel charged with updating the CPSEL, as recommended in the state's Educator Excellence task force report, Greatness by Design (2012). After reviewing the original CPSEL, research studies, professional literature, examples of national, state, and district standards for administrators, as well as the newly adopted content and performance expectations for preliminary administrator certification, the CPSEL Update Panel drafted the "refreshed" set of CPSEL. The draft underwent review by the Commission and two surveys soliciting public comment. The CTC approved the updated CPSEL in February 2014.