This leaflet provides a summary of the documents issued by the Commission that authorize instruction to English learners. Complete information about the authorizations and requirements for these documents can be obtained from the Commission’s website.
Requirements for Teaching English Learners
A teacher who is assigned to provide any of the following services must hold an appropriate authorization to provide the instruction to students.
- Instruction for English language development (ELD)
- Specially designed academic instruction delivered in English (SDAIE)
- Content instruction delivered in the primary language
- Instruction for Primary Language Development
Table 1 lists the documents issued by the Commission that authorize one or more of these types of instruction to English learners.
Documents Currently Issued by the Commission that Authorize Instruction to English Learners Teaching Credentials with English Learner or Bilingual Authorization
All teacher candidates admitted to a California Multiple or Single Subject Teacher Credential Program on or after July 1, 2002 complete embedded English learner course work authorized under Assembly Bill 1059 (Chap. 711, Stats. 1999). In June 2006, an English Learner Authorization (ELA) was also embedded in the coursework for the Education Specialist Credential. These individuals earn an ELA directly on their teaching credential.
Candidates enrolling in California teacher preparation programs since January 1, 2014 earn an ELA upon program completion that has been revised in scope. An individual issued a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential with the revised ELA may provide ELD to students within the subject(s) authorized by the credential and SDAIE instruction, but is not authorized to provide departmentalized ELD instruction. See Coded Correspondence 14-01 on the Commission’s website for more details.
Educators who earn the revised ELA that only authorizes ELD within the content being taught may complete either a Commission-approved California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) program or the CTEL exam to expand their authorization to include departmentalized ELD.
Individuals interested in obtaining a Bilingual Authorization in conjunction with their credential program should contact a college or university with a Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program. Individuals prepared outside of California must meet the requirements for an ELA or Bilingual Authorization as outlined in the credential leaflets referenced below.
English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificates and Bilingual Authorizations
Requirements for the full ELA (authorizes departmentalized ELD) or Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate may be satisfied by course work completed through a Commission-approved CTEL program, passing the appropriate Commission-approved examinations, or through a combination of exams and course work. The Bilingual Authorization may be earned by passage of the appropriate Commission-approved examinations, completion of a Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program, or a combination of exams and course work. Individuals must have a valid prerequisite credential on file at the time of issuance for either of these authorizations. Information regarding specific requirements may be found on the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate leaflet, CL-628C, Bilingual Authorization leaflet, CL-628B, and Coded Correspondence 10-07.
Single Subject-World Language: English Language Development (ELD)
The World Language: ELD content area may be listed as a stand-alone authorization on a Single Subject Teaching Credential, intern credentials (university and district) by a program sponsor with an approved pedagogy course, Short-Term Staff Permits, Provisional Internship Permits, and Variable Term Waivers. The World Language: ELD content area authorizes departmentalized ELD instruction including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and SDAIE for additional content areas added or any other basic credential held.
Bilingual Crosscultural Specialist Credentials
The requirements for a Bilingual Crosscultural Specialist Credential are possession of a valid prerequisite credential and completion of a Commission-approved Bilingual Crosscultural Specialist Program. Authorizes ELD and to teach departmentalized and self-contained classes to English learners in the target language listed or in ELD programs. Individuals prepared outside of California must seek advisement and be recommended by a California college or university with a Commission-approved program.
University Intern Credentials with English Learner or Bilingual Authorization
Individuals must contact a college or university with a Commission-approved intern program for the Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Teaching Credential with ELA for admission requirements. Those seeking a Bilingual Authorization should contact the Commission-approved program sponsor for specific requirements. After completing an intern program, the applicant must secure the formal recommendation of the institution for full certification. A link to a list of institutions with Commission-approved intern programs may be found on the University Intern Credentials leaflet, CL-402A.
District Intern Credentials with English Learner or Bilingual Authorization
The District Intern Credential is an alternative route to earning a teaching credential. Within the program, an individual will earn either an ELA or Bilingual Authorization. Specific requirements and contact information may be found on the District Intern Credential leaflet, CL-707B.
Emergency CLAD/Bilingual Authorization Permits
Emergency CLAD and Bilingual Authorization Permits are available only at the request of an employing agency. Individuals seeking employment based upon an emergency permit must contact a prospective employer for information. The holder must have a valid prerequisite credential on file at the time of issuance. Emergency permits may be reissued twice, authorizing a maximum of three years of service to complete requirements for the ELA/CLAD Certificate or Bilingual Authorization. For more information, see Emergency Permits-Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) and Bilingual Authorization Permits leaflet, CL533O-CLAD-BL.
Provisional Internship Permits/Short-Term Staff Permits
Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist Provisional Internship Permits and Short-Term Staff Permits with an ELA or Bilingual Authorization are only available at the request of an employing agency. Individuals seeking employment based upon these types of permits must contact a prospective employer. More information may be found Credential Leaflet CL-856 for the Provisional Internship Permit and Credential Leaflet CL-858 for the Short-Term Staff Permit.
Certificates of Completion of Staff Development
The Certificate of Completion of Staff Development authorizes the holder to teach Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) to English learners within the subject matter content and grade level of the holder’s prerequisite credential. The holder must have a valid prerequisite credential on file at the time of issuance. Information regarding current requirements may be found on the Certificate of Completion of Staff Development leaflet, CL-824.
For more information, visit the Commission-Approved Professional Preparation Programs or the Commission's website.
Table 1: Types of Instruction Authorized
Credentials, Certificates, Permits, and Supplementary Authorizations Issued by the Commission that Authorize Instruction to English Learners.
Document | ELD [1] Within Content Area | Departmentalized ELD [1] | SDAIE [1] | Bilingual Instruction [1] |
Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential with full ELA (or CLAD Emphasis) Authorization Codes: ELA [1] (or CLAD) | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential with revised ELA [2] Authorization Codes: ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential with a Bilingual Authorization (or BCLAD Emphasis) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Bilingual Crosscultural Specialist Credential | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
CLAD Certificate | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Bilingual Authorization | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Single Subject Teaching Credential in World Language: ELD content [3] | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Language Development Specialist (LDS) Certificate [4] | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
BCLAD Certificate [4] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Bilingual Certificate of Competence (BCC) [4] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Supplementary Authorization in English as a Second Language (ESL) or Introductory ESL [4] | Yes | Yes | N/A | N/A |
General Teaching Credential [5] | Yes | Yes | N/A | N/A |
University Intern Credential with revised ELA Authorization Codes: ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
University Intern Credential with a Bilingual Authorization | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
District Intern Credential with revised ELA Authorization Code: ELA [3] | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
District Intern Credential with a Bilingual Authorization | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credential [6] | N/A | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Emergency CLAD Permit | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Emergency Bilingual Authorization Permit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Provisional Internship Permit/Short-Term Staff Permit with revised ELA | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Provisional Internship Permit/Short-Term Staff Permit with Bilingual | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Certificate of Completion of Staff Development [8] | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (SB 1969) [8,9] | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Note [1]:
- ELD: Instruction for English language development.
- SDAIE: Specially designed academic instruction delivered in English.
- Bilingual Instruction: Instruction for primary language development and content instruction delivered in the primary language.
Note [2]: May complete CTEL program or exam to expand this authorization to include departmentalized ELD (earns ELA1 or CLAD certificate).
Note [3]: Separate EL authorization will not be added to a credential issued in this content area. See Coded Correspondence 14-01.
Note [4]: No longer issued but holders of valid documents may continue to serve on these documents.
Note [5]: No longer initially issued but may be renewed. Although the holder may legally be assigned to teach ELD, the Commission does not recommend this assignment unless the holder possesses specific skills or training in ELD teaching.
Note [6]: Only applies to the clear CTE credential. The five year preliminary CTE credential program does not contain SDAIE embedded coursework or provide a SDAIE authorization.
Note [7]: May be issued with the bilingual authorization when accompanied by proof of target language proficiency.
Note [8]: Option authorizing ELD within the grade, setting, and content area of the credential applies only for teachers holding Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist credentials. This option had a sunset date of January 1, 2008. See Coded Correspondence 07-16. Some of the authorizations have restrictions based on the methods used to qualify for the certificate. Authorizes SDAIE only for holders of the Designated Subjects Career Technical Education and Special Subjects Teaching Credentials and Services Credentials with a Special Class Authorization.
Note [9]: Never resulted in the Commission issuing a certificate. The Commission served as repository of program completion information only.
California Education Code, Sections 44203 and 44253.2 through 44253.10; and Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 80015 through 80016, 80021 and 80021.1, 80024.1 through 80024.2.1, 80024.7, and 80024.8.