Emergency Permits
Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) and Bilingual Authorization Permits

Emergency Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) and Bilingual Authorization (BL) Permits are available only at the request of an employing agency. Individuals may not apply directly to the Commission for these documents. If you are seeking employment based upon an emergency permit, please contact your prospective employer for more information.

The purpose of the Emergency CLAD and BL Permits is to allow qualified individuals to be employed while completing requirements for the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate or Bilingual Authorization and showing progress toward obtaining the certificate or authorization with each renewal. Permits are valid for one year but may not exceed the expiration date of the prerequisite credential or permit. Teaching or service authorized by an Emergency CLAD or BL Permit is restricted to schools operated by the employing agency that requested the permit.

Effective January 1, 2014, emergency permits may be renewed a maximum of two times, authorizing a maximum of three years of service. Permits initially issued prior to January 1, 2014 that have been renewed two or more times shall not be renewed after January 1, 2014.

Authorization (CLAD Permit)

The Emergency CLAD Permit authorizes the holder to provide the following services to English learners:

  • Instruction for English language development (ELD) in preschool, grades K–12, and in classes organized primarily for adults, except when the prerequisite credential or permit is a Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential, or a Children’s Center or Child Development Permit, in which case instruction for English language development is limited to the programs authorized by that credential or permit.

  • Specially designed academic instruction delivered in English (SDAIE) in the subjects and at the levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit.

Requirements for Initial Issuance (CLAD Permit)

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements and submit them to the Commission through their employing agency:

  1. Possess a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university. 

  2. Possess a valid California teaching credential, Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential or Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential with a Special Class Authorization, Visiting Faculty Permit, Child Development Permit, Children’s Center Instructional Permit, or Children’s Center Supervision Permit authorizing the holder to provide instruction to pupils.

    The following documents do not meet this requirement:

    Emergency Permits, Short-Term Staff Permits, Provisional Internship Permits, District Intern Credentials, University Intern Credentials, Exchange Credentials, and Sojourn Credentials.

  3. Provide written intent to complete the requirements for renewal during the valid period of the permit.

  4. Completed application ( form 41-4).

  5. Application processing fee.

  6. The employing agency must have an annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (CL-500) on file with the Commission.

Requirements for Renewal (CLAD Permit)

Individuals must complete all of the following requirements and submit them to the Commission through their employing agency:

  1. The employing agency must verify that they have provided orientation, guidance and assistance to the permit holder on form CL-469 CLAD-BL, entitled Emergency Permit Renewal Verification Form. Orientation is required for the first renewal only.

  2. The employing agency must verify on form CL-469 CLAD-BL that they have assigned an experienced educator to guide and assist the individual during the valid period of the permit (see Terms and Definitions). Required for each issuance. See Terms and Definitions for additional information.

  3. Only required for those completing CTEL course work in an approved program or a combination of course work and CTEL examination subtests: Required for the first renewal only. An authorized person in the credentials office of the Commission-approved CTEL program sponsor must verify on form CL469 CLAD-BL that an evaluation has been completed identifying any equivalencies and the requirements the emergency permit holder must complete to be eligible for the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate. There is no appeal available for this requirement not being completed.

  4. Verify completion of one of the following:
    1. If earning the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate via course work:
      Submit form CL-469 CLAD-BL, verifying completion of at least six semester units (or nine quarter units) of course work with a grade of “C” or better in a Commission-approved CTEL program. The course work must have been completed after the issuance date of the current permit and prior to the requested issuance date. Form CL-469 CLAD-BL must be signed by the authorized individual in the credentials department of the Commission-approved CTEL program.

    2. If earning the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate via exam only:
      Pass a combination of any two of the following: Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3 of the CTEL Examination, if these exams were not passed prior to the issuance of the current permit verified by an official score report. Passing exam scores remain valid for ten years from the individual exam date.

    3. If earning the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate via a combination of course work and examination:
      Submit form CL-469- CLAD-BL verifying completion of at least three semester units (or four quarter units) of course work with a grade of “C” or better in a Commission-approved CTEL program along with passage of any one of Tests 1, 2, or 3 of the CTEL exam.
      The course work and examination verified by an official score report must have been completed after the issuance date of the current permit and prior to the requested issuance date. Form CL469 CLAD-BL must be signed by the authorized individual in the credentials department of the Commission-approved CTEL program sponsor.

  5. Possess a valid prerequisite credential.

  6. Completed application form ( form 41-4).

  7. Application processing fee.

  8. The employing agency must have an annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (CL500) on file with the Commission.

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Emergency Bilingual Authorization (BL) PERMIT

Authorization (BL Permit)

The Emergency BL Permit authorizes the holder to provide the following services to English learners:

  • Instruction for English language development (ELD), and instruction for primary language development in the language of emphasis in preschool, grades K–12, and in classes organized primarily for adults, except when the prerequisite credential or permit is a designated subjects adult education teaching credential or a children’s center or child development permit, in which case instruction for English language development (ELD) and primary language development is limited to the programs authorized by that credential or permit.

  • Specially designed academic instruction delivered in English (SDAIE) in the subjects and at the levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit.

  • Content instruction delivered in the language of emphasis in the subjects and at the levels authorized by the prerequisite credential or permit.

Requirements for Initial Issuance (BL Permit)

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements and submit them to the Commission through their employing agency:

  1. Possess a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university.

  2. Possess a valid California teaching credential, Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential or Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential with a Special Class Authorization, Visiting Faculty Permit, Child Development Permit, Children’s Center Instructional Permit, or Children’s Center Supervision Permit authorizing the holder to provide instruction to pupils.

    The following documents do not meet this requirement: emergency permits, Short-Term Staff Permits, Provisional Internship Permits, District Intern Credentials, University Intern Credentials, Exchange Credentials, and Sojourn Credentials.

  3. Verify target-language proficiency by one of the following methods:

    1. Pass Test II or III (depending on the specific language-Language and Communication/Listening and Oral Communication section) of the CSET: World Languages Examinations in the target language verified by an official score report. Passing exam scores are valid for ten years from the individual test date.
    2. If Test II or III of the CSET: World Languages Examination is not available in the target language, pass an assessment performed by an approved organization covering the integrated communication skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language.
    3. Pass an assessment covering the integrated communication skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing administered by a California college or university as a part of its Commission-approved bilingual authorization program in the target language.
    4. Possess a valid, non-emergency California Single Subject or Standard Secondary Teaching Credential with a full subject area authorization or major in the target language.
    5. Possess a three-year or higher degree from a foreign institution in which all instruction was delivered in the target language. The foreign institution must be equivalent in status to a regionally-accredited institution of higher education in the United States.
  4. Provide written intent to complete the requirements for renewal during the valid period of the permit.

  5. Completed application ( form 41-4).

  6. Application processing fee.

  7. The employing agency must have an annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (CL500) on file with the Commission.

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Requirements for Renewal (BL Permit)

Individuals must complete all of the following requirements and submit them to the Commission through their employing agency:

  1. The employing agency must verify that they have provided orientation, guidance and assistance to the permit holder on form CL-469 CLAD-BL, entitled Emergency Permit Renewal Verification Form (see Terms and Definitions). Orientation is required for the first renewal only.

  2. The employing agency must verify on form CL-469 CLAD-BL that they have assigned an experienced educator to guide and assist the individual during the valid period of the permit (see Terms and Definitions); required for each issuance.

  3. Pass Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3 of the CTEL Examinations, if these tests were not passed prior to issuance of the emergency permit being reissued. If all of these tests were passed, or if the applicant opts to complete coursework in lieu of taking these tests, three semester units of coursework required for the English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificate may be substituted.

  4. Verify completion of one of the following:

    1. If earning the Bilingual Authorization via examination only:
      Pass either Test II (or III depending on the specific language- Language and Communication or Listening and Oral Communication section), IV, or V of the CSET: World Languages Examination if these exams, or their equivalent, were not passed prior to the issuance of the current permit. If all exams have been passed, or if the individual opts to complete course work in lieu of taking these exams, three semester units of course work from a Commission-approved CTEL program may be substituted based on verification from the program sponsor. Passing exam scores are valid for ten years from the individual test date.

    2. If earning the Bilingual Authorization via course work:
      Submit form CL-469 CLAD-BL, verifying completion of at least six semester units (or nine quarter units) of course work with a grade of “C” or better in a Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program. The course work must have been completed after the issuance date of the current permit and prior to the requested issuance date. Form CL-469 CLAD-BL must be signed by the authorized individual in the credentials department of the Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program.

    3. If earning the Bilingual Authorization via a combination of course work and examination(s):
      Submit form CL-469- CLAD-BL, verifying completion of at least three semester units (or four quarter units) of course work with a grade of “C” or better in a Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program along with passage of any one of the bilingual exams noted in A and B above. The course work and examination(s) verified by an official score report must have been completed after the issuance date of the current permit and prior to the requested issuance date. Form CL-469 CLAD-BL must be signed by the authorized individual in the credentials department of the Commission-approved Bilingual Authorization program sponsor.

  5. Possess a valid prerequisite credential.

  6. Completed application form ( form 41-4).

  7. Application processing fee.

  8. The employing agency must have an annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (CL500) on file with the Commission. Required for each reissuance.

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Information About the CSET: World Languages Examinations

The CSET: World Languages examinations for the bilingual authorization consist of the following three exams:

  • Tests II or III: Language and Communication (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing).
  • Test IV: Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
  • Test V: Geographic, Historical, Sociopolitical, and Sociocultural Contexts

Information regarding CSET: World Languages exam dates, fees, and registration may be obtained by contacting the CSET program directly.

CSET Program
Evaluation Systems
P.O. Box 340789
Sacramento, CA 95834-0789
(800) 205-3334 or (916) 928-4003
(TTY): (866) 483-6461 or (916) 928-4191
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday–Friday
(excluding holidays)
6:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Pacific time (Saturday test dates only)
(Automated Information System available 24 hours daily)

Information About The CTEL Examination

The CTEL Examination consists of the following three subtests:

  • CTEL 1: Language and Language Development
  • CTEL 2: Assessment and Instruction
  • CTEL 3: Culture and Inclusion

Information regarding the CTEL exam dates, fees, and registration may be obtained by contacting the CTEL program directly.

CTEL Program
Evaluation Systems
P.O. Box 340819
Sacramento, CA 95834-0819
(866) 851-3815 or (916) 928-4002
TTY: (916) 928-4191
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday–Friday
(excluding holidays)
7:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Pacific time, Saturday exam dates only
(Automated Information System available 24 hours daily)

Examination Score Validity

The period of the score validity for the CSET: World Languages examination is ten years.

Terms and Definitions

  • Orientation, Guidance and Assistance
    The employing agency must provide orientation, guidance, and assistance when an individual obtains, for the first time, an Emergency CLAD or BL Permit. The employing agency may vary the nature, content, and duration of the orientation to match the amount of training and experience previously completed by the emergency permit teacher. This shall include, but not be limited to, an overview of all of the following topics:

    • Curriculum that emergency permit holder is expected to teach.

    • Effective techniques of classroom instruction at the emergency permit holder's assigned level-preschool, elementary, middle, secondary, or adult education.

    • Effective techniques of classroom management at the emergency permit holder's assigned level-elementary or secondary to the extent reasonably feasible.

    • Orientation to teaching shall occur before the emergency permit holder begins his or her teaching assignment.

  • Experienced Educator
    The employing agency will assign an experienced educator to guide and assist the holder of a CLAD or BL emergency permit. The experienced educator shall be a certificated employee of the employing agency, or a certificated retiree of a California school district or county office of education, and have completed at least three years of full-time classroom teaching experience.

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California Education Code, Sections 44251(c), 44256.4(b)(1), 44265, 44268, and 44300, and Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 80023 through 80023.2, 80024.3.1, 80024.4 through 80024.8, 80026 through 80026.6.

CL-533o CLAD-BL  April, 2017
Updated July 01, 2024