Reports in CalSAAS

CalSAAS reports become available for users to access after an assignment monitoring cycle has concluded and CTC has finalized the resulting data, with the exception of the Hidden Predetermined Exceptions Report, which is available during the current assignment monitoring cycle. The report types available in CalSAAS are the Hidden Predetermined Exceptions, Detail, Summary, Exception History, and Superintendent Reports. Further guidance related to CalSAAS reports can be found below.

Report Scope

The reports available to a CalSAAS user are based on the user's role and scope.

Report Scope Options:

  • State Report*: accessible to all CalSAAS users
  • County Report: accessible to County level users only
  • District Report: accessible to County level and District level users
  • School Report: accessible to users if the school is within the user's scope

*Due to 2019-20 being a nonconsequential year, state level reports do not display county level misassignment data.  This information will be available in future reporting cycles. 

Report Type: Hidden Predetermined Exceptions

This report displays as an Excel file containing exceptions that are predetermined as Local Assignment Options: EC §44865, EC §76004, and T5 §80005(b), which are not displayed in the CalSAAS User Interface. Unlike other reports, this one can be accessed during the monitoring cycle, prior to the Commission's finalization of exceptions. Local Education Agencies and Monitoring Authorities may choose to review and audit these predetermined exceptions for accuracy during the monitoring cycle. If misassignments due to inaccurate CALPADS reporting are discovered during such an audit, Monitoring Authorities may capture these misassignments using the MA Reported Missassignment feature. Note, these Predetermined Local Assignment Options are included in the totals listed within the Summary, Superintendent, Detail and Exception History reports at the end of the monitoring cycle.

This report can be accessed by following the steps outlined within the How to Access Reports section below, and selected "Hidden Predetermined Exceptions" from the Report Type drop down menu. These exceptions were identified in the following ways:

  • T5 80005(b)
    • An assignment reported in a course that the Commission identified as by authorized by T5 80005(b)
    • A course identified as being a facilitated online course (Online Course Instruction Type 2)
  • EC 44865
    • Any assignment in which the educator does not hold the appropriate credential but meets criteria for Local Assignment Option 44865 via having a full credential and being assigned at an alternative school or in an alternative setting (independent study or home hospital)
  • EC 76004
    • Assignments that were reported as college credit courses

Note: Local Assignment Options reported in CALPADS are predetermined but not hidden.

Report Type: Detail

This report displays as an excel file containing more specific details related to the assignments, such as the setting, subject, determination, school name, charter school indication, educator's name and educator's SEID. Detail reports are available at the County, District and School level for appropriate user levels.

Report Type: Summary

This report contains only aggregate data. Summary reports are available at the State, County, District, and School level. The first page of a Summary Report includes an overview of the total number of assignments and total number of exceptions (including hidden predetermined exceptions). It also contains a breakdown of total Appropriate Assignment determinations, Local Assignment Options, TPSL Placements, and Misassignments (including Misassigned, Vacancies, 2019-20 Charter, Corrected MA, and MA Reported Misassignments). These Misassignments are further displayed by Level, Setting, and top 10 Misassignments by Disability Area and General Education Broad Subject.

Report Type: Exception History

Intended for record keeping purposes, this Excel file contains details found in the History window of exceptions, capturing the communication between the LEA and their Monitoring Authority. The report includes details of the exception, the name of the user who modified the record, the date and time it was modified, changes to status and determination, as well as comments and the name of any attachments added. Note, attachment files are not included. Any documents uploaded into CalSAAS should be kept on file at the LEA for future reference.

This report can be accessed by following the steps outlined within the How to Access Reports section below, and selecting "Exception History" from the Report Type drop down menu.

Report Type: Superintendent

This report begins with a letter from the Superintendent which identifies the total number of misassignments for the monitoring cycle, as well as a Summary Report for the district. 

Note, the Superintendent report states that Education Code §44258.9 requires that misassignments be corrected within 30 calendar days. All misassignments identified during this cycle were corrected by virtue of the school year ending.

We do not expect Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to take any additional action to correct misassignments at this point because monitoring was conducted after the school year had already ended. However, this information is provided because we do think there is value in know what is expected and required.

How to Access Reports

1. Logged into CalSAAS, from any page, click on the word Reports  in the banner at the top of the page.

Image of the CalSAAS Top Banner. Red arrow is indicating the Reports option. 2. When the Reports page opens, make a selection in the Report Scope, Report Type, and Year sections using the drop down menus.

Image of the Reports Screen. Three red arrows are indicating that selections must be made for the Report Scope, Report Type and Year drop down menus.

3. After making your selections in all sections listed, click Generate Report.

Image of the Reports Screen. After the selections are made for the different drop down menus, the user clicks on the generate report button.

4. Based on the type of report selected, either a PDF or Excel file will be generated. Where the downloaded file appears will vary based on your computer's settings; however, it may appear as downloaded at the bottom of your screen, as shown below:

Image of the Report Screen after

5. To view or print the report, either click on the document or use the arrow to select how you would like to open the document.

Downloading CSV file or PDF file

Detailed exception data may be accessed anytime during the assignment monitoring cycle by downloading a CSV or PDF file of selected exceptions. The CSV and PDF Export feature is accessible from any Exception screen (AllReviewMA CompletedReturnedUndetermined). After a monitoring cycle has concluded this feature remains accessible to users until data for the next monitoring cycle is produced in CalSAAS. Note, the CSV and PDF files include more granular data than is provided in Reports, including the educator's name and SEID, CDS code, school name, exception status, exception type, exception value, determination, and charter indicator.

How to access the CSV or PDF files:

  1. From any Exception screen, use the filters on the left hand side of the screen to narrow down the selection as needed. In the table, users have the option to further narrow down the selection by selecting the checkmarks next to the exceptions.
  2. To export the filtered data, click either CSV or PDF button. Screenshot of the All Schools Exception Search screen. Filters selected: Assigned Exceptions, Determination: Vacancies, Status: MA Review. Checkmarks selected for exceptions in the table. Arrow pointing to
  3. The selected file type downloads according to your computer settings. After opening the downloaded file, users have the ability to manipulate the data as needed outside of CalSAAS.
Updated January 10, 2024