MA Reported Misassignments

Misassignments, Vacancies, Corrected Misassignments and Short Term Waivers that are identified outside of CalSAAS processing can be recorded in the system by a monitoring authority using the MA Reported Misassignment feature.

What types of assignments should be reported using the MA Reported Misassignment?

Assignment Monitoring in CalSAAS is based on a snapshot in time, being census date. Therefore, any Misassignments, Corrected Misassignments or Vacancies that occurred on census date and were not already identified in the system are required to be reported using this process. Misassignments, Corrected Misassignments, or Vacancies that occurred before or after census date may be reported using the MA Reported Misassignment feature, at the discretion of the monitoring authority.

Pursuant to Title 5 §80123 Short Term Waivers must be reported for the entirety of the school year being monitored.

How to report Misassignments using the MA Reported Misassignment screen

The steps below are intended to support a monitoring authority CalSAAS user in navigating the MA Reported Misassignment feature.

   1. Logged into CalSAAS, from any page, click on the word MA Reported Misassignment in the banner on the top of the page.

Screenshot of CalSAAS home page, arrow pointing to MA Reported Misassignment screen title

   2. Select New

Screenshot of CalSAAS Monitoring Authority Reported Misassignments screen, displays buttons for New, CSV, and PDF. Arrow pointing to New button.

   3. In the Create New Entry pop up window the following are listed as options in the Determinations drop down menu:

  • Vacancy
  • Corrected Misassignment
  • Short Term Waiver
  • Misassignment

Note, when Vacancy is selected the SEIDFirst Name and Last Name fields are not editable.

Screenshot of Create New Entry pop up window displaying text boxes user completes, including: Determination, SEID, first name, last name, CDS code, Misassignment type and Description. Arrow pointing to Determination drop down arrow.

   4. Complete the remaining text fields, including a description indicating the subject or service as well as any other additional information.

   5. Select Create

Updated June 30, 2023