Each credential application form 41-4 and online application contain the same six Professional Fitness Questions (PFQ) that require an Applicant to disclose specific misconduct. Please note:
- You will be asked to submit documentation for each “Yes” response such as police and court documents and/or other documents related to your disclosure.
- Any “Yes” response will require a detailed explanation.
- The Commission will evaluate your fitness to be granted a credential based on your answers to these questions, our review of criminal history reports, a national database of teacher misconduct, previous reviews by the Commission, reports of educator misconduct from school districts, and violations of teacher preparation tests.
- Failure to disclose any required information is considered falsification of your application and the Commission may reject or deny your application or take disciplinary action against your credential.
- Failure to submit the required documentation will cause a delay in the processing of your application and may result in the rejection of your application.
How to Complete Professional Fitness Questions (PFQs)
When you begin the Professional Fitness Questions (PFQ) section, you will preview an informational page which contains the PFQ questions and additional requirements.
If you need assistance completing the PFQs, go to the Educator Misconduct page and click on Professional Fitness Questions/Applications. Review the information in the Applicant Disclosure - Online Application section.
If you have additional questions, please email the Division of Professional Practices staff at MisconductQuestions@ctc.ca.gov.
Click Next to continue. You will then be required to answer the Professional Fitness Questions (PFQs).
- Answer each of the Professional Fitness Questions (PFQs).
If you select "Yes" to a PFQ, you must complete the next page to report all incidents related to that question.- Click New to open the page and type the requested information.
- Click Save when finished.
- For each additional incident, repeat steps a. and b.
Click Next to continue to the next page. - Click New to open the page and type the requested information.
Professional Fitness Questions
a. School Employment Action (School Misconduct):
Have you ever been:
- Dismissed/terminated;
- non-reelected;
- suspended without pay for more than ten days;
- retired;
- resigned from; or
otherwise left school;
because of allegations of misconduct or while allegations of misconduct were pending?
b. Criminal Conviction (Conviction):
Have you ever been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor in California or any other place?
(You may omit misdemeanor marijuana-related convictions that occurred more than two years prior to this application, except convictions involving concentrated cannabis, which must be disclosed.)
c. Currently Under Investigation (Under Investigation):
Are you currently the subject of any criminal inquiry or investigation by a law enforcement agency or any licensing agency in California or any other state?
d. Pending Criminal Action (Charged):
Are any criminal charges currently pending against you?
e. Teaching Credential Disciplinary Action (Credential Discipline):
Have you ever had any credential, including but not limited to, any Certificate of Clearance, permit, credential, license or other document authorizing public school service:
- Revoked;
- Denied;
- Suspended;
- Publicly Reproved; and/or
- otherwise subjected to any other disciplinary action (including an action that was stayed); in California or any other state or place?
f. Professional License Disciplinary Action (License Action):
Have you ever had any professional or vocational (not teaching or educational) license:
- revoked;
- denied;
- suspended; and/or
- otherwise subjected to any other disciplinary action (including an action that was stayed); in California or any other state or place?
Oath and Affidavit and Payment
Complete all required fields of the Oath and Affidavit section and click Complete Submission.
Application Status
California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 80443, sets a maximum processing time of 50 working days for completed applications. However, applications delayed by a Commission appeal, Division of Professional Practices review, or fingerprint processing are not subject to the 50 day restriction.
If your application status = “Pending Additional Evaluation.” Your application has been forwarded to the Division of Professional Practices due to one or more of the following:
- Yes answer to a Professional Fitness Question;
- Information received from criminal history reports;
- Reports from school districts; and/or
- Your failure to report current or past misconduct.
Mailing Address:
Commission on Teacher Credentialing,
Division of Professional Practices
651 Bannon Street, Suite 600 B
Sacramento, California 95811
Please use the DPP Document Submission Form which will assist DPP staff in processing your application in a timely manner.
If you have any questions about the Professional Fitness Questions, you can contact the Commission by
Email: MisconductQuestions@ctc.ca.gov or
Telephone: (916) 322-4974.