The Committee of Credentials is a statutorily created body whose seven members are appointed by the Commission and are representatives of the following groups: Public Representatives, Elementary Teachers, School Board Members, School Administrators, and Secondary Teachers. By statute the Committee is responsible for initiating all investigations into allegations of misconduct by credential holders and applicants. In order to ensure a high level of public confidence in California teachers and other credentialed public school employees, the Commission and the Committee monitor the moral fitness and professional conduct of credential applicants and holders. If you are interested in participating on this Committee you may inquire at

Current Committee Vacancies

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing has declared vacancies for the Public Member positions on the Committee of Credentials. The Commission is also seeking applications from qualified candidates to serve as alternates for all positions on the Committee of Credentials. If you are interested in applying for the Public Member position on the Committee of Credentials, please fill out and submit this application. If you are interested in applying for an alternate position, please fill out the following application. The application period will remain open until all vacancies are filled.

Committee of Credentials Meetings

Meeting DateAgenda
November 13-15, 2024


Updated October 30, 2024