Added Authorizations in Special Education (AASE) require specific advanced preparation for the teacher and are only available through completion of a Commission-approved program based on Commission-approved standards. Recommendations for the AASEs made by approved program sponsors must be submitted through the Commission’s online process.
AASE programs are a subset of the full preliminary teacher preparation program and are designed to allow teachers to earn an additional authorization to supplement the knowledge and skills gained in their preliminary teacher preparation program. The AASE may serve as a stepping stone to earn the full specialty area.
The individual is authorized to provide special education services within the specific subject area listed on the AASE. The AASE authorization is limited to the grade and age levels authorized by the holder’s prerequisite credential. An AASE may be issued in six specific subject areas:- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Deaf-Blind
- Emotional Disturbance
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Other Health Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
If a teacher is already authorized to provide services in a specialty area that includes the AASE subject area, the Commission will not issue the AASE. See the chart Documents Eligible for Added Authorizations on the Commission’s web site for a list of special education credentials issued by the Commission and whether an individual is eligible for an AASE.
Requirements for Issuance
Individuals must satisfy all of the following:
- Possess a valid internship, preliminary, professional clear, clear, or life special education teaching credential, or a Speech-Language Pathology or Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential with a Special Class Authorization.
- Complete a Commission-approved professional preparation program in the special education specialty area requested, including successful completion of supervised field study. Once the program has been completed, the recommending institution must submit the application via the online submission process.
- Application processing fees.
Period of Validity
The AASE remains valid as long as the prerequisite credential remains valid.
For more information, check the Professional Preparation Programs or visit the Commission website.
Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 80048.7; Coded Correspondence 09-16.