English Learners (ELs) are students whose primary language is not English, and who have not yet attained full proficiency in English. All EL students identified in TK-12 public schools in California are required to receive services designed to meet their linguistic and academic needs based on assessments made by the local educational agency.

An appropriately authorized teacher must provide instruction appropriate for the level of language proficiency as identified for each EL student.  The instruction is designed to promote the effective and efficient acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of the EL student. 

 There are four levels of English Learner Services:

Integrated ELD

Integrated ELD is instruction in which the state-adopted English Language Development (ELD) standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards to increase the level of comprehensibility of the English language in the content area of the class. 

Common authorizations issued by the Commission that cover Integrated ELD include the limited EL authorizations of ELAM, ELAS, ELAE, and ELAP. There are some EL authorizations that authorize the educator to provide only Integrated ELD services. One such example is the S17C authorization code issued on the Clear Career Technical Education (CTE) Teaching Credential. To view other similar authorizations, refer to the Appropriate Credentials for English Learner Services webpage and the Specific Exception Information webpage. Documents that authorize this level of service are restricted to instruction in the subject area and grade level of the teacher's prerequisite credential (as applicable).

Designated ELD

For the majority of the class period (for a departmentalized setting) or day (for a self-contained setting) the educator provides instruction in specific subject areas (for example, Math), and during that time focuses exclusively on the Academic Content Standards. The educator also sets aside a portion of the class period/day to concentrate on English Language Development (ELD) Standards to assist students with developing critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning and to augment the students’ understanding of the material presented during the rest of the period/day.

Common authorizations issued by the Commission that cover both Integrated and Designated ELD include the limited EL authorizations of ELAM, ELAS, ELAE, and ELAP. The S17S authorization issued on a Certificate of Completion of Staff Development authorizes the educator to provide only Designated ELD (and not Integrated ELD). Refer to the Appropriate Credentials for English Learner Services webpage and the Specific Exception Information webpage. Documents that authorize this level of service are restricted to instruction in the subject area and grade level of the teacher's prerequisite credential (as applicable).

Departmentalized ELD

This level of English Learner Services corresponds to a stand-alone, departmentalized course based solely on state-adopted English Language Development Standards. Departmentalized ELD is reported in CALPADS with State Course Code 9104. Instruction in other academic content is not provided in this course.

An educator is authorized to teach Departmentalized ELD if they hold a full English Learner (EL) authorization (e.g., ELA1, S12, etc.) and the correct prerequisite credential. The full English Learner Authorization and Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate are restricted if the educator holds only a Children’s Center Instructional Permit, Children’s Center Supervision Permit, Child Development Permit, or an Adult Education Teaching Credential. In that case, instruction of English Language Development is limited to the programs authorized by that prerequisite credential or permit.

For more information, refer to the Appropriate Credentials for English Learner Services webpage and the Specific Exception Information webpage.

Primary Language or Bilingual Instruction

Instruction in the Primary Language, or Bilingual Education, is a method in which instruction is provided in both English and the EL student's primary language, clarifying and facilitating comprehension of content subject matter. 

To teach in a dual language or bilingual primary language instruction classroom, an educator must hold the appropriate authorization for the academic content being taught as well as the specific Bilingual Authorization (or other previously-issued comparable authorization such as the BCLAD) that aligns with the language in which the instruction is delivered. Bilingual Authorizations are restricted if the educator holds only a Children’s Center Instructional Permit, Children’s Center Supervision Permit, Child Development Permit, or an Adult Education Teaching Credential. In that case, instruction for English Language Development and primary language development is limited to the programs authorized by that prerequisite credential or permit.

Note, Bilingual Authorizations do not authorize the educator to teach the authorized target language in general education settings. For example, a Bilingual Authorization in Spanish does not authorize the holder to teach a World Language Course in Spanish.

English Learner hierarchy, top to bottom: Bilingual Instruction, Departmentalized ELD, Designated ELD, Integrated ELD (SDAIE)

English Learner authorizations are tiered, with each subsequent authorization subsumed within the higher authorization level. Therefore, educators who hold a Bilingual Authorization are authorized to provide Integrated ELD, Designated ELD, Departmentalized ELD and Bilingual/Primary Language Instruction. Likewise, educators who hold a full English Learner Authorization (such as the ELA1 or S12), may provide Integrated ELD, Designated ELD and Departmentalized ELD.

The holder of a currently issued teaching credential with one of the following English Learner authorizations may provide Integrated and Designated ELD services within the setting authorized by the credential:

  • Single Subject Teaching Credential with ELAS
  • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with ELAM
  • Education Specialist Instruction Credential with ELAE
  • PK-3 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Specialist Instruction Credential with ELAP

Following the adoption of the California ELD Standards in 2010 by the State Board of Education, the Commission reviewed the standards within the preparation programs related to teaching English Learners. The English Learner Authorizations Advisory Panel determined that the teacher preparation programs did not include coursework to sufficiently prepare candidates to provide departmentalized instruction for English Language Development. Consequently, the authorization structure was amended in 2011 and educators enrolled in programs after January 1, 2014 earn a revised English Learner authorization upon program completion which authorizes providing Integrated and Designated ELD only. Therefore, to teach Departmentalized ELD, holders of these limited authorizations must complete additional preparation and earn a full EL authorization. For information regarding the credentialing requirements to earn a full EL authorization, refer to CL-628C.  For more information regarding this change, refer to Coded Correspondence 14-01.

Updated June 06, 2024