Teacher Assignment Options - Multiple Subject

During the assignment monitoring process, employers may find that some educators need to obtain new credential authorizations in order to be properly and legally assigned to their positions. This document provides a list of credentialing options available to assist employers in remedying this type of teacher misassignment.  All of the documents and authorizations listed provide avenues for appropriate assignment in a self-contained classroom, and the setting configurations that are allowed by the authorization, including:

  • Team teaching
  • Regrouping
  • Core settings in grades 5-8

Options for Single Subject Credential Holders

Educators that already hold a Single Subject Teaching Credential have several options to earn a multiple subject authorization.  

Adding a Full Multiple Subject Credential

The Commission has a pathway that allows educators who hold a Single Subject Teaching Credential to obtain full Multiple Subject Credential. They may do so by verifying subject-matter competence in the content area they are seeking by completing the corresponding California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) examinations (see CL-674M) or an elementary subject matter program, passing the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA, and completing a three-semester-unit or four-quarter-unit course in methodology directly related to teaching in a self-contained setting along with other requirements. More information is available in CL-621a

General Education Limited Assignment Permits (GELAP)

This permit allows educators who hold a general education teaching credential based on a bachelor’s degree and student teaching to obtain additional subject authorizations on their document while they pursue a permanent authorization.  No subject-matter preparation is required upon initial issuance.  A General Education Multiple Subject Limited Assignment Teaching Permit is valid for one year and may be reissued twice.  See CL-828 for document requirements.  

Short-Term Waivers

Short-term waivers permit local approval when there is an immediate, unanticipated short-term staffing need. They may be issued one time only for any individual, and only one time for a class.  These waivers must be issued in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 5, §80123(a). The County Office of Education and the Commission must be notified of these waivers as part of the annual assignment monitoring process. The Commission may rescind the authority of an employing agency to grant a short-term waiver upon finding that the agency has intentionally violated any provisions of sections §80120 or §80123.

Uncredentialed Individuals for General Education Assignments

Emergency permits and waivers can authorize multiple subject teaching assignments.

Short-Term Staff Permit (STSP)

This permit allows an employing agency to fill an acute staffing need, which requires an employer to fill a classroom immediately based on an unforeseen circumstance for one school year and may not be reissued.  The STSP is available to educators who have not completed a general education teacher preparation program. Additional information may be found in CL-858.  

Provisional Internship Permit (PIP)

These permits allow an employing agency to fill an immediate staffing need by hiring an individual who has not yet met the subject matter competence requirement needed to enter an intern program.  This document is only available at the request of an employing agency.  The permit is valid for one year and may be reissued once if initially issued before October 1, 2013. Information on obtaining this document can be found in CL-856

Variable Term Waivers

The Variable Term Waiver is a document issued for employers who meet the waiver criteria when a fully credentialed teacher is not available for the assignment and the educator does not meet the requirements for one of the permits noted above.  Terms for the Waiver Criteria are set by the Commission and include specific requirements for designated high and low incidence credentialing areas including verification of recruitment efforts, evidence of qualifications to teach in the assignment and a commitment to meet the credentialing goals.  More information can be found in the Commission’s Waiver Requests Guidebook

Local Assignment Options

There are additional Education Code options available to employers.  These Local Assignment Options do not require the acquisition of a new Commission issued document or authorization, though educators may already need to have a credential outside of the subject area to be eligible for these options.  All of these options require the consent of the teacher and none of these options are available to waiver or emergency permit holders

Education Code §44263

Allows an educator to teach a self-contained class if he or she holds at least 60 semester hours equally distributed among the 10 areas of a “diversified major”.  These subject areas include: language studies, literature, mathematics, science, social science, history, humanities, the arts, physical education, and human development.  A three-semester-unit variance in any of the required 10 areas may be allowed. This assignment needs to be authorized by resolution of the district’s governing board. This option must be renewed annually. Additional information is available by reviewing the Education Code.

Education Code §44865

Provides staffing options for credentialed teachers based on a bachelor’s degree and student teaching who are serving in non-traditional schools, settings, and assignment types. These include: Home Teacher, classes organized primarily for adults, Hospital classes, necessary small high schools, continuation schools, alternative schools, opportunity schools, juvenile court schools, county community schools, and District community day schools. The California Department of Education has purview over which schools constitute non-traditional arrangements. See the Department’s Alternative Schools & Programs of choice page for additional information on alternative settings. Specific information on this local assignment option is available by reviewing the Education Code.

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, §80020

This section of regulations expands the authorization for: 1) holders of General Kindergarten-Primary for teaching in grades 4-8 in self-contained settings; 2) Standard Elementary in preschool, grades 10-12, in classes organized for adults in self-contained settings; and 3) Standard Early Childhood Education Teaching Credentials to allow instruction in grades 4-12 and in classes organized for primarily for adults in self-contained settings. Additional information is available by reviewing the regulation.

Updated January 03, 2023