The Pupil Personnel Services Credential covers services for individuals who serve as counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, and school child welfare and attendance regulators.  Under prior regulations, the document listed two authorizations: Basic Pupil Personnel Services (which included school counseling, school social work, and child welfare and attendance) and School Psychology.  The current document lists these four areas separately and each authorization requires the completion of a distinct program.

Pupil Personnel Services Credential holders may work with individual students, groups of students, or families to provide the services authorized by their credential to address the needs of all students by providing a comprehensive Pupil Personnel Services program.

Pupil Personnel Services
Local Assignment Options (PPS)
Social workers with or without a credential may provide counseling services in small school districtsEducation Code 44046
PPS holder may supervise a PPS programEducation Code 44270.2
COEs, SDs, and SELPAs may contract for educational psychologists to perform individually administered tests of intellectual or emotional functioningTitle 5 3029
Updated December 29, 2022