Many mental health professionals, such as clinical psychologists and marriage and family therapists, are employed by Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to provide services that are not authorized by credentials or other certifications issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Commission), and instead are generally licensed by other state agencies such as the Office of Consumer Affairs.

There are also several sections of regulations that allow LEAs to hire individuals for positions that provide mental health related services without specifically holding a Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential. These sections of regulations do not fall within the purview of the Commission, but rather are overseen by the California Department of Education (CDE). Guidance from CDE on this topic can be found in the AB 114 Special Education Transition Page on the CDE's website.

Nothing precludes school districts from utilizing community based service providers, including volunteers, individuals completing counseling-related internship programs, and state licensed individuals and agencies to assist in providing pupil personnel services, provided that such individuals and agencies are supervised in their school-based activities by an individual holding pupil personnel services authorization.

Note: Any contracted or otherwise legally authorized mental health related services must still be supervised by the holder of a PPS credential as specified in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations 80049.1(c).

Updated February 08, 2022