California has a two-tier structure for this credential that consists of a sequence of requirements, which the holder is given up to two years to complete. The two-year preliminary credential is the first document issued after an individual meets the specific credential requirements. Individuals receiving the preliminary credential are making a commitment to complete the process and obtain the clear credential. The clear credential is issued once all credential requirements have been completed. If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary, the holder will be unable to serve in California’s public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document renewed.


The Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential may be issued in any of the following areas:

  • Language, Speech and Hearing
  • Language, Speech and Hearing and Audiology
  • Language, Speech and Hearing including Special Class Authorization
  • Language, Speech and Hearing and Audiology including Special Class Authorization

The Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential in Language, Speech and Hearing authorizes the holder to conduct Language, Speech, and Hearing Assessments and provide Educational Services, provide specific learning disability area services related to speech and language, and special education services to individuals with language and speech impairments across the special education disability areas, to students from birth through age 22 in services across the continuum of program options available found in California Code of Regulations Title 5 Section 80048.9.3 (see Terms and Definitions).

Special Class Authorization

The Special Class Authorization (SCA) is a teaching authorization that may be added to a credential that authorizes providing speech services. The SCA authorizes the holder to provide instructional services to special need students in the area of autism and speech and language impairment who are identified through the local level special education assessment, and to conduct Educational Assessments related to students’ access to the academic core curriculum and Special Education Support (see Terms and Definitions).

Since the SCA is a teaching authorization, requirements have been updated to include satisfying subject-matter competence, reading, and English learner requirements to align with other special education teaching authorizations on the Education Specialist Teaching Credential as well as No Child Left Behind compliance. While many Commission-approved programs and employers currently require individuals to meet the updated requirements, individuals will be held to complete these requirements to earn the SCA effective issuance date July 1, 2012.

Requirements for the Two-Year Preliminary Credential - For Individuals Prepared in California

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. A Commission-approved specialized preparation program resulting in the formal recommendation for the credential by the college or university where the program was completed [1].

  2. Hold or have been recommended for a master’s degree or higher in speech-language pathology from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. The master’s degree program must be accredited by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Council on Academic Accreditation. This satisfies both the degree requirement and the Basic Skills Requirement beginning 6/29/2024.

  3. An application must be submitted online by the recommending institution.

  4. If not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt is also required (form 41-LS). This form should be given to the credential analyst at the recommending institution prior to online application submission.

Note [1]: The institution of higher education may recommend the California-prepared candidate for a clear credential instead of a preliminary if the candidate meets all of the requirements for both the preliminary and the clear credential.

Individuals prepared outside of the United States or U.S. Territories must complete requirements 1-5 listed above and obtain the formal recommendation of a California college or university with a Commission-approved Speech-Language Pathology Services Program. 

Requirements for the Clear Credential - For Individuals Prepared in California

Individuals prepared in California may apply directly to the Commission for the clear credential [2] by submitting an application packet consisting of items 1-5 required for the preliminary credential (listed above) and all of the requirements listed in one of the following options: 

Option 1 - Verification of Examination Scores and Clinical Experience/Supervised Practicum

  1. Passing score of 162 on the Educational Testing Services (ETS) Praxis II Speech-Language Pathology Test (Test code 5331) [3]. For more information, visit the ETS website. Passing examination scores are valid for ten years from the passed exam date.

  2. A 36-week, full-time, mentored clinical experience or equivalent supervised practicum (commonly known as the Clinical Fellowship Year [CFY]). Verification of completion may be provided on one of the following forms:

    1. Required Professional Experience Form (Form RPE 130/REV Feb 2016) from the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board.

    2. Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Fellowship and Rating Report Form from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

  3. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.

Option 2 - Verification of California Speech-Language Pathology License

  1. Photocopy of a valid license (pocket size license that includes the expiration date and license number) issued by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board or a photocopy of the license information from the Board’s website.

  2. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.

Option 3 - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Verification of Certification Letter

  1. Verification of Certification letter from ASHA that the individual holds a valid ASHA Certificate of Competence (CCC) including issuance and expiration dates and account number. A photocopy will be accepted if the application is filed through the employing agency. If the application is filed directly to the Commission by the applicant, an original letter is required.   

  2. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.


Note [2]: The institution of higher education may recommend the California-prepared candidate for a clear credential instead of a preliminary if the candidate meets all of the requirements for both the preliminary and the clear credential.

Note [3]: Previously, the Praxis II SLP test code was 0330 and the minimum passing score was 600. The previous examination is still acceptable for certification within five years of the passing score date.

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Requirements for the Two-Year Preliminary Credential - For Individuals Prepared Out-of-State

Individuals prepared outside of California may apply directly to the Commission for the two-year preliminary credential by submitting an application packet consisting of all of the following:

  1. Official transcripts showing a master’s degree in speech-language pathology from a regionally accredited college or university. This satisfies both the degree requirement and the Basic Skills Requirement beginning 6/29/2024.

  2. One of the following:
    1. Complete, on or after January 1, 1997, a preparation program from a state determined to have equivalent standards to the California Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential (see Table 1 below). This may be verified either a copy of the certificate from the approved state or an eligibility letter from the institution where the program was completed or the state agency responsible for issuing the certificate. The out-of-state program must match the area of certification requested.

    2. Hold or verify eligibility for an out-of-state speech-language pathology certificate authorizing service in the K-12 public schools, verified by either a copy of the certificate or an eligibility letter from the institution where the program was completed or the state agency responsible for issuing the certificate. Individuals applying under this option must submit official transcripts and/or a letter from the institution where the program was completed showing the program included a practicum with school-age children, completed with a grade of “C” or better. Applicants who received a “pass,” “credit,” or “satisfactory” grade are assumed to have completed the practicum at a level at least equivalent to a grade of “C.” Letters verifying eligibility for certification or completion of program requirements must be original, on the institution’s letterhead, and signed by the Dean or department chair responsible for administering the program.

  3. Application ( form 41-4), and, if not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt (form 41-LS). Out-of-state residents must submit two fingerprint cards in lieu of a Live Scan receipt. If submitting fingerprint cards, current fingerprint processing fees must accompany the application packet in addition to the application processing fee. Fingerprint cards must be ordered from the Commission by submitting contact information through the CTC Fingerprint Card Request portal.

  4. Application processing fee.

If all requirements for the preliminary and clear credential are met with the initial application, the individual will be issued the clear credential and not the preliminary.

Individuals prepared outside of the United States or U.S. Territories must complete requirements 1-5 listed above and obtain the formal recommendation of a California college or university with a Commission-approved Speech-Language Pathology Services Program.

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Requirements for the Clear Credential - For Individuals Prepared Out-of-State

Individuals prepared outside of California may apply directly to the Commission for the clear credential by submitting an application packet consisting of items required for the preliminary credential (listed above) and all of the requirements listed in one of the following options:

Option 1 - Verification of Examination Scores and Clinical Experience/Supervised Practicum

  1. Passing score of 162 on the Educational Testing Services (ETS) Praxis II Speech-Language Pathology Test (Test code 5331)[4]. For more information, visit the ETS website. Passing examination scores are valid for ten years from the passed exam date.

  2. A 36-week, full-time, mentored clinical experience or equivalent supervised practicum (commonly known as the Clinical Fellowship Year [CFY]). Verification of completion may be provided on one of the following forms:

    1. Required Professional Experience Form (Form RPE 130/REV Feb 2016) from the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board.

    2. Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Fellowship and Rating Report Form from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

  3. Application (form 41-4) and processing fee.


Option 2 - Verification of California Speech-Language Pathology License

  1. Photocopy of the valid license (pocket size license that includes the expiration date and license number) issued by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board or a photocopy of the license information from the Board’s website.

  2. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.


Option 3 - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Verification of Certification Letter

  1. Verification of Certification letter from ASHA that the individual holds a valid ASHA Certificate of Competence (CCC) including issuance and expiration dates and account number. A photocopy will be accepted if the application is filed through the employing agency. If the application is filed directly to the Commission by the applicant, an original letter is required.

  2. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee

If all requirements for the preliminary and clear credential are met with the initial application, the individual will be issued the clear credential and not the preliminary.

Note [4]: Previously, the Praxis II SLP test code was 0330 and the minimum passing score was 600. The previous examination is still acceptable for certification within five years of the passing score date.

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Individuals may obtain the audiology authorization by one of two methods: 1) obtain a separate Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential, or 2) complete the requirements for the audiology authorization as required for the Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential and add the authorization to their existing Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential. See Commission leaflet CL-610, entitled Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential for more information.

Upgrading a Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential to a Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential

Individuals who hold a Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential issued in Language, Speech and Hearing may upgrade to the Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential by submitting an application packet directly to the Commission consisting of items 1-5 required for the preliminary credential (listed above) and all of the requirements listed in one of the following options: 

Option 1 - Verification of Examination Scores and Clinical Experience/Supervised Practicum

  1. Passing score of 162 on the Educational Testing Services (ETS) Praxis II Speech-Language Pathology Test (Test code 5331)[5]. For more information, visit the ETS website. Passing examination scores are valid for ten years from the passed exam date.

  2. A 36-week, full-time, mentored clinical experience or equivalent supervised practicum (commonly known as the Clinical Fellowship Year [CFY]). Verification of completion may be provided on one of the following forms:

    1. Required Professional Experience Form (Form RPE 130/REV Feb 2016) from the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board.

    2. Speech-Language Pathology Clinical Fellowship and Rating Report Form from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

  3. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.

Option 2 - Verification of California Speech-Language Pathology License

  1. Photocopy of the valid license (pocket size license that includes the expiration date and license number) issued by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board or a photocopy of the license information from the Board’s website.

  2. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.

Option 3 - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Verification of Certification Letter

  1. Verification of Certification letter from ASHA that the individual holds a valid ASHA Certificate of Competence (CCC) including issuance and expiration dates and account number. A photocopy will be accepted if the application is filed through the employing agency. If the application is filed directly to the Commission by the applicant, an original letter is required.

  2. Application ( form 41-4) and processing fee.

Note [5]: Previously, the Praxis II SLP test code was 0330 and the minimum passing score was 600. The previous examination is still acceptable for certification within five years of the passing score date.

For information regarding the Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential authorizing Audiology or Orientation and Mobility, please see Commission leaflet CL-610, entitled Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credentials.

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A Note Regarding Medi-Cal Funding Reimbursement

For information on Medi-Cal funding reimbursement for speech-language services, visit the Department of Health Care Services: Medi-Cal website.

To Verify a California SLP License Online

Visit the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board’s website.

Terms and Definitions:

  • Language, Speech, and Hearing Assessments: Assessments includes procedures, techniques, and instrumentation, both formal and informal, used to assess the speech and language status of children and the implications of speech/language disorders in a school or educational setting. The assessment includes the screening, evaluation, and interpretation of test results and referrals for further evaluation for treatment.

  • Educational Services: Educational Services include the development of speech and language goals and objectives and the delivery of speech and language services as determined by an Individual Education Program (IEP), Individual Family Service Program (IFSP), and/or Individual Transition Plan (ITP) developed by the educational team that directly result from the student’s speech and language disability. The goals and objectives are driven by the specific speech and language disorder needs of the student in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations. Educational services include the use of information and strategies that measure student progress on goals, effectiveness of accommodations/modifications, and the need for any changes in speech and language support and services. Consultation, collaboration, and speech/language academic support with teachers in the student’s speech and language-based academic success is included.

  • Educational Assessment: Assessment of students in a comprehensive manner within the authorization of the added authorization using multiple sources of information and a variety of strategies that directly measure a student’s performance to meet goals in areas of grade-level academic curriculum and/or functional goals designed to meet the Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individualized Family Service Program (IFSP), and/or Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) goals and objectives regarding eligibility and services that directly result from the student’s disability according to state and federal accountability systems. The assessment process may include both formal and informal assessments to evaluate students' educational instruction needs and strengths for the purpose of making accommodations, modifications, and instructional decisions.

  • Special Education Support: Support includes participation in the IEP, IFSP, and/or ITP process including planning and implementation of the student’s IEP, Individualized Family Service Program, and/or Individualized Transition Plan; providing consultative, collaborative, and coordinating instruction with students, parents, teachers, and other community and school personnel; planning, developing, and implementing instructional program plans relative and within the authorization of the credential or added authorization. Special Education Support does not include providing speech, language and hearing, orientation and mobility, or audiology services.

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Equivalency for Out-of-State Speech-Language Pathology Services Programs Completed on or after January 1, 1997

The following list identifies the preparation programs in other states that have been determined by the Commission to be equivalent for the purposes of applying for the Speech-Language Pathology Services Credentials in the categorical areas indicated.

StateEquivalent Program
ColoradoAUD, LSH, SCA
DelawareAUD, LSH
District of ColumbiaN/A
KansasAUD, LSH
MichiganLSH, SCA
StateEquivalent Program
New HampshireN/A
New JerseyN/A
New MexicoN/A
New YorkN/A
North CarolinaAUD, LSH
North DakotaLSH
Rhode IslandAUD, LSH
South CarolinaLSH
South DakotaLSH
WashingtonAUD, LSH
West VirginiaN/A


  • AUD: Audiology
  • LSH: Language, Speech and Hearing
  • SCA: Language, Speech and Hearing including Special Class Authorization
  • N/A: No equivalency

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California Education Code, Section 44265.3, Title 5 sections 80048.9, 80048.9.2, 80048.9.4, and Welfare and Institutions Code Section 14132.06.

CL-879  June, 2019
Updated February 12, 2025