The Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (RLAA) authorizes the holder to assess student reading and provide reading instruction in response to those assessments. RLAA holders are also authorized to develop, implement, and adapt the reading content curriculum and assist classroom teachers in these areas. Holders of the RLAA are authorized to perform the following duties at the school site level (could be at one or more school
sites) at the grade levels authorized by their prerequisite teaching credential:
- Provide direct reading intervention to students and adapt instructional practices and strategies to provide direct specialized reading instruction to students with severe reading difficulties including monitoring and adjusting intervention instruction;
- Participate in the adoption of literacy curricula, facilitate and monitor implementation of adopted curricula, and support and assist teachers in the use of literacy curricula;
- Select and administer ongoing formal and informal diagnostic assessments of students’ progress, report results, assist teachers in modifying instructional practices, and use the results for student placement in and exit from reading intervention programs;
- Interpret results of school-wide reading assessment data to monitor student progress and identify modification of instructional practices and strategies to assist teachers;
- Develop, implement and adapt reading and literacy instructional materials, technologies, and strategies in alignment with students’ assessed reading and literacy needs including the prevention and intervention of reading difficulties; and assist teachers to ensure that the full range of students develop proficiency; and
- Assist students’ and teachers’ use of information and communication technologies and the development of digital literacy skills.
Requirements for the RLAA
Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:
- Possess a valid basic California teaching credential, which may be one of the following:
- A teaching credential requiring a bachelor’s degree and a professional preparation program, including student teaching.
- A clear, full-time designated subjects teaching credential, provided that the holder also possesses a bachelor’s degree and has met the basic skills requirement. See Commission leaflet CL-667, entitled Basic Skills Requirement, for additional information.
- A teaching credential requiring a bachelor’s degree and a professional preparation program, including student teaching.
- Possess an English Learner Authorization.
- Provide verification of three years successful, full-time teaching experience in any grade or subject, preschool through adult exclusive of student teaching, intern teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency or teaching permit.
- Completion of an RLAA professional preparation program, including successful completion of a supervised field experience.
- Recommendation for the added authorization from a Commission-approved Reading and Literacy Added Authorization program sponsor.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification
Teachers who are certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in the area of Literacy:
Reading-Language Arts/Early and Middle Childhood may apply directly to the Commission for the RLAA by satisfying the following requirements:
- Possess a valid basic California teaching credential, which may be one of the following:
- A teaching credential requiring a bachelor’s degree and a professional preparation program, including student teaching.
- A clear, full-time designated subjects teaching credential, provided that the holder also possesses a bachelor’s degree and has met the basic skills requirement. See Commission leaflet CL-667, entitled Basic Skills Requirement, for additional information.
- A teaching credential requiring a bachelor’s degree and a professional preparation program, including student teaching.
- Possess an English Learner Authorization.
- Provide verification of three years successful, full-time teaching experience in any grade or subject, preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, intern teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency or teaching permit.
- Submit a photocopy of National Board Certification.
- Completed application ( form 41-4) and appropriate application processing fee.
For more information, visit the Commission-Approved Professional Programs.
Education Code §44399; Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 80014 and 80014.1.