Commission staff may issue an extension of time by appeal for a credential or permit when an applicant verifies good cause for not completing the renewal requirements. An appeal may be issued only once, except in cases where the extenuating circumstances continue to exist and the applicant has made sufficient progress toward completion of the requirements.

Note: A credential may lapse without penalty as long as an individual is not employed in a position that requires it. An extension may be requested when an individual has an offer of employment in a position which allows for the completion of the clear credential requirements.

Individuals may apply for an extension at any time within one year of a credential’s expiration date or if it has already expired. Applications requesting extension by appeal are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Appeals are not granted if an applicant cannot show good cause, providing documentation of the extenuating circumstances or substantial reasons for the extension request. Financial hardship cannot be considered a valid reason for appeal.

Good cause shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. The applicant was unable to complete requirements because of personal health problems or the health problems of a family or household member.
  2. The applicant is currently employed in a position requiring a credential or its equivalent and no California college or university (Institution of Higher Education [IHE]) or Local Education Agency (LEA) can be reached within one and one-half hours of traveling time.
  3. The applicant submits verification from the IHE or LEA that there were no openings in the program or that the required course work was unavailable.
  4. A requirement has been established since the applicant received his or her credential.
  5. The applicant unknowingly completed course work, such as continuing education courses, which the IHE, LEA, or Commission cannot accept toward completion of the requirements.
  6. The applicant did not receive information about the requirement from the Commission with sufficient time to complete the requirement.
  7. The applicant enrolled in a second or subsequent IHE or LEA and the new IHE or LEA required additional course work or assessment which the applicant was unable to complete on time.
  8. The applicant was unable to attend IHE or LEA due to job or family demands.
  9. The applicant has completed educational requirements, but has not met the experience requirement.
  10. The applicant has not been employed in the California public school system since the credential was issued.

Appeal Categories

Three-Year Extension of Teaching Credentials

This option is available only to individuals issued a preliminary or Level I general education or special education teaching credential that requires, in addition to any other requirements, completion of a teacher induction program to qualify for the clear credential.

To qualify for this extension, individuals applying for the three-year extension must include with their application:

  1. Certification that the individual meets the following criteria:
    1. is not currently employed in a teaching position, and
    2. one of the following:
      1. was employed for less than one school year and was not able to complete a teacher induction program, or
      2. is employed in a position that does not allow for completion of a teacher induction program (i.e. long term substitute, individual tutoring in a for-profit agency, or employed in a before or after school program for  which a teaching credential is required)
  2. A statement explaining why renewal requirements were not met and a description of the plan to complete the renewal requirements during the valid period of the extension.

Verification is to be completed on Form CL-884 and attached to the credential application Form 41-4. This type of extension if allowed will not be granted more than once.

Two-Year Extension of Teaching Credentials

This option is available only to individuals issued a preliminary or Level I general education or special education teaching credential that requires, in addition to any other requirements, completion of a teacher induction program to qualify for the clear credential.

Individuals employed in a teaching position that allows for completion of a teacher induction program but have not been employed long enough to earn the clear credential may qualify for a two-year extension of their teaching credential. This is true whether or not they had previously been issued a three-year extension for the same credential. All applications for the two-year extension must include:

  1. Verification of employment in a position that allows for completion of a teacher induction program.
  2. Verification of enrollment in a teacher induction program.

Verification is to be completed on Form CL-885 and attached to the credential application Form 41-4. This type of extension if allowed will not be granted more than once.

New Requirement Added By Statute or Regulation

An educator may be eligible for a one-year extension if the individual was not informed of a new requirement and has completed all other requirements for the renewal of the credential. Application packets must include:

  1. Verification showing the completion of all other renewal requirements must be submitted.
  2. If completing a California-approved program, the college or university or employer must verify that all other renewal requirements have been completed.

Medical Appeal

An educator may be eligible for a one-year extension if the individual did not complete renewal requirements due to medical or health issues that occurred during the term of the credential affecting the applicant, family, or a household member. Application packets must include:
  1. A physician’s statement describing the nature and duration of the illness must be submitted. A birth or death certificate may be required, as applicable.

Emergency/ Limited Assignment Permit Appeal

An educator may be eligible for a one-year extension if the individual did not complete either the required six semester (or nine quarter) units of renewal course work or pass the required examinations for renewal of an emergency or limited assignment permit. No appeal is available for failure to obtain an IHE evaluation on the first renewal, as applicable to the permit type. Application packets must include:
  1. Verification of enrollment in a program must be submitted, as applicable.
  2. Valid reason for not completing requirements must be submitted.
  3. Photocopies of passing/failing examination scores must be submitted, as applicable.
  4. Completed Form CL-469 must be submitted, as applicable to the permit type.

Failure to Complete Renewal Requirement(s)

An educator may be eligible for a one-year extension if the individual did not complete the renewal requirements during the term of the credential due to other extenuating circumstances. Application packets must include:

  1. A statement explaining the reasons that he or she was unable to complete the renewal requirements.
  2. A letter from the authorized individual at a California college or university with a Commission approved program for the credential under consideration detailing the requirements that the candidate must complete to obtain the clear credential.
  3. Official transcripts showing completion of all course work taken since the credential was issued. The credential may be extended for an additional one-year period if the candidate submits official transcripts showing completion of a minimum of 12 semester hours of college course work and a letter from the authorized individual at a California college or university with a Commission-approved program for the credential under consideration stating the course work completed was required for the clear credential.
  4. Exam score report(s) for any examination(s) taken since the last credential was issued.
  5. Verification of all teaching experience completed since the last credential was issued. If the experience was out of state, a photocopy of the out-of-state certificate that authorized the service is required. If the applicant was out of the teaching field, he or she should submit verification of the non-teaching work experience.

An applicant may also be eligible for a one-year extension even if previously issued a two-year or three-year extension for the same credential. In such a case, the applicant must be employed in a teaching position that allows for completion of requirements but not long enough to have earned the clear credential.

How to Apply

Applications for all extensions by appeal require submission of the following items:

  1. Completed application (Form 41-4). Clearly mark the application as an “appeal” at the top right hand corner of the form (All applications requesting an extension by appeal must be submitted using the paper application process. Appeal applications for emergency or teaching permits must be submitted through the employing agency).
  2. Application processing fee (non-refundable). See Commission leaflet CL-659, entitled Fee Information for additional information.
  3. A letter stating the circumstances or reasons which necessitate the extension.
  4. Completed forms appropriate to the permit or credential type requested; i.e. Form CL-469 (according to permit type), Form CL-884, or CL-885 as indicated.
  5. Official transcripts and exam score reports verifying any renewal requirements that were completed.
  6. Documentation verifying the reason(s) for requesting an extension. For the purpose of clarifying credential or permit requirements or justifying an appeal, Commission staff may request additional supporting documentation from the applicant, program sponsor, or employer.


California Education Code, Sections 44225(m), 44251, 44253, 44277, 44279, and 44348, and Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 80413 and 80523

AL-3  July, 2020
Updated December 18, 2024