The Emergency Specialist Teaching Permit in Early Childhood Education, also known as the Emergency Transitional Kindergarten Permit (ETK Permit) is an emergency specialist teaching permit in early childhood education that authorizes teaching all subjects in a self-contained transitional kindergarten general education classroom.

The Emergency Transitional Kindergarten Permit is only available at the request of an employing agency. Individuals may not apply directly to the Commission for this document. Holders of this permit are restricted to service with the employing agency requesting the permit. An employing agency is defined as a California public school district, county office of education, nonpublic, nonsectarian school and agency as defined in Education Code sections 56365 and 56366, charter school, or statewide agency.

The permit is renewable upon verification from the employing agency that specific requirements have been completed.

Requirements for Initial Issuance

  1. Possession of a baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally-accredited college or university.
  2. Possession a valid Child Development Teacher Permit or higher.
  3. Satisfaction of one of the following:
    1. 24 semester units of coursework in the field of Child Development or Early Childhood Education from a regionally-accredited college or university.
    2. Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree in Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a similar major.
    3. Beginning 7/1/2023, have three or more years of full-time teaching experience in a transitional kindergarten setting, preschool age early childhood or child development program, or a combination of these experiences.
  4. The employing agency must have an annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators (form CL-500) on file with the Commission.
  5. Verification of meeting the initial requirements by submission of a completed form CL-908.
  6. Submission of a completed application (form 41-4) and processing fee.

Requirements for One Time Renewal

  1. The employing agency must verify all of the following on the form entitled Verification of Requirements for the Transitional Kindergarten Permit (form CL-908) for the one-time renewal:
    1. That the applicant is currently enrolled in a Commission-approved teacher preparation program that will result in the issuance of a credential authorizing teaching in a transitional kindergarten assignment.
    2. That the employer will continue to provide mentoring and support to the employee.
  2. Submission of a completed application Form 41-4 and processing fee.


All ETK Permits are issued with an English learner authorization. This authorization allows the holder to teach English language development (also known as English as a Second Language or ESL) and specially designed academic instruction delivered in English (SDAIE).

Bilingual Authorizations:

Bilingual Authorizations may be requested by the employing agency and added directly to an ETK document if target-language proficiency has been verified. Additional information may be found in Coded Correspondence 10-07.

Individuals may verify target-language proficiency by one of the following methods:

  • Pass Test II or III (depending on the specific language) of the CSET: World Languages Examinations in the target language. Passing exam scores are valid for five years from the individual test date.
  • If Test II or III of the CSET: World Languages Examination is not available, pass an assessment performed by an approved organization covering the integrated communication skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language.
  • Pass an assessment covering the integrated communication skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing administered by a California college or university as a part of its Commission-approved bilingual authorization program in the target language.
  • Possess a valid, non-emergency California Single Subject or Standard Secondary Teaching Credential with a major in the target language.
  • Possess a three-year or higher degree from a foreign institution in which all instruction was delivered in the target language. The foreign institution must be equivalent in status to a regionally-accredited institution of higher education in the United States.

Period of Validity

The Transitional Kindergarten Permit is valid for one year and is renewable one time for a total of two issuances.


More information on Transitional Kindergarten can be found at the following link: Transitional Kindergarten (

California  Education Code, Section 44300(J)

CL-909  August 2022
Updated August 22, 2023