Early Completion Option for Multiple Subject and Single Subject Intern Program Candidates
The Early Completion Option (ECO) is intended to provide individuals who have requisite skills and knowledge an opportunity to challenge the course work portion of a Multiple Subject (MS) or Single Subject (SS) Intern Credentialing Program. All Commission-approved MS and SS intern programs (both university and district) must offer Early Completion Option to qualified candidates. The Early Completion Option does not waive the entire program but allows for an expedited pathway by waiving preparation program coursework for those candidates who meet the criteria.
Requirements for the Early Completion Intern Option
Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:
- Requirements for the issuance of a University or District Intern credential.
- Individuals must have an offer of employment and be enrolled in a Commission-approved district or university intern program. Applications must be submitted to the Commission through the Commission-approved intern program sponsor.
- Passage of the National Evaluation Series (NES) Assessment of Professional Knowledge (APK): Elementary (Test code 051) for Multiple Subjects candidates or Secondary (Test code 052) for Single Subject candidates (See Terms and Definitions). An intern
who elects to use the early completion option must first pass the required APK in order to qualify to take the teaching performance assessment required for the ECO, as specified in Education Code section 44468.
- Pass the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) necessary to satisfy the fieldwork component required for the teacher intern program. Candidates must pass the TPA within the first year of the program, on the first attempt in
order to be eligible for the ECO. Candidates must remain enrolled in the program coursework and participate in the supervised clinical placement until the TPA is passed. If a candidate does not pass any section of the TPA on the first attempt,
he/she is no longer eligible to participate in the ECO program and must complete the full teacher preparation program.
- Completion of a course (two semester units or three quarter units) in the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution, or passage of an examination in the subject given by a regionally-accredited college, or university.
- Fingerprint processing by Live Scan (form 41-LS), if not previously completed for the Commission.
Remaining Requirements for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential
Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:[1]
- Complete requirements listed above.
- Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). RICA is a requirement for Multiple Subjects Credential candidates only. For more information, visit the RICA website.
- Complete foundational computer technology course work that includes general and specialized skills in the use of computers in educational settings.
- Recommendation from Commission-approved intern program sponsor using the CTC online system.
Note [1]: The employer may require additional instruction deemed necessary for the preparation of the candidate.
- University intern teaching credential authorize the same instruction at the same grade levels as the corresponding preliminary and clear credentials. For example, a preliminary Multiple Subject Credential and the Multiple Subject University Intern credential both authorized the holder to teach all subjects in a self-contained class in preschool, K-12, and classes for adults, and to teach in a core setting in grades 5-8. The Single Subject and Education Specialist University Intern credentials also authorize the same services and grade levels as the preliminary credentials.
- District intern teaching credentials list specific grade-level authorizations for Multiple and Single Subject. The Multiple Subject District Intern credential authorizes the holder to teach all subjects in a self-contained class in grades kindergarten through eight, and to teach in a core setting in grades 5-8. The Single Subject District Intern credential authorizes the holder to teach departmentalized courses within the content area(s) listed on the document in grades six through twelve. The Education Specialist District Intern teaching credentials authorize the same services and grade levels as the corresponding preliminary and clear credentials.
Period of Validity
The Multiple and Single Subject Intern Teaching Credentials are valid for a period of two years. During this two-year period, the holder must complete the requirements necessary for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential.
Terms and Definitions
National Evaluation Series (NES) Assessment of Professional Knowledge (APK)
The current entry assessment structure using the NES APK assessments became effective on September 26, 2013. The examination scores on the NES assessments have a ten-year period of validity and must be used towards a credential within that time frame.
For an overview of the NES Multiple Subjects assessment (APK 051), links to the candidate study guide, and other materials, and to register for the assessment, visit the NES website.
For information on the NES Single Subject assessment (APK 052), visit the NES website.
Teaching Foundations Examination (TFE)
The TFE has been replaced by the NES APK assessments for use toward meeting the ECO requirements. The final administration of the TFE was in July 2013. Candidates may use scores on the TFE may no longer be used toward meeting the ECO assessment requirements.
Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA)
ECO candidates need to pass the entire Commission-approved TPA on the first attempt and within the first year of the program in order to qualify for the ECO. Prospective ECO candidates should work with their Commission-approved intern programs to complete the entire TPA as part of the ECO entry requirements.
California Education Code 44468.