"Invalid Token" Upon User Authentication

This issue occurs when a considerable amount of time passes between a user being created, and the user clicking on the link in their email. If this occurs, the user should be advised to navigate to the CalSAAS login page, and click on the "Forgot your password?" link beneath the sign in area. After the user follows the prompts and completes the process, they will be able to access and use the system.

Zoom Issues on Pop Up Windows

If your browser's magnification is too high, you may not be able to view buttons and prompts. If you are having trouble using the system, please make sure the browser is not zoomed in more than 100%.

User Password Requirements

User passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters in length and must include at least one number, one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one non alphanumeric character.

How to Report Technical Issues

If during 2019-20 assignment monitoring you find technical issues with the system, (e.g. you are able to access a school outside of your workload, or an exception does not save, etc.), document these issues using the following format:

User Email AddressUser LevelScreenReproduction StepsExpected Results Actual Results 
 CalSAAS@ctc.ca.govDistrict Admin All Exceptions
  1. Selected School Filter: Charter
  2. Selected the following schools from County Filter: Example Traditional school, Example Charter school (C).
  3. Click APPLY
Only results for Example Charter school (C) should populate in exception list.Both schools appear in exception list.

Please take a screenshot and then, if you are a:

  • County Admin, send to CalSAAS@ctc.ca.gov
  • Single District County District Admin, send to CalSAAS@ctc.ca.gov
  • Any user created by either of the above should send these to their Monitoring Authority.

We are counting on Monitoring Authorities to screen their users' emails for misunderstandings and duplicate system issues already reported by the Monitoring Authority.

Not Receiving "Forgot your password" Email

If after selecting the "Forgot your password" link from the CalSAAS login page you do not see the email in your inbox: First, check your SPAM folder. If the email is not found in your SPAM folder, then inquire with your IT department to verify that emails from donotreply@ctc.ca.gov are not being blocked.

"Locked out" message after log-in attempt

After 5 attempts to log in using an incorrect username and password combination, the user account will be locked for a short period of time. No action is needed to unlock the account. Do not attempt to log in again. After about an hour has passed, the user should be able to log back in to the system.

Screens not populating

If when selecting an Exception screen the screen does not populate and remains blank, the user should be advised to log out, close the internet browser and open a new browser. CalSAAS supports current versions of the browsers listed below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

Internet Explorer is not recommended when using CalSAAS.

Unable to create new TPSL List entry

To create a new entry to the Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (TPSL) List, follow the steps outlined below:

On the TPSL List screen click the "New" button. In the "Create new entry" window, enter the name and SEID of the TPSL holder. Then in the Permit Details section click the "Add" button. CalSAAS users must edit and complete all sections in permit details box, including Subject, Grade, Specific Statutory Leave Section, School Site of Assignment (CDS), Setting, Teacher of Record's name, Teacher of Record's SEID, and Number of Cumulative Days Served. Then click the "Create" button.

Updated August 08, 2022