Exception Status

The status of an exception in CalSAAS informs the user where the exception is in the review process and which entity (i.e. Monitoring Authority (MA) or the Local Education Agency (LEA)) has worked on it last. Exceptions can be filtered and sorted by status type.

Filtering and Sorting by Exception Status


The Status filter options can be viewed on both the Assigned Schools and All Schools Dashboards as shown below:

Image of the Assigned Schools Dashboard in CalSAAS with the status filters on the left-hand side highlighted. The status options shown are Undetermined, MA Review, Returned to LEA, Returned to MA, MA Completed, Submitted to CTC and Finalized.

*Note that exception figures have been removed from the dashboard above to make this image generic.

When a user selects one or more of the status options, the data displayed on the dashboard will change to include only those exceptions with the status selected. The intent of this feature is to allow the user to view at a glance how the exceptions are distributed across the determinations for each status type.

Exception Screen:

The Status options are also available when viewing exceptions in the Exception screens. To filter, a user can select one or more of the status options on the left-hand side and then click “Apply”.

Image of the Exception Screen in CalSAAS with the Status Filters on the left-hand side highlighted. The options are Undetermined, MA Review, Returned to LEA, Returned to MA, MA Completed, Submitted to CTC and Finalized.

Sorting: A user can also sort the exceptions by status. “Status” is present as a column heading and the exceptions can be sorted by clicking on that column.

Image of the Exception Screen focusing on the columns at the top of the list of exceptions. The column titles are Details, Last Name, First Name, School, District, Status, Exceptions Type, Exception Value, Determination and Last Modified. The Status column is highlighted.

This allows the user to group together the exceptions by status without excluding any of the exceptions. 


Status Types

The 7 Status Types are:

  • Undetermined: Exceptions have the status of Undetermined (and determination of None) when the monitoring cycle begins, unless the exception has been predetermined as a Vacancy, Core Setting or Local Assignment Option. These exceptions can be accessed in the “Undetermined” Exceptions tab. The Local Education Agency (LEA) has the ability to review the exception, select an appropriate determination and submit to the Monitoring Authority (MA) for review.
  • MA Review: Exceptions that need to be reviewed by the MA. These may be either predetermined exceptions or exceptions submitted to the MA by the LEA. LEA CalSAAS users can view exceptions with this status in the “All” Exceptions tab but the LEA user cannot edit exceptions that have a status of “MA Review”. Monitoring Authority CalSAAS users can access these exceptions in the “Review” Exceptions tab:Image of Exceptions Screen Dashboard, focusing on the subcategories of: All, Review, MA Completed, Returned and Undetermined. The Review Status is highlighted.
  • Returned to LEA: Exceptions that the MA sent to the LEA for review. MA CalSAAS users are able to edit these returned exceptions; for example, they can add a new comment, or change the determination and complete the exception. These exceptions are displayed in the “Returned” Exceptions tab: Image of Exceptions Screen Dashboard, focusing on the subcategories of: All, Review, MA Completed, Returned and Undetermined. The Returned Status is highlighted.
  • Returned to MA: Like the MA Review status, these exceptions are displayed in the “Review” Exceptions tab for MA CalSAAS users, and can be viewed by LEA CalSAAS users in the “All” Exceptions tab.
  • MA Completed: Exceptions that have been reviewed and completed by the MA, either by the MA accepting a determination from the LEA or changing the determination. Exceptions with the MA Completed status can still be edited by the MA. For example, the MA can change the determination or send the exception back to the LEA for further review. 
  • Submitted to CTC: After the MA submits the exceptions to CTC the status for those exceptions changes to Submitted to CTC. Exceptions with a status of Submitted to CTC are able to be viewed in the “All” exceptions screen, but cannot be edited.
  • Finalized: Exceptions have a status of Finalized after CTC officially finalizes the data from the assignment monitoring cycle.
Updated January 17, 2023