During the assignment monitoring process, employers may find that some educators need to obtain new credential authorizations in order to be properly and legally assigned to their positions. This document provides a list of credentialing options available to assist employers in remedying this type of teacher misassignment.
All of the documents listed cover the statutory subjects provided by Education Code §44257, which includes all Single Subject content areas.
Credentialed General Education Educators
Educators that already hold a Single or Multiple Subject Teaching Credential have several options to obtain new subject area authorizations.
General Education Limited Assignment Permits
This permit allows general education credential holders based on a bachelor’s degree and student teaching to obtain additional subject area authorizations on their document while they pursue a permanent authorization. No subject-matter preparation is required upon initial issuance. A General Education Multiple or Single Subject Limited Assignment Teaching Permit is valid for one year and may be reissued twice in any one specific subject. See CL-828 for document requirements.
Introductory Subject Matter and Supplementary Authorizations
These authorizations allow the educator to teach introductory subjects to students. Introductory subjects allow educators to teach curriculum approved for grades 9 and below, but may be offered to students up to grade 12. Educators are eligible for these authorizations if they possess an appropriate prerequisite teaching credential and have completed a required number of college credits in the subject (20-32 semester units). See Leaflets CL-852 for information on Subject Matter Authorizations and CL-629 and CL-603 for information on Supplementary Authorizations.
Adding a Full Subject Authorization
The Commission also allows educators who hold full Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credentials to obtain full authorizations. Educators who hold the prerequisite credentials may add a full content area by verifying subject-matter competence in the content area they are seeking by completing the corresponding California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) examinations (see CL-674S), and completing a three-semester-unit or four-quarter-unit course in methodology directly related to teaching in a departmentalized setting. More information is available in CL-621a.
Short-Term Waivers
Short-term waivers permit local approval when there is an immediate, unanticipated short-term staffing need. They may be issued one time only for any individual, and only one time for a class. These waivers must be issued in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 5, §80123(a). The County Office of Education and the Commission must be notified of these waivers as part of the annual assignment monitoring process. The Commission may rescind the authority of an employing agency to grant a short-term waiver upon finding that the agency has intentionally violated any provisions of sections 80120 or 80123.
Uncredentialed Individuals for General or Special Education Assignments
Uncredentialed individuals can also obtain emergency permits which authorize their assignments.
Short-Term Staff Permit (STSP)
This permit allows an employing agency to fill an acute staffing need, which requires an employer to fill a classroom immediately based on an unforeseen circumstance. This permit is only available for one school year and may not be reissued. The STSP is available to educators who have not completed a teacher preparation program. Additional information may be found in CL-858.
Provisional Internship Permit (PIP)
These permits allow an employing agency to fill an immediate staffing need by hiring an individual who has not yet met the subject matter competence requirement needed to enter an intern program. This permit is valid for one year and may be reissued once if issued before October 1, 2013. This document is only available at the request of an employing agency. Information on obtaining this document can be found in CL-856.
Variable Term Waivers
The Variable Term Waiver is a document issued for employers who meet the waiver criteria when a fully credentialed teacher is not available for the assignment. Terms for the Waiver Criteria are set by the Commission and include specific requirements for designated high and low incidence credentialing areas including verification of recruitment efforts, evidence of qualifications to teach in the assignment and a commitment to meet the credentialing goals. More information can be found in the Commission’s Waiver Requests Guidebook.
Local Assignment Options
There are additional Education Code options available to employers. These Local Assignment Options do not require the acquisition of a new Commission issued document or authorization, though educators may already need to have a credential outside of the subject area to be eligible for these options. All of these options require the consent of the teacher and none of these options are available to waiver or emergency permit holders.
Education Code §44256(a)
The holder of a Single Subject Teaching Credential or a Standard Secondary Credential who has completed 20 semester hours of coursework or 10 semester hours of upper division or graduate coursework in a subject may be approved by the governing board of the school district to teach that subject in departmentalized classes in grades 7 to 12. Additional information is available by reviewing Education Code Section 44256(a).
Education Code §44258.2
The holder of a Single Subject Teaching Credential or a Standard Secondary Teaching Credential who has completed 12 semester hours of coursework or 6 semester hours of upper division or graduate coursework in a subject by action of the governing board of the school district to teach that subject in departmentalized classes in grades 5-8. Additional information is available by reviewing Education Code Section 44258.2.
Education Code §44258.3
The governing board of a school district may assign the holder of a full teaching credential to teach any subjects in departmentalized classes in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, provided that the governing board verifies that the teacher has adequate knowledge of each subject to be taught and the teacher consents to that assignment. The governing board must adopt and implement specific policies and procedures. Additional information is available by reviewing both Education Code Section 44258.3 and the advisory issued by the Commission.
Education Code §§44258.7(c) & (d)
A elementary or secondary teacher employed on a full-time basis who teaches kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive and who has special skills and preparation outside of his or her credential authorization may be assigned to teach any departmentalized course outside of the subject areas of English, mathematics, science, or social studies, provided that the assignment is first approved by a Committee on Assignments. Districts making assignments under this subdivision shall submit a plan to the county superintendent of schools whose criteria is outlined in Education Code Sections 44258.7(c)(d).
Education Code §44263
The holder of a full teaching credential who has completed 18 semester hours of coursework or 9 semester hours of upper division or graduate coursework in a subject may be approved by the governing board of the school district to teach that subject in departmentalized classes. Additional information is available by reviewing Education Code 44263.
Other Local Assignment Options
Additional Education Code and Title 5 options in specific subjects and elective areas can be found within the Departmentalized Classrooms webpage.