Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential (MILS)
(Formerly Mathematics Specialist Instruction Credential)
And Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization (MIAA)

Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential


The Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential (MILS) authorizes the holder to teach mathematics in preschool, K–12 inclusive, and in classes organized primarily for adults as follows:

  1. Individuals who complete a post baccalaureate professional preparation program based on the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization and Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential Program Standards (rev. 3/11) in mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra I are authorized to teach the mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including pre-Algebra.

  2. Individuals who complete a post baccalaureate professional preparation program based on the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization and Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential Program Standards (rev. 3/11) in mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra II are authorized to teach mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra I.

In addition to the teaching authorization listed on the document, the holder of the MILS credential is authorized to perform the following duties at the district and county office levels:

  • Develop and coordinate mathematics curriculum.
  • Coach mathematics teachers.
  • Design and implement intensive mathematics interventions.
  • Teach teachers to effectively intervene, accommodate, and differentiate their mathematics instruction to increase student engagement and proficiency in mathematics.
  • Provide leadership in selecting the mathematics curricula and in developing a district, county, or statewide cadre of mathematics teacher leaders.
  • Analyze and use data to restructure school and district mathematics programs to increase students’ college-readiness.
  • Develop programs and deliver staff development for mathematics education programs.

Important Note: Individuals who were issued a Mathematics Specialist Instruction Credential under previous regulations will be issued a Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential with the authorizations shown above upon renewal.

Requirements for the Clear MILS Credential

Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. Possession of a valid basic California teaching credential (See Terms and Definitions).

  2. Possess an English learner authorization issued by the Commission. See credential leaflet CL-622 for more information.

  3. Verification of three years of successful full-time teaching experience in any grades preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, intern teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency teaching permit or variable term waiver. The candidate shall be responsible for obtaining verification of this experience on the official letterhead of the district or districts by the superintendent, assistant superintendent, director of personnel, or director of human resources in which the teacher was employed.

  4. Complete a Commission-approved MILS program, including successful completion of supervised field experience appropriate to the specialization area, at one of the levels specified below:
    1. Mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra I; or
    2. Mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra II.

  5. Obtain the recommendation of a California college or university with a Commission approved MILS Credential program.

Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization

The Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization (MIAA) authorizes the holder to teach departmentalized mathematics in preschool, grades kindergarten through 12, and in classes organized primarily for adults at one of the following levels:

  1. Individuals who complete the program specified in item 4a above are authorized to teach the mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including pre-Algebra; or

  2. Individuals who complete the program specified in item 4b above are authorized to teach mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra I

In addition to the teaching authorization listed on the document, the holder of the MIAA is authorized to perform the following duties at the school site level only:

  • Develop and coordinate mathematics curriculum.
  • Coach mathematics teachers.
  • Design and implement intensive mathematics interventions.
  • Teach teachers to effectively intervene, accommodate, and differentiate their mathematics instruction to increase student engagement and proficiency in mathematics.
  • Develop programs and deliver staff development for mathematics education programs.

Requirements for the Added Authorization

The minimum requirements for the MIAA shall include:

  1. Possession of a valid basic California teaching credential (See Terms and Definitions).

  2. Possess an English learner authorization issued by the Commission. See credential leaflet CL-622 for more information.

  3. Verification of three years of successful full-time teaching experience in any grades preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, intern teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency teaching permit or variable term waiver. The candidate shall be responsible for obtaining verification of this experience on the official letterhead of the district or districts by the superintendent, assistant superintendent, director of personnel, or director of human resources in which the teacher was employed.

  4. Completion of a professional preparation program based on the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization and Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential Program Standards (rev. 3/11), including successful completion of supervised field experience appropriate to the specialization area, at one of the levels specified below:
    1. Mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra I; or
    2. Mathematics content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks up to and including Algebra II.

  5. Recommendation from a Commission-approved MIAA program sponsor.

Terms and Definitions

Basic California Teaching Credential
An individual must hold a valid teaching credential that meets one of the following definitions:

  1. A teaching credential issued on the basis of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university and completion of a professional preparation program that included student teaching. Included in this definition are General and Standard Teaching Credentials, Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credentials, and Education Specialist Instruction Credentials; or

  2. A clear designated subjects teaching credential that authorizes the holder to teach on a full-time basis, as long as the holder also possesses a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university and has satisfied the state basic skills requirement. “Clear Designated Subjects Teaching Credential” includes the Full-Time Vocational Education, Career Technical Education (CTE), and Adult Education Teaching Credentials, as well as the new Clear CTE and Adult Education Teaching Credentials that do not have ‘full-time’ or ‘part-time’ in their title.

California Education Code, Section 44265 and Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 80069.2, and 80070.

CL-898  May, 2012
Updated January 03, 2025