Documents for Service in Special Centers For the Handicapped
(Formerly: Development Center Permits)

Effective February 17, 1986, initial assignment to teach in a special center shall require a Special Education Specialist Instruction Credential authorizing the teaching of the Severely Handicapped, the Restricted Severely Handicapped Credential, the Life Development Center Instruction Permit, the Special Center Permit, or any other special education credential that, under previous laws and regulations, authorized teaching in programs for children who are severely handicapped as defined in Education Code Section 56030.5.

Holders of a Development Center Instruction Permit may continue to serve in a special center, as defined in Education Code Section 56364, until their permits expire. Development Center Permits are not renewable and holders of this permit will, upon the expiration date of the permit, be required to apply for the Special Center Permit, Restricted Severely Handicapped Credential, or Severely Handicapped Specialist Credential, in order to continue to teach in a special center.

Restricted Severely Handicapped Credential

Requirements for issuance

Applicant must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  1. Baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited institution.

  2. Possession of a Special Center Permit or other permit or credential which authorizes service in a special center.

  3. Three years of successful employment in a special center.

  4. Completion of a Commission-accredited program for the Special Education Specialist Instruction Credential authorizing the teaching of the severely handicapped.

  5. Verification of passage of the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST).


The Restricted Severely Handicapped Credential authorizes the instruction, guidance, and care of children in a special center and not in a special class as both are used in Article 4, Section 56364, California Education Code.

Special Center Permit

Requirements for issuance

Renewal application packets must include all of the following:

  1. Possession of a permit which authorizes service in a special center.

  2. Minimum of two (2) years of successful full-time teaching experience in a position requiring the special center permit.

  3. Sixty semester hours of college course work including eight semester hours selected from the following fields: specialized preparation to serve as a teacher of exceptional children, nursery education, early childhood education, or child development. An applicant who has not completed the 60 semester hours of college work at the time his or her provisional Development Center Permit expires has a right of appeal pursuant to Title 5 Sections 80505-80522.

  4. Application form and current fee.


The Special Center Permit authorizes the instruction, guidance, and care of children in a special center as defined in Education Code Sections 56364 and 56030.5.

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 80047.2, 80061, 80061.1, and 80061.2.

CL-718  May, 2012
Updated October 15, 2021