The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges in the way California’s schools operate, requiring a shift to distance learning and online platforms for instruction, as well as reducing student interaction in traditional assignments. This resource is intended to help Local Education Agencies (LEAs) navigate educator assignments during these unprecedented times.
Executive Order N-3-22 offers County Offices of Education temporary staffing flexibilities in response to staffing shortages related to Omicron-driven COVID-19 cases. These provisions expire March 31, 2022. Refer to Coded Correspondence 22-01.
Remote Learning
Credential Authorizations and Remote Learning
Staffing Online Courses
During this time, the Commission expects LEAs to offer a large number of classes online. Online courses can be offered in a variety of ways: 1) instructor led, 2) facilitated, and 3) learner led. The table below describes these classrooms, and the qualifications educators need in order to staff them.
Type | Description | Assigning Educators |
Instructor Led | Instructor led classrooms involve an educator leading a remote classroom just as they would on-site. This includes providing instruction or services, and keeping records of student attendance and progress. | These assignments are treated exactly as they would be if they were offered at a school site; the assigned educator must hold the appropriate authorization for their assignment, regardless of the method of delivery. |
Facilitated | Teachers may also facilitate or support the instruction delivered by software-based or media centered programs instead of leading instruction themselves. They may take attendance and record student progress, but they are not leading instruction. | Any holder of a full credential based on a bachelor’s degree and student teaching is able to staff the position under the Local Assignment Options (LAO) provided by California Code of Regulations, Title 5, §80005(b). |
Learner Led | Courses that are entirely learner led, in which the student sets their own pace course of study through a pre-programmed software-based course. | If there are no student records/attendance or grades associated with the course, it may be proctored by a supervised classified employee. If there are grades associated with the course, Title 5 §80005(b) may be utilized. |
Independent Study
Other Instructional Services
Professional Fitness of Remote Educators
Remote Learning Scenarios
The following scenarios illustrate how to appropriately assign educators in the above mentioned settings.
Scenario | Appropriate Assignment |
A Physical Education teacher holds weekly online video conferences to offer instruction, assign tasks, and record progress. | This is an Instructor Led online course - educator must hold a Single Subject Teaching Credential in Physical Education. |
A teacher leads students through a series of software-based Math modules via email or video check-ins to individuals – during this time they address math or software questions, and record progress. | This is a Facilitated online course – Educator may be authorized under CCR, T5, §80005(b). |
A Science teacher gives students packets of assignments that they complete on their own, without instruction. The teacher grades completed packets and records progress. | This is an Independent Study course – Educator may be authorized under EC §44865. |
Hybrid Assignment Configurations
LEAs may combine remote and/or reduced student interaction assignment configurations in one assignment. The table below describes some hybrid assignment scenarios and the qualifications educators need in order to staff them.
Combination of | Description | Assigning Educators |
| Instructor offers some online instruction and lesson planning, but students are expected to make self-directed progress through educational software, media, or assignment packets while learning on their own. | The educator assigned must hold the appropriate authorization to teach the content area of the course. |
| Instructor and students intermittently meet in person for instruction, but students are expected to make self-directed progress through educational software, media, or assignment packets while learning on their own. | The educator assigned must hold the appropriate authorization to teach the content area of the course. |
| Educators may facilitate the course, but do not offer instruction or plan lessons. Students are served through a variety of methods, including educational software, media, and other forms of self-directed learning. | Assign based on the primary type of instruction being delivered:
Reducing Student Interaction
Assignment Options for Reducing Student Interaction
There are additional ways to configure classrooms in order to limit class sizes and/or student interaction. See the table below for some examples and corresponding assignment options.
Temporary reduction of class sizes at elementary schools: | Options to earn a Multiple Subject authorization: |
Single subject credential holders teaching departmentalized classes at elementary schools (e.g. PE, Music) re-deployed to self-contained classrooms to cover the additional self-contained classroom assignments. |
Local Assignment Options:
Departmentalized enrichment opportunities for students moved to self-contained classrooms to limit student interactions: Educators authorized to teach in self-contained classes can offer math as a departmentalized class while maintaining the self-contained classroom for other subjects during the day. For example, an employer may want a Multiple Subject teacher whose strength is in Math to teach math classes. | Flexibility afforded for holder of Multiple Subject credential:
Options to earn a Single Subject authorization:
Local Assignment Options:
Creating more core setting configurations in grades 5-8 in order to reduce student interactions: Single subject credential holders can be re-deployed to teach core configurations | Options to earn a Multiple Subject authorization:
Local Assignment Options:
Offer distance learning in which the teacher is providing instruction in-person and online. | Authorization Required:
High School converts to offering instruction in self-contained classrooms
Single Subject Credential Holders teaching departmentalized classes are re-deployed to self-contained classroom settings to create insular student groupings. |
Options to earn a Multiple Subject authorization:
Local Assignment Options:
Social Engagement Courses
Because student interaction has been reduced, LEAs may offer online or in-person courses that allow educators to "check-in" with their students and allow students opportunities to socialize. These courses do not include any academic instruction; instead they offer an opportunity to engage with peers, share individual experiences, and discuss coping strategies during this unprecedented time. A fully credentialed educator can be authorized to teach this course under Title 5 §80005(b).
However, LEAs should note that this type of course would be just for socialization and engagement. Any psychological counseling or intervention services should only be provided by Pupil-Personnel Services Credential holders.
Assignment Monitoring
Assignment Monitoring and CALPADS Reporting for 2020-21
Assignment monitoring through CalSAAS for the 2020-21 school is not delayed or canceled because of COVID-19. Because of this, it is important that special attention is paid to recording educator assignments in CALPADS. CALPADS allows you to indicate whether an online class is instructor-led, facilitated, or learner led. It also allows you to designate a course as independent study. CalSAAS uses CALPADS data to conduct monitoring, and takes all these variables into account when reviewing assignments and identifying exceptions. Neglecting to accurately report online or independent study courses will result in an increased monitoring workload.
If you need help determining how to address these assignments in CALPADS, please send your inquiries to the California Department of Education’s CALPADS Operations Office. They may be reached at