General Education Credentials and Permits Authorizing Self-Contained Elementary Teaching Assignments

Currently-Issued Documents

Document TitleDocument CodesAuthorization(s)Self-ContainedCoreTeam Teaching/ Regrouping1
Multiple Subject Teaching CredentialTC2 (P5, CL)R2MPreK-125-8PreK-12
Multiple Subject University Intern CredentialTC2 (IN)R2MPreK-125-8PreK-12
Multiple Subject District Intern CredentialTC10 (ML)R10MK-85-8K-8
Multiple Subject General Education Limited Assignment PermitTLA2 (AL)R2MPreK-125-8PreK-12
Multiple Subject Short-Term Staff PermitTC13 (EM)R2MPreK-125-8PreK-12
Multiple Subject Provisional Internship PermitTC14 (EM)R2MPreK-125-8PreK-12
PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction CredentialPK3PK3PreK-3Not AuthorizedPreK-3
PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction University Intern CredentialPK3 (IN)PK3PreK-3Not AuthorizedPreK-3
PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction District Intern CredentialTC10R10PPreK-3Not AuthorizedPreK-3

Team Teaching and Regrouping must be part of a Self-Contained setting.


Previously-Issued Documents

Document TitleDocument CodesAuthorization(s)Self-ContainedCoreTeam Teaching/ Regrouping1
Standard Early Childhood CredentialSTCC102PreK-3N/APreK-3
Standard Elementary Credential2STCA101K-95-8K-9
General Kindergarten-Primary Teaching CredentialGT1G1K-3N/AK-3
General Elementary Teaching CredentialGT2G2K-85-8K-8

Team Teaching and Regrouping must be part of a Self-Contained setting.

A small percentage of these were issued authorizing service only in the subject of the non-academic major--check the document.

*Documents that authorize an educator to serve as a teacher of record for a self-contained classroom, including the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Standard Elementary Teaching Credential, or General Elementary Teacher Credential, also authorize the holder to teach reading in a departmentalized classroom. The holder of a PK-3 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Specialist Instruction Credential is authorized to teach reading in a departmentalized classroom, limited to preschool through grade 3.


Updated July 11, 2024