Dual or concurrent enrollment programs are innovative partnerships between public schools and local community colleges that allow high school students to earn both high school and college credit as part of an alternative education option.
Education code (EC) sections 48800 and 76004 authorize such programs and allow college instructors to serve students participating in dual or concurrent enrollment programs without requiring an appropriate credential issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the assignment. These sections of statute are specific to local community colleges and do not apply to four-year institutions.
Employers should note that Education code section 76004 requires the school district and community college district partners to comply with state and federal reporting requirements regarding the qualification of the teacher or faculty member teaching the course offered for high school credit. The partnership agreement between the school district and the community college district must specify which district will be the employer of record for assignment monitoring and reporting purposes.
Local educational agencies (LEAs) will need to cite either EC §48800 or EC §76004 as the alternative legal authorization for the assignment in the same manner as is done with other local assignment options. LEAs must report assignments of this nature with the appropriate attribute in CALPADS.
- Course Non Standard Instructional Level attribute: 23 for College Credit Only or 24 for Dual Credit
- Local Assignment Option: 20 for EC §48800 or 21 for EC §76004
As always, an appropriately credentialed Single Subject teacher may also serve students in these programs, however, LEAs should work with the partnering college to identify the appropriate individual for such assignments based on the provision of the EC authorizing the program.
The information provided above is designed to serve as guidance only. Local educational agencies are responsible to thoroughly review relevant Statutes and Regulations and determine the appropriateness of an assignment at the local level.
Questions concerning ADA funding, apportionment, block grants, or CALPADS reporting of such assignments should be referred to either the California Department of Education or the funding source, as CTC has no purview over these areas.