This checklist is intended to assist Monitoring Authorities in assessing their authorized charter’s compliance with state and federal law.


All teachers in the school have satisfied Commission requirements for professional fitness.

Professional fitness pursuant to Education Code Sections §§44339, 44340, and 44341 may be met through the issuance of a Certificate of Clearance if the educator has no Commission documents, or through holding a valid credential, permit, or waiver.


Teachers who provide instruction in general education core subject areas (reading, writing, mathematics, history/social science, and science) hold the appropriate credential authorizations required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, §80005(a) provides the appropriate single subject credential authorization areas for these content areas.


Teachers are only using assignment flexibility provided in AB 1505 for noncore/non-college-preparatory general education or career technical education courses.

Prior to the passage of AB 1505, charter school teachers instructing core classrooms should have been appropriately credentialed pursuant to Education code §§47605(l) and 47605.6(l). Therefore, the assignment flexibility does not apply to core curriculum classrooms. Core curriculum includes English, Math, Science, and Social Science.


Teachers using assignment flexibility provided in AB 1505 were assigned to the same position in 2019-20.

Education Code Section §44258.10: Notwithstanding paragraph (9) of subdivision (e) of Section 44258.9, for teachers employed by charter schools during the 2019–20 school year, the monitoring authority shall not be required, pursuant to paragraph (9) of subdivision (e) of Section 44258.9, to advise the charter school administrator to correct a misassignment until July 1, 2025.


Charter school administrators and credential analysts are aware that teachers using AB 1505 flexibility are misassigned, and have been advised on assignment correction options.

Pursuant to Code Section §44258.10, teachers using this flexibility are misassigned but can continue to serve without correction until July 1, 2025.


Teachers have the legally required Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD); Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (B-CLAD); or other appropriate English learner authorization to provide instruction to the students enrolled in their classes.

Education Code § 44253.1 provides that limited-English-proficient pupils must be served by teachers who have essential skills and knowledge related to English language development, specially designed content instruction delivered in English, and content instruction delivered in the pupils’ primary languages.


Teachers who provide special education and related services have the appropriate credentials and certifications to serve their students.

The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires that special education services are provided in conformity with students’ Individualized Education Program (IEP).


Volunteers and docents are supervised by credentialed educators and are not acting as teachers of record.

Volunteers and docents are subject to the immediate supervision and direction of certificated personnel pursuant to Education Code §§45349 and 35021.


Every course that the student receives; 1) a grade, 2) graduation credit, and/or 3) the course counts towards the required daily instructional minutes is staffed by a credentialed teacher.

Education code §44001 provides that “position requiring certification qualifications” includes every type of service for which certification qualifications are established. The Commission has established teaching and related-service credentials for positions involving all the above-mentioned scenarios.

Updated February 06, 2024